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9/11 never Forget



2011-09-11 08:24:00 UTC

A powerful image from the days after 9/11................




2011-09-11 09:29:00 UTC

A day that forever changed our world.

Great pic Russ. Cheers



2011-09-11 13:04:00 UTC

Ten years...

To all my brothers and sisters in arms who have fallen, may you rest in peace.



2011-09-11 23:34:00 UTC

I was blessed to be out of the house today. I would have fallen to the images that were surely pasted on the tv screen and I would have felt much worse. A dispicable act of terrorism that has left this nation scrambling to again find out what we are and what we stand for. Trade Center and New York are two powerful ideas and ideals not to mention Pentagon and sacrifice in Penn-sylvania,
I was also blessed to be on a jobsite the day of terror, once again being relieved of the horrorible images.
Whether one places this anniversary in the category of payback for US involvement in crimes past or places it in an anniversary to remember The glory of the goodness that our nation has and will to continue to bestow upon others, we will remember that we are still the center of trade and no York is as special as the New one.
Sept maybe the peppermint patti!



2011-09-12 08:06:00 UTC

I just cant believe the evil minds of some so called Humans! This photo says It all!!



2011-09-12 09:13:00 UTC

fook that is probably what the end of civilization would look like



2011-09-12 11:00:00 UTC

Some powerful stuff here:

The loss of life was horrific.

At this time I think its also worth remembering how cyclical history appears to be.
Have a read of some of the pieces about the photographs on the link.
We are facing a potential depression like the 1920s caused at least in part by the massive government spending on both sides of the Atlantic funded by borrowing rather than taxes in response to 9/11.
Al Qaeda may well have caused the Western World more damage than even they could have dreamed of.
Sorry if this is a bit deep for a motorcycle forum but IMO:
The war on terror is merely the latest chapter in a fundamental conflict of ideas, culture and religion that has been raging for the last 1600 years and is largely responsible for the shape of Western culture and the formation of the USA.



2011-09-12 11:14:00 UTC

The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within. SO FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.



2011-09-12 12:15:00 UTC

IMO you can compare 9/11 to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour, a declaration of war......
10 years after 9/11 nothing has really happened just a woolly liberal response that has wasted billions of Dollars and achieved nothing, looks like a double victory for Al Qaeda to me, I sincerely hope the next time they try something the result of their actions will get them what they deserve,
To be swiftly and completely Wiped them from the face of the earth



2011-09-13 08:05:00 UTC

I can honestly say that to think that nothing has changed in 10 years when it comes to terrorism is pure ignorance. Afghanistan as a whole is a much safer place. The people are mostly free from intimidation in the bigger cities. Can we win in Afghanistan in the small rural areas? No. The Taliban has a much bigger influence on the people then the US. That and most of this war is religious based, things quoted out of the Qur'an but the majority of afghans cant read the Qur'an because its written in Arabic and they speak Pashtun. So the religious extremest are free to interpret the words of the Qur'an any way they please to the people. However, It may look like the War has stalled but the US Military is a Chainsaw, chewing up and spitting out terrorism every day. And it never stops. Its always running. Do not forget what you do not see. Just because it isn't in the media doesn't mean it doesn't happen.



2011-09-13 09:34:00 UTC

Just out of curiosity, how much time have spent down there? Afghanistan is only marginally better off now than it was before we went in. And depending who you ask, from an everyday Afghan's perspective, it's worse. The two biggest hurdles/problems facing Afghanistan are the country's own government and Pakistan. There will never be an effective, stable government there as long as it is based on familial/tribal ties. Under the Talibs, again from the eyes of the Afghan on the street, there was at least stability and justice; however harsh it may be. And as far as Pakistan goes, I'm not going down that rabbit hole on an Internet forum. Do some actual looking into it though if you really want to know the details.

At the end of the day, we will never find a "solution" to a south Asian "problem" while we are looking at the situation through western eyes. Their culture has existed far longer than ours, and they're happy with it. How would you feel if everyone kept coming into your house to tell you you're doing it wrong?



2011-09-13 10:02:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-09-13 10:33:00 UTC

Post missing.