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British Weather!!!



2012-07-14 04:27:00 UTC

Got up at 5 today to try and get a few hours out on the bike. What with moving house, the three babies and work I haven't ridden for over a month really. I'm so jealous of all you guys out there who can just reach for your leathers and keys whenever you feel like it.

But it's pissing down with rain. Totally wet and grey and sopping wet. I've gone and stood in the road and round here the country roads are almost flooded and covered in wet mud and I've just fitted new Metzler K1s that are only just scrubbed in so they're not the best in the wet and these conditions. (who am I kidding, they're shit in these conditions!!)

My heart is not in it.

I'm having another coffee and it's back to house renovations and filling a skip with junk from the old outbuildings. Thats's my only consolation that I'm working on the future Superduke super-workshop that will eventually be my second home.

Have fun out there all you guys with good weather.



2012-07-14 06:24:00 UTC

It's fooking shocking Bic. Worst summer ever!!



2012-07-14 06:25:00 UTC

Nice post.... got the feeling..... just great I am flying back to the UK for 6 weeks in 10 days time, leaving 35c and sunshine but no bikes for 18c if I am lucky and pissing rain, oh well plenty of garage time I guess



2012-07-14 06:33:00 UTC

Sounds like you guys get the same shitty weather as here in holland.



2012-07-14 08:26:00 UTC

I feel for you Bic, that's a busy schedule! TBH though, the weather is that shit and unpredictable, you're probably better off getting everything done. I've had one fully dry road ride since I started riding again and the weight of water in these 'showers' is that heavy I was soaked in seconds the other day, a minute after I got out the house, bloody shitty weather...



2012-07-14 08:45:00 UTC

rain is just a mind game . go out . get wet . have fun .



2012-07-14 08:51:00 UTC

Good year not to have a road bike I suppose........but id rather have one..



2012-07-14 10:55:00 UTC

Didn't know it was that bad again! I vividly remember these summers in Europe when I lived there.... July and August...two months of rain...
One of the reasons I will never move back there again.
Don't want to take the piss as I know how depressing it is, but here people are complaining as we had 2 weeks of rain here in the dry season..Still 22 degrees C.



2012-07-14 11:35:00 UTC

Basically we had 2 nice weeks in March and since then its been fooking shite



2012-07-14 11:53:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-07-14 12:32:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-07-14 12:40:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-07-14 12:59:00 UTC

I'd take some of that rain off your hands if I could. It's been in the high twenties and low to mid thirties it seems since May with very little rain. I'd have to say best summer ever but my lawns are turning brown and being barefoot on them is starting to hurt. Take the car more than usual to enjoy the AC...

So Europe is flooding and North America turns to desert, guess sand tyres for here and mud knobs for you guys.



2012-07-14 14:09:00 UTC

The hell you say,,,rain in GB



2012-07-14 20:41:00 UTC

hi all
the bike looked so nice back in april.
12 weeks on lagged in motor oil as a protector for all metal parts .rode every day bar sunday and one day i felt unwell and took the car , guess what, it way a b----- dry day .
now is a mess and stinks of a combination of oil and road grime ,cow shit and mud and has a fish smell about it.chains a mess where i just lube once a week on top of dirt etc .
out come the kitchen deepio grease cutter tonight , left for 5 mins and quick hose . looks almost new apart from all the little scratches where you feet rub on the heel guards .
in the morning ,another lagging in 20/50 oil again and proper chain clean .no thin oils for me .all electrics oil down connections ,switch gear drip of oil and a quick squirt of the thin crap to get it in there week new michelin pilot three for me . hopefully they grip a little better than the standard tyres . nothing wrong with them in the dry .. ..
my only gripe with the bike is where the battery and electrics are . need to waterproof from the elements , used ac 50 so far , what a sticky mess that collects dirt.
the bike has handled all that has been thrown at it so far,time will tell .
glad the bike is loud now as half the drivers ride around blind in the wet with misted up windows.

No. 47

No. 47

2012-07-14 20:48:00 UTC

It's only water - Gortex and Road 3's are all that's needed.



2012-07-14 20:56:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-07-16 15:07:00 UTC

Yeah but it keeps the grass green. Every damn time I've been to the UK it's rained. You all live in the land of rain!

Looking good here for some high altitude Superduke riding. Just right. Of course in 5 months Mr SD will be freezing his arse off in the garage and the roads will have 8 feet of snow on them.... ... 96161:4:US



2012-07-17 07:01:00 UTC

hi all
just checked the forcast ,just in case i need waterproofs for going to work .yep will need them .as it is dry at the moment,em strange ,i shall dash of to work now ,least a one way trip dry.



2012-07-18 10:50:00 UTC

Just heard on the news here that it has rained 45 days in a row in London. Here in Perth we are having our driest July in decades and I'm complaining thats its a bit cold (17c)



2012-07-18 13:20:00 UTC

I am on holiday next week, and this weekend the rain is meant to be feckin orf. I mention this to my wife who replies " you'll be out on the bike I suppose", and I ignore her comments