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Anthill Mob Automobiles

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2013-04-27 19:07:00 UTC

What on God's green earth would possess any twat to spend their leisure time crawling around the UK's A roads in a 1950's heap capable of 15mph uphill and 25 mph on the flat? What sort of cunt would drive one?

Earlier today I turned right at the end of my lane and joined a queue of traffic creeping along behind just such a fuckwit. This gimp them ignored every layby and pull in point for the next 3 miles and seemed oblivious to the 30 odd cars dawdling along behind him until he reached the petrol station.

I was in my van not on the bike and since folk these days are unable / unwilling / scared to overtake I was stranded mid pack behind the clapped out cretinmobile.
Purely due to my increased mellowness with age and the 8 grand in cash I needed to bank on the seat beside me, I just slowed, tooted and made wanker signs at the pillock . In my youth I would have followed Henry Ford into the BP and ended up in fisticuffs.

So I will say it here and then go an join some classic car sites for a first post ban YOU ARE ALL SELFISH wankers AND i HOPE YOUR SHITWAGON ERUPTS IN A FIREBALL WITH YOU IN IT, SADLIFE WANKSOCK.



2013-04-27 21:30:00 UTC

Any risk your SD is becoming a classic



2013-04-28 01:35:00 UTC

It sounds like you might need to go to Anger Management School



2013-04-28 05:23:00 UTC

people just dont overtake anymore .! too dangerous i guess ?



2013-04-28 11:30:00 UTC

People are so selfish these days, no wonder the world turns to shit.
I used to drive the "classic" army shit in belgium but we always looked in the mirror and pull over to let people pass if the cue was getting long.
I hope these selfish wankers who hold everyone up, their ambulance is behind a snail pace driver when they had their first heart attack!
Pheeww feel better now....



2013-04-28 11:43:00 UTC

I thought it was illegal NOT to pull over if there was a queue of a certain amount of cars behind (6 rings a bell)?

*Edit* The only thing I could find after a quick look was Rule 169 - "Do not hold up a long queue of traffic, especially if you are driving a large or slow-moving vehicle. Check your mirrors frequently, and if necessary, pull in where it is safe and let traffic pass." Lots of interpretation for that one, oh well.



2013-04-28 11:45:00 UTC

Post missing.



2013-05-02 04:12:00 UTC

I just lost my father-in-law last November. He was ohsoslow in his final driving time. We took his keys away from him about 2 years ago. As Cerec said, there is little chance that he knew what was behind him, let alone what was in front.
I fully aprecciate the need for things to move faster in the pace of the face of time but boy do I wish he were here to slow me down for a while. I often wonder if when you start loosing reality of space and time at an old age if somehow the slow ones think they are still travelling at record pace. " Hold on Newt, She's a rarin".
I bide my time and think that I must be in the drivers funeral prosession and He/She is doing thier damndest to be there late. Now get behind a group of Harley bluebutts and it is all I can do to get the steam out of my helmet.
Peace be with you Luke.



2013-05-02 17:05:00 UTC

Post missing.