This is a static archive scraped from the now-closed forum. If this archive has helped you at all and you fancy buying me a pint to say thanks, you can do so at

1778 and all that

No. 47

No. 47

2017-07-03 18:57:00 UTC

No doubt seeking either to emulate John Paul Jones (not that one) on 239th anniversary or political asylum from the current Potus, Sarasota Steve will shortly being arriving in London - suggest the UK/London and south-east chapter should organise suitable reception(s) at Bike Shed, Brands BSB and/or other - any takers/suggestions, subject to SS itinerary?



2017-07-03 21:59:00 UTC

I'm happy to show my face, family blah not preventing it..



2017-07-04 19:01:00 UTC

No 47. My wife has a few things in the calendar already. I think we are going to ACE cafe on Friday July 21. I'll get back to you about open dates for the bike shed meeting.



2017-07-06 03:19:00 UTC


I arrive in London Sunday July 16th., I'm available to meet at the Bike Shed on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday night. First round is on me.

I have a few members' phone numbers. if you want me to contact you via WhatsApp send me a PM.