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A$$hole squids in NY



2013-09-30 21:04:00 UTC

what do you guys think of NY incident? personally, i am with the Range Rover guy all the way!



2013-09-30 21:25:00 UTC

Same here, it's not his fault. He was obviously distracted by all the bikers riding like bellends. I'd try and get away too if I was him.



2013-09-30 21:37:00 UTC

Precisely why I carry a gun.



2013-09-30 21:45:00 UTC

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2013-09-30 22:22:00 UTC

This brings a bad rep to all bikers... shit should not be tolerated!




2013-09-30 23:28:00 UTC

All I can say is,,,,what a great place to ride a sportbike,,,,,,



2013-09-30 23:41:00 UTC

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2013-10-01 00:32:00 UTC

No sympathy for the riders. And now we'll all wear that reputation for a bit.

I have been surprised that even on squid forums such as there is a great amount of common sense on this one, just like in this thread. It's a shame that my local riding forum has a great many who are supporting the bikers with great ignorance.



2013-10-01 00:37:00 UTC

In lieu of Smith & Wesson, Good Year works in a pinch.



2013-10-01 04:30:00 UTC

To be serious I would of had trouble controlling my rage you would have seen bikes and riders
flying over and under that 4WD.
I reckon that dude did well to control himself.



2013-10-01 05:42:00 UTC

Dude! BassAgent, are you okay?



2013-10-01 14:18:00 UTC



2013-10-01 14:58:00 UTC

Agreed, I was shaking my head throughout thinking "what a group of bell ends".



2013-10-01 18:33:00 UTC

Unfortunately tarnishes our image even further since that knob head ran into the cyclists a couple of months ago. I think all of us seasoned riders need to start having chats with some of these idiots when we see them out on the roads.



2013-10-01 19:03:00 UTC

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2013-10-01 19:47:00 UTC

The driver had his wife and a 5 months old kid on board. He was beaten up heavily and carved in his face with a knife.



2013-10-01 21:41:00 UTC

Nerd you don't care about me?!?!?!?

I'm actually omw out of that god forsaken place lol. In NC ATM eat in hardees



2013-10-01 23:02:00 UTC

I read today that it appeared that all the bike dudes were doing was trying to slow cars so that all the bikes could be in one lane.
The dude in the suv panicked and the rest is history.
Also One of the bikers was paralyzed.



2013-10-01 23:14:00 UTC

The guy that got run over has a 99% chance of never walking again ( made the nightly tonight),,,,and IMO PR's make the best knife wielding thug's in the USA,, don't like to go and say that ,,,but it's true,,,,,,



2013-10-01 23:21:00 UTC

definately the bikers fault...also being that he had his wife and kid in the car when they smashed in his window he had every right to defend them by all means necessary if he happened to be exercising his rights....there are numerous groups like this where i live and I have to say they are some of the worst riders I have ever witnessed...lotsa revving and slowing to a stop for turns...



2013-10-02 13:01:00 UTC

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2013-10-02 16:08:00 UTC

Big groups of bikes are intimidating to motorists and people do panic sometimes especially if they feel their families are threatened.

We don’t know what went before the video starts but whatever that was the outcomes are poor all round.

There is a guy who was not directly stopping the car who gets run over and is reportedly crippled for life as a result. That seems an extreme outcome for not much stupidity to me.

Several guys who were little more than onlookers get their bikes trashed, less extreme but hardly a punishment fitting their crime. When younger I went on lots of ride outs and group meets and I’m sure we held up a lot of driving folk. I would have been pissed if someone ran my bike over in frustration, very pissed indeed.

The car chase aspect is classic group think and exactly what crowds everywhere do. Once this thing had momentum the outcome was always going to be an unhappy one.

The guy/s attacking the car. Well there is no excuse for that but think just for a moment. If that guy laying on the road possibly dead was your best mate what would you have done?? Me – probably I would be there with him trying to save life but watching a friend being (nearly) killed can do strange things to people.

Just bloody sad all round.



2013-10-02 18:53:00 UTC

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2013-10-02 19:07:00 UTC

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2013-10-02 19:13:00 UTC

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2013-10-02 21:25:00 UTC

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2013-10-02 22:30:00 UTC

When you think about it all it takes is one bike rider to start hating on the driver maybe because he's Asian and the other clowns would just follow not knowing what is really going on.
The thing is to were are the cops when you need them?
Those clowns have no regard for the law and seem to get away with riding all over the place through red lights up the side walk



2013-10-02 23:44:00 UTC

I don't think either side had common sense.



2013-10-03 02:20:00 UTC

I had an incident a couple of months ago where a driver recklessly chased me down and laneshared scaring the shit out of me. I chased him off the freeway followed him to a stop. I shared with him the ridiculousness and downright tragic direction he pursued. I basicly said that you cannot use your car as a weapon. So, get this, I recognize the asshole from a brief encounter at the Local Yamaha shop two years ago.
I told him that I know he rides, why are you being so stupid. He says that he doesn't ride anymore.
His excuse was that I cut him off. I called it passing him. Either way I know I scared the shit out of him by following and aproaching his slobbishness.
Motorcyclists are all the same, they think they can do whatever the fuckthey want to. Until they get squished like a bug. Then its all' " I wasn't doin nothin wrong Judge"
Makes the term " team player" take on a whole new meaning. You wont see me joining any of those "teams".
Safety in numbers should also relate to the number of tyres and the number of pounds those tyres are propelling. I'll take an SUV over a bike in a squish contest even if the bike has a fatass cunton the back.



2013-10-03 02:57:00 UTC

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2013-10-03 03:35:00 UTC

Don't feel all that sorry for the SUV dick. He's a prick and he's gonna sue somebody for thousands of $$$. I feel bad that motorcyclist's have been portrayed in a negative fashion (once again) in the mainstream media. The general population (in the US) have a low opinion of motorcyclist types in general. It goes back to the events at Hollister Ca. in 1947 and the embellishment the press gave to it. After that America was afraid of anything on two wheels.

I ride thousands of miles a year on various motorcycles. I am a very respectful person and rider. I have been threatened, cussed out, yelled at, harassed, and called a "fook" cuz I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. I am also a dirt bike rider, same deal. They hate us. Why?... Because we are "non-conforming", we are the so-called "risk takers" of society. We make Mr.SUV worry about the size of his dick and his place in the world. I say, Fook him and his limp dick!

I don't have a lot of sympathy for dick-heads and their snot nosed kids in SUV's... sorry. No one died.

This is how the hatred and fear for motorcycles and their riders started...

"On July 4 1947, 4,000 'straight-pipers' rode into Hollister. Their plan was to spend the long weekend partying and watching the races, but the partying got a little out of control. Even the local police admitted that the bikers "did more harm to themselves than they did to the town" but the press blew the story out of proportion. When the events were dramatized by Hollywood in 'The Wild One', America's image of motorcycling changed forever. Now you can read what really happened, in the words of people who were really there."

Linkster... ... rticle.htm



2013-10-03 03:50:00 UTC

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2013-10-03 04:23:00 UTC

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2013-10-03 04:34:00 UTC

Mods vs Rockers:

What about all the BS/Sensationalism the British Press slug about for all this "much about nothing" episode. ... 511245.stm



2013-10-03 04:51:00 UTC 'bout this for some Hollywood style sensationalism via the UK.

"when it's come to long haired youngsters with knives indulging in a orgy of hooliganism". Drama baby... it sells.



2013-10-03 05:03:00 UTC

Even more stories of bad boy bikers blown out out proportion by media and video...



2013-10-03 05:31:00 UTC

I wasn't there for this incident but I see these guys in NYC all the time. I'll say it again, they're feckin menace. I had to witness one idiot, amongst many pulling wheelies on the west side highway, overlook it, fall, nearly tear his leg off and his bike smash into several cars. His pals, dragged him up and took off, leaving his bike and the cars he hit behind. Turned out the hike was stolen as we're many others (my buddy is NYPD).

Caution with any story being blown up is sensible, but I've had first hand experience of these guys and they're a problem for all of us.



2013-10-03 05:38:00 UTC

Those big group rides through urban areas don't look like fun to me at all, and most "stuntz" stuff I see is cringe worthy, but in terms of their general rabble riding style... just reminds me of a typical morning in Bangkok. Come 8am you'll be surrounded by girls in skirt suits riding like that.
Side saddle.

Not enough for me to happily endorse running them over, that's for sure.

Here's earlier incident mind you: ... um=twitter

...and another video from the helmet cam guy that caught the latest incident. ... aWEuNcfVB8



2013-10-03 07:18:00 UTC

Seriously, did the guy really think that his wife was going to get raped and his kid sold to child slavery camps in the middle of the day in Manhattan? Does that give him the right to just start running people over? What would the media say if he pulled out an AK-47 and unloaded a clip into the bikers instead because he felt threatened, how is this any different? Maybe if he is in some lonely road in the middle of the desert, yeah ok, biker pirate gang might be a possibility. He went from scratched up dented car, to man slaughter, and will probably face felony hit and run charges after the police scour through all the videos over and over again. I think he was more afraid of paying a fine for rear ending the biker in the first place rather than afraid for his family's life. Imagine the outrage if the bikers did not enforce street justice and let him get away. It would be a completely different reaction. More like annual biker stunt rally turns tragic because of angry road raged SUV driver.

I love it how the police are quoted as saying "the tyre was slashed so the driver fled in fear". He was driving pretty fast for having a slashed tyre. My guess is the other bikers probably started yelling and knocked on the SUV, which is pretty normal for NYC, and the dude just freaked thinking oh crap im getting sued for hitting this guy better make a run for it, park and hide in my million dollar condo in upper Manhattan.

"Annual Hollywood Block Party Motorcycle Rally"



2013-10-03 07:46:00 UTC

A million dollars doesn't get you much in Manhattan.



2013-10-03 08:32:00 UTC

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2013-10-03 11:30:00 UTC

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2013-10-03 16:54:00 UTC

Ban everyone giving sympathy to the bikers.

Ive met and was always being asked to join the groups of people who would go on these rides. They're ruthless, gangsters, druggies, losers etc. They have no respect for the law or others. Some of you need to reevaluate your lives with the outlooks you're sharing



2013-10-03 20:05:00 UTC

Minus the gangster quality, I fit all the others. I thought it was prerequisite to KTM ownership.
Birds of the same feather get run over together.
The least common Denominator is 2 , two wheels spells trouble.



2013-10-03 23:46:00 UTC

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Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2013-10-04 03:56:00 UTC

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2013-10-04 05:40:00 UTC

Maybe I'm a little desensitized to gang life growing up in Stockton and living a couple years at USC (University of South Central). I never associated pop-a-wheelie squid gang with Compton Bloods or Stockton XIV. Now I know better. Those upper manhattan thugs must be super scary in comparison. Why can't we all just get along? Let the squids pop wheelies and be free!



2013-10-04 07:13:00 UTC

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2013-10-04 10:53:00 UTC

Seems it is but a small step from a spot of two wheeled US mob violence to a critique of the UK welfare state...

Yes to all the chav hating, benefit cheating, layabout scum piss taking comments. Poking fun at the feckless, hopeless, lazy, usually poor often brain dead twats is always a good time. I have spent many a happy evening looking down on them with my mates and suggesting solutions usually involving mincing machines, napalm or worse. The outrage is tempered by the knowledge that with the passing of time the joys of nylon sportswear, posh trainers, tattoo’s and benefit fraud usually give way to a dull monotonous and mostly joyless existence of sucking lager and dying early.

Not really sure what that has to do with a spot of mob violence though? I doubt all those blokes stole their bikes, some might actually have jobs and families themselves, pay taxes and be reasonable human beings when not chasing innocent motorists.

The critique of this incident is much more interesting to me than the incident itself.

Big groups of people (yes even bikers) behave in ways that they never would as individuals and most are sheep following blindly in group think mode – Is anybody actually surprised by that?
Bad shit happens to good people somewhere every minute of every day – can that be news to anybody here?

It’s funny what we chose to care about. Perhaps it’s just what’s on camera and if it happens to people like us in a place we know it’s news.

Idiots exist everywhere and come in two, four and no wheeled varieties. Plenty of idiots on display in that video and a lifetime of sadness for some caught up in it.

Right back to the 1290 SD and consideration of all the law abiding, non threatening or antisocial behaviour that wonderful new machine will encourage.....



2013-10-04 11:54:00 UTC

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2013-10-04 14:01:00 UTC

All the real riders in NYC (like myself



2013-10-05 12:38:00 UTC

And of course the guy didn't have a license,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ... d%3D386727



2013-10-05 13:29:00 UTC

Not only did he not have a motorcycle license, he was actually banned from driving for repeat offenses! And they've hired a fancy lawyer to sue the RR driver! I hope the judge throws it out.



2013-10-05 13:33:00 UTC

The guy that got run over wasn't the guy that instigated the whole thing though unfortunately. Although he was standing next to the bike of the guy that did (white GSXR).



2013-10-05 13:47:00 UTC

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2013-10-05 13:58:00 UTC

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2013-10-05 14:08:00 UTC

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2013-10-05 14:28:00 UTC

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2013-10-05 22:28:00 UTC

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2013-10-06 02:22:00 UTC

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2013-10-06 04:52:00 UTC

It's interesting watching the story develop. News of cops riding with the gang. Charges being dropped to "build a stronger case". ... ense-case/

Now the gang members have celebrity lawyers representing them. The fancy lawyers wouldn't get involved in the case unless they knew they could score a huge paycheck. ... -gang.html



2013-10-09 23:02:00 UTC

Undercover cop riding with these guys! Isn't that choice!

Word is, this over-achieving narc was riding with these guys on his own time! And participated in the vehicle abuse!... then lied about the hole thing. Ha Ha... that makes sense!



2013-10-13 21:02:00 UTC




2013-10-14 15:27:00 UTC

"Dangfir is my fav now