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Bin Laden Dead!!



2011-05-02 03:17:00 UTC

About time!! Oooooh rah!!



2011-05-02 03:19:00 UTC

Yup...all over CNN and other networks. About damn time.



2011-05-02 03:20:00 UTC

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2011-05-02 04:08:00 UTC

Big news that somehow feels a little empty. I wish that the presidant did'nt use this excuse for re-election speech, but he did. One of our military's biggest puppets and one of our biggest operatives is now dead by the hands of the ones he shook hands with and made plots with to make and keep America stronger as a nation.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend, till my enemy is destroyed.
I amsure that America is busy at this moment creating more Bin Laden's as we sleep.
Good night all?



2011-05-02 04:17:00 UTC

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2011-05-02 04:45:00 UTC

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2011-05-02 04:52:00 UTC

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2011-05-02 06:32:00 UTC

Who are they going to use now for an excuse???

What a farce!



2011-05-02 06:58:00 UTC

Every military needs an enemy. Someone will be raised up to replace him.



2011-05-02 07:25:00 UTC

I saw Elvis today



2011-05-02 07:31:00 UTC

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2011-05-02 09:36:00 UTC

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2011-05-02 09:46:00 UTC

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2011-05-02 10:08:00 UTC

I think we will disagree on this one folks. You can think what you like, but I, for one, am glad the piece of shit terrorist is dead. Lots of my fellow countrymen and women died due to his actions. Lots of my countrymen and women died as a result of my governments response as well. At the end of the day, we killed a terrorist that apparently the Pakistani's were protecting. I think as we go forward, we need to remember those we lost, remember that killing is killing, and that the lives we lose are precious to us.

I appreciate that in the UK and the EU proper we are not very popular. I for one, don't give a damn what folks think of us, we are our own country, and shouldn't bow to others opinions. I think we have done too much of that to this point. I also appreciate that we have not always done that which is popular to the general world population. But we are a free people, I hope that continues.

It is a victory for us to have him killed. It is sad that it took us so long and cost so much to get him.



2011-05-02 10:10:00 UTC

The CIA need to sort photoshop out the picture is poor! If they have him, he is being spoken to... Pakistan is being drawn in to this conflict by being his home...

Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2011-05-02 10:51:00 UTC

Sorry if i sound skeptical but that photo the media have published looks like a photo of Bin Laden taken back in late 80`s and whats with the supposed sea burial?

Sound a lot like WMD ?



2011-05-02 11:21:00 UTC

I believe the collective noun for conspiracy theorists is a Koko (or at least it should be) and I’m almost sure that I hear the world Koko community stirring with excitement at the exciting range of possibilities offered by this new development.

Osama living with Elvis and running a chip shop in Peckham is just silly, especially when you consider that the US has been hiding him on the space station for years. Notwithstanding this expect to learn that he has in fact been dead for years, was working for the west / Saudi regime, was on the Israel payroll, is still alive and being de briefed and on and on and on. Even in this bastion of sanity I already see some of this being reflected, people love a good story.

In so far as the public loss of a figurehead for a hateful and cruel philosophy is concerned good riddance to bad rubbish. Trust me, there are still quite a few people out there who have spent too long laying quietly on rocky hillsides staring through telescopic sights waiting patiently for an opportunity to tidy up some rubbish. Their trade is unlikely to change much but ‘one day this war will end’ and time will tell if we are more than a single day closer to that time as a result. Lets all hope so.

A single head shot showed him a lot more mercy than he showed to his many many victims. Sniper school is a bitch, Say goodnight Gracy



2011-05-02 11:48:00 UTC

The last thing they want to do is release a pic of him dead. Look what it did for Che Guevara. Burial at sea was probably the best way forward. Get rid of him asap as in a few weeks time who will care if there are pics ect. He's dead and that is the main thing.



2011-05-02 12:39:00 UTC

I'm not sorry to see the guy dead - he got what he deserved.

I'm not suprised where they found him either, I expect US - Pakistan relations to be a bit strained for a while. (As if they weren't already.)

Nevermind though, we always had a relationship with our stateside brothers, even when NORAID were busy raising funding for PIRA in the States, hell, they even invited Jerry Adams over! Of course after 9/11 terrorists became a lot less fashionable over there.



2011-05-02 15:47:00 UTC

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Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2011-05-02 19:18:00 UTC

Whenever I listen to someone damming the U.S on their interventionist policies I usually remind them of this.

The whole of europe pretty much stood by and watched genocide take place in the former Yugoslavia.
It wasn't untill America got involved, under their NATO giuse that anything meaningful was done to stop that.

Clinton was very hesitant to do it, but with a lot of persuation from Blair (and at the time Clinton owed Tony a favour) he did the right thing.

The whole thing was shameful for the E.U and a very good reason why a collective foriegn policy for the EU would be a disaster.

I can't remember who said this, but I've always liked it as a quote. "America usually does the right thing, after it has explored every other possibility."

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2011-05-02 19:33:00 UTC

I dont have an issue with a state supported assasination of Bin Laden. I did find it ironic the Uk wheeled out Tony Blair to explain it on our tv. Like he doesnt have form (and a good few million quid) for lying and running along behind the US in whatever they chose to do.

I do have an issue with the recent attempt to assassinate Gadaffi and the murder of his son and grandchildren. How can that ever be justice? We have no remit to intervene in Libya at all, far less trying to kill the political leader. I can just imagine how you americans would whine if another country fired a rocket at Obama's relatives...wherever they are in Kenya.



2011-05-02 19:39:00 UTC

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2011-05-02 22:14:00 UTC

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2011-05-02 23:45:00 UTC

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Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2011-05-03 00:17:00 UTC

Yes proud to be free,,,,,proud to be AMERICAN,,,,,,,,when the shit hits the fan who does the WORLD call on,,,, the ones that are FREE,,,,someone from my family has fought in every war this country has been in for the last 200 years,, as FREE AMERICANS,,,,and we all know the outcome of all those past wars,,and know the high price of FREEDOM,,,I couldn't think of a more fitting end for this bastard,,,him seeing a US SEAL storming through the door and thinking ,,"I'm dead" as a bullet passed through his left eye,,,,,,feeding his body to the fish is also quit fitting,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,All this has not ended yet either,,,,,,rats breed and multiply faster than one can imagine,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



2011-05-03 00:31:00 UTC

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2011-05-03 01:12:00 UTC

Freedom isn't Free, There's a Hefty fooking Fee....

People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.
George Orwell

I am thankful for all the Rough Men, and Women, who so willingly lay everything they have on the line daily so that I may sit and sip coffee quietly and watch the sunrise.

God Bless the American Fighting Men and Women.



2011-05-03 01:59:00 UTC

I usually stay out of this shit, but there are some stupid ass comments in here.
Do you really think we target grandchildren? Wake the fook up, Gadaffi had them there, knew he was a target, it's all on his shoulders.
I almost lost a dear friend from childhood on that flight the Libyans blew up. She came home a day early. She was lucky, but all her friends from school died. I hope the next time they attack they get the whole family.
Like it was said earlier, rats breed like crazy. Smoke the whole family tree, just to be sure.

And the title of the thread is "Bin Laden Dead!!", Not "whats your panty waist opinion of whats the U.S. doing now that gets my shit in a wad"..



2011-05-03 02:04:00 UTC

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2011-05-03 02:19:00 UTC

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2011-05-03 02:22:00 UTC

bin Laden is dead and justifiably so. In the paradigm that exists little else would make any sense. I suggest that we,people have been at this picnic on very many occasions with a result that ends in the same thing. Then we use the banner of peace for the destruction of more beautiful lives. This is in my belief puting the cart before the horse. We justify our dirty deeds in the name of protecting others from commiting dirty deeds. This story is little about Mr. bin Laden it is the story of might makes right and killing machines defending lies and conspiring with there constituancy to justify total disregard for humane behavior. This is further masked in a theological shell grabbing at every possible emotion string the mongers can use to wrap those fuzzy little strings around such atrocities.Pride is a cheap substitute indeed. If I sent out legions to help me feel safe from harms way, without realising it was my deeds that created the need for protection, I am an idiot.. If I sent out legions to protect me from harms way cause I really wanted to enjoy a cup of coffee, it had better be hand picked by Juan Valdez.



2011-05-03 02:29:00 UTC

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2011-05-03 02:46:00 UTC

I believe that is is near impossible to structure this (debate) in a way that could have much meaningful insights as we are structuring it on justification of historic deeds. There is a tit for tat and a proggresion of events that would seem predicate in nature. My original statement was that we still have the cart before tge horse in the sense that all outcomes from a beginning stimuli lead down the road to ruin. I do not no when we look back on history that the should haves outway the dids. Nor do I believe that the could haves mean much either. I am stating that there has to be an approach that is sans the equation that states Us and Them or Us against Them. We need a new dialogue, I cannot see that chest pumping and bragifization(I made that up) is ever taking us to a new barbeque and quite frankly I never liked the old potato salad.
Rejoice at the title of this thread and be willing to try something new else we will be here for ever and that my friends is where the sad commentary lies



2011-05-03 02:49:00 UTC

Ultimately you try to distill all the thoughts swirling around in your head and articulate a very complex dynamic into a forum post. Grendel is am sure that most of you put together a pale reflection of your true thoughts. This issue is close to some hearts and just an abstraction to others. Grendel lives true to himself and would not think he could convey his thoughts and feelings on this topic with any clarity on a public forum. He would be willing to try over a pint looking you in the eye.



2011-05-03 04:14:00 UTC

There seems to be alot of conjecture and conspiracy theories about how, when or where Bin Laden was killed. Does it really matter? Personally I think it brings closure to a traumatic event in US history. I appreciate those "who do violence on my behalf". I also appreciate the blanket of freedom I live under because of these heros.
Freedom is contagious. Look at all the unrest in the middle east. PEOPLE risking THEIR lives, to stand up THEIR government, to express THEIR ideas, and not live by some else ideas. Freedom IS contagious.

And to all the conspiracy theorists. Do you really think you know what our, or any government is up to? Seems to me, a lot of those who opposed our governments way of doing things in the past are now in power (Hint - Hilary and our current leader) seem to be a ALOT more humble and conservative on how they handle world problems. Do think maybe, just maybe, they now see the information presented to them from people in the know.
Obama went into Office with all the grand ideas of transparency, closing Gitmo, ect... Hummm seems he no longer preaches that. Maybe he is in the know now?

Being a world leader might be better summed up as "walk a mile in my shoes"




2011-05-03 07:20:00 UTC

I really think the heading of this thread should be....
I just dont believe this crap there are to many reasons for this to be false and why oh why would the USA take his body out to sea and get this give him a proper Muslim funeral? This dude had no respect for the USA so why would US respect this dude with a Muslim funeral. Me I would have burnt that turd and Im not American.



2011-05-03 07:56:00 UTC

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2011-05-03 08:06:00 UTC

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2011-05-03 08:14:00 UTC

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2011-05-03 08:45:00 UTC

Don't forget the weapons of masturbation that the politicians had us all believing were real. I sometimes wonder why would Bin laden who came from a wealthy family turn his back on all that he had and turn to terrorism. It just doesn't add up.



2011-05-03 08:49:00 UTC

Just like I thought Bin Laden is not dead! ... re=related



2011-05-03 11:21:00 UTC

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2011-05-03 17:09:00 UTC

[quote="lobster"No really he is dead, look! ... n_of_b.php[/quote]

I frigging love those taiwanese animations. Pure class lol



2011-05-03 19:03:00 UTC




2011-05-03 20:18:00 UTC




2011-05-03 20:20:00 UTC

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2011-05-03 20:22:00 UTC

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2011-05-04 02:53:00 UTC

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2011-05-04 02:57:00 UTC

its absolute bullshite... dont belive it for a second



2011-05-04 03:25:00 UTC

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2011-05-04 03:35:00 UTC

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2011-05-04 03:40:00 UTC

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2011-05-04 06:23:00 UTC

Saw this posted elsewhere and it does indeed seem the perfect time. Love you Trey and Matt. Geniuses in our lifetime



2011-05-04 06:24:00 UTC

My Dad past away 8 years ago and he was in WWII with the American's. One thing that has stuck with me is that he could only say good things about the US troops even when others were bagging them out. I think that those who were doing all the Bagging were those that were sitting in their lounge rooms in comfort.
I don't see it like we are different countries but we are all one.
PS that includes England



2011-05-04 10:18:00 UTC

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Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2011-05-04 12:33:00 UTC

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Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2011-05-04 14:43:00 UTC

Steady on, it was God(s) that got us into this pickle in the first place!



2011-05-04 14:50:00 UTC

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2011-05-04 22:24:00 UTC

Copied from another forum where we are debating the same thing. These arent my words, they guy posting them put it better than I could:

" It was very important for them to get their story straight, and they didn't. According to reports, they've known about Bin Laden's likely location since August last year, and have been rehearsing the assault on his house since April this year. That's plenty of time to decide what you're going to say. It seems to me that it's important for us to be able to portray our actions as being motivated by the desire for justice, and draw a contrast between ourselves and our opponents. Hence the initial reports of Bin Laden being killed in an exchange of fire, and of him using a woman as a human shield. The message here is: we were attempting to bring him to justice, and he refused to be brought, and furthermore hid behind a woman, the act of a coward.

When the revised details emerged, the message changes; it now says: we killed an unarmed man, and shot and wounded an unarmed woman in so doing. Pragmatically, nothing changes, except in our post-modern world, the message may be more important than the event. It's all about what it signifies, not what actually happened. So to mix up your messages like this, is actually a bit of a fuck-up.

I think it's too early to tell what the ramifications of his death are. For sure it won't stop terrorism in the name of Islam, and it won't matter at all to the Taliban in Afghanistan. It's questionable even how much effect it'll have on Al Queda. Neither does it raise any interesting questions about Pakistan; they've always been dubious allies.

The point about September 11 was to strike at the Americans at home, and draw them into conflict, thereby raising the stakes for everyone. In this, Bin Laden succeeded beyond his wildest dreams -- Afghanistan, Iraq, then Afghanistan again. Even better, from his point of view, we ended up fighting the remnants of the Iraqi army and sectarian groups in Iraq, and the Taliban in Afghanistan. Whatever you think about the morality of Bin Laden's actions, as a general with few soldiers he achieved a great deal. Now he's been made a martyr by being killed by the Americans. I doubt he would be unhappy about this.

It seems to me that, for a lot of the time, we obligingly fought his war, on his terms. We've expended vast amounts of blood and treasure starting conflicts that we can't win --or at least come out of looking like the winner. Bin Laden saw Afghanistan as the Soviet Unions's nemesis, linking the cost of their adventures their with the eventual fall of the Soviet state; that was his model. While it's not the case that our conflicts will lead to the fall of the US or of Europe, it does show others of a similar mind to Bin Laden that we can be provoked into ill-advised response, and this will have been an object lesson to them.

So, yes he was a bad man, and yes, the world will be a slightly better place without him. Personally, I don't have any problem with the way the Americans killed him, as it seems they avoided unnecessary bloodshed -- they could, as fredie points out, simply have bombed his house. But I think it would be wrong to pretend that his death is any more than --at best-- meaningless, and at worst a symbol that others can rally to."



2011-05-05 02:21:00 UTC

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Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2011-05-05 10:26:00 UTC

I like that in all of this reasonable, thoughtful discussion, I am the dipshit.

Just for the record, as some seem to be less enamored with the US than me, I was indeed speaking to the fact that it was a US raid that killed the fooker and did not intend to offend other involved countries.

But, for the record, I am an American, I served my country, and I don't really have a horse in the race of caring what folks think of me or my country. I do, however, enjoy the exchange of ideas. And of course, I have a Super Duke, and an RC8R Akrapovic, and I am riding the RC8R to work, so you can eat me, sir.


Doug "dipshit" Basinger
Granbury, TX. USA



2011-05-05 10:57:00 UTC

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2011-05-05 20:01:00 UTC

If I were the Taliban I wouldnt be planning any retaliation yet. I would be scouring the country for a Bin Laden lookalikey that I could produce on t.v to discredit the US claims.

The trouble is that the role is likely to appeal to few people as there is an very high chance that the US will come back to finish the job.

So the Taliban need to find someone with no interest in world affairs, no understanding of the contra side of too much tv exposure and a willingness to risk all for their 15 minutes of fame. If they are a halfwit it is a positive bonus too but Jordan and Jedward have prior commitments. What do you do?

The could look in the Big Brother house or interview the aspirants for The Apprentice but perhaps a specialist is called for? Bring in Simon Cowell or as he would now like to be known Sheik Bin Cowell. That fooker will do anything for money and minge so if they promise him an oil well and 70 virgins he is aboard.

Look out for the new shows on Arab network, Camp X Ray factor and Pop Alqaeda. Cant sing? Cant dance? No worries lets see how you look in this turban and false beard.



2011-05-05 22:39:00 UTC

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2011-05-05 23:13:00 UTC

I never realised how big of conspiracy theorist SD owners were. You guys are hilarious.



2011-05-06 08:02:00 UTC
