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Australian Dirt Bikes-Bad News



2011-01-26 23:50:00 UTC

This is only Dirt Bike the ruling women class of Australia will allow. Street bikes are now outlawed completely. Have fun boys.



2011-01-27 00:30:00 UTC

awesome air



2011-01-27 06:52:00 UTC

WTF! can you enlighten me on something I should know about?



2011-01-27 08:44:00 UTC

yes the government is trying to ban dirt bike riding in forest areas in australia, even trying to ban people from riding them in thier own property



2011-01-27 08:50:00 UTC

Jesus guys wth is going on down there??? It's not like you are short of room ffs. Sounds like you are taking over from us in the Nanny State stakes.



2011-01-27 10:01:00 UTC

that would be hilarious if it weren't so accurate.
take note people, and this is not sexist, it's an observation, don't vote women into power! their nature is to nurture and coddle, everything but cross stitch and macrame will be outlawed if these power crazy mothers have their way!




2011-01-27 10:22:00 UTC

I'll be moving again....



2011-01-27 10:52:00 UTC

its fooking frustrating, thats all i can say, if we could nominate people id happily put my hand up.



2011-01-27 10:57:00 UTC

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2011-01-28 06:08:00 UTC

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2011-01-29 08:45:00 UTC

I think the Sepos also have thier own issues to deal with relating to dirtbikes.

Bill introduced to exempt kids' dirtbikes from American federal 'lead law'
Posted: Wednesday, 26th January, 2011 : 10:44 AM - - 1,291 Reads
With the deadline fast approaching that would effectively ban the sale of kids' dirtbikes and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), U.S. Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.) has introduced legislation to end the ban, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) reports.

On Jan. 25, Rehberg introduced H.R. 412, the Kids Just Want to Ride Act, which would exempt kids' off-highway vehicles (OHVs) from the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) of 2008 that effectively bans their sale beginning May 1.

"Here again, a law meant to improve children's safety is actually being enforced in a way that puts kids in more danger than ever, while destroying jobs to boot," Rehberg said. "It's critical that we put to rest any confusion once and for all so kids can just get outside and ride.

"There's no excuse for continued bungling that only stops kids from using the very youth-sized off-road vehicles that are intended to keep them safe," Rehberg added.

"The American Motorcyclist Association has always been an excellent advocate for their members, and I'm happy to be working so closely with them again," Rehberg said.

Ed Moreland, AMA senior vice president for government relations, thanked Rehberg on behalf of the AMA and the All-Terrain Vehicle Association (ATVA), which is the AMA's sister organization.

"This is the most promising and viable legislative remedy available to permanently exclude kid-sized motorcycles and ATVs from the deleterious and unintended consequences of the CPSIA," Moreland said. "We also want to thank the many thousands of AMA and ATVA members who have answered the call from the beginning to urge their lawmakers to exempt kids' OHVs from the lead law.

"Now, we need a renewed push because time is running out," Moreland said.

The CPSIA bans the making, importing, distributing or selling of any product intended for children 12 and under that contains more than a specified amount of lead in any accessible part. Aimed at children's toys, the law also ensnared kids' dirtbikes and ATVs because trace levels of lead can be found in parts such as batteries and brake calipers.

The law also requires all children's products to undergo periodic testing by independent laboratories approved by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), which is responsible for implementing out the CPSIA.

On May 1, 2009, the CPSC delayed enforcement of the lead-limit portion of the law until May 1, 2011 to, among other things, give vehicle makers time to figure out ways to ensure their products comply with the law.

Even though the lead-limit portion of the law isn't being enforced, many dealers are no longer selling kid-sized OHVs and half of the major ATV manufacturers are no longer selling machines for kids because of uncertainty surrounding the CPSIA.



2011-01-30 06:45:00 UTC

Its only a matter of time before us Australians stop saying she'll be right mate and stop taking all the crap that get's loaded onto us.
When they banned gun's here all I thought was here we go and I wondered how long it would take before they would start abusing there authority.
I thought why would anyone ban guns? Unless they have a evil agenda.
The sad fact is that when you disarm a country you can do what ever you like without the fear of retaliation NO GUN'S = Cant fight back!
Australia used to be a great country and I think of all the diggers how they fought and died for us so we could have a better life. If only they knew that the scumbag Government would stuff it up.



2011-01-30 07:44:00 UTC

Well said AGRO



2011-01-30 10:15:00 UTC

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2011-01-30 10:46:00 UTC

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2011-01-30 11:13:00 UTC

What gets me ic4 is when I was younger you could buy guns in Kmart and sports stores with out any gun licence and you could walk the streets with your air rifle and no one would say boo.
And now those day's are a thing of the past.
But what happened was that we all just let the polies dictate to us what they think is best for our safety, I just hope this doesn't happen to motorcycles that they end up a thing of the past.
As for DADS army its like a mouse backed into a corner Its going to fight back no matter what the out come.
As for the buy back I know it was not a ban on guns but just think about it ? Just how many people do you know that own a gun these day's.
So to me it was a ban! If you get caught without a gun lience the penalty tells me it's so.



2011-01-30 11:26:00 UTC

My main issue is that it's all about our safety exept when you die of poverty or being mugged by some lowlife, that is fine.

Every time it is for our safety it seems to turn in to revenue collecting or in making saps out of us.

Create issues, hardship and fear that keeps the population from marching to the capital and kick these useless polies up the arse.
Anyone doing their jobs as badly as they do would be sacked instantly.



2011-01-31 07:06:00 UTC

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2011-01-31 07:18:00 UTC

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2011-01-31 07:37:00 UTC

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