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By the wayside



2011-04-21 03:02:00 UTC

My wife and I were talking at the dinner table about the feeling that motorcycle racing in the US is seems to be dieing a slow inevitable death. We could not for the life of us figure out why the American population has not grabbed the motorcycle as a viable alternative transportation. There are few and far between the regular people that we are in contact with on a daily bases, that consider two wheeled transport, let alone two wheeled sporting events worth the effort to do or watch on TV. She says that lots of people can not play baseball but consider great entertainment and noone we know can drive a F1 racecar but many tune in to catch coverage of same. Why is it that the motorcycle refuses to fit into a commuters paradigm. I see countless herds of single occupant cages droning up and down the hiways on thier 38 mile commutes to the salt mines every day and can count on one hand the amount of motorcycles on the to and from distance.
I would have thought that it would have caught on just a little bit by now.
Ride to work day doesnt look any differant than the amount of green I see people wearing on St Patrick's day.
Widen The Freeways



2011-04-21 04:34:00 UTC

Yes it is sad for us that know the exhilaration of riding, it's the same here in Oz.
Urban sprawl spreads out to where the tracks are and then the people who buy land next to the tracks complain about the noise.
I'm mid 40's now, but when I was a kid all my family called bikes "coffins on wheels".although I can't remember a time when I didn't think having a bike would be the best thing in the world, I knew before I even threw a leg over a bike that I loved them, maybe it's a state of mind we're born with.

The other thing killing our sport is our western government's "nanny state" mentality. Polititians believe they have the right to save us from ourselves.
A few years ago when my 10yo daughter was racing pocket bikes We actually had a poli. here who wanted to charge any parent who let a child under 12 ride a motorcycle , with child abuse.

It's the same in private sector too, I can't sneeze at work without being told to fill out an "incident report", If I look like I'm going to sneeze but don't follow through, then it's a "near miss report"

We've got so much land here in Oz, but do you think I can find a place to take my daughter trail riding without getting hassled by police or rangers.

Look at this, now you've got me all fired up.



2011-04-21 06:09:00 UTC

What have said... Nanny state... Fing stupid. You could hurt yourself... Yes I could now fck off. Now I'm angry too... Making us all a bunch of softies. Blame lawyers for it all... Taking on ridiculous cases for some tard who hurts themselves cos they are retarded but don't want to accept that its their own fault.



2011-04-21 12:02:00 UTC

+1. Time to start over.



2011-04-22 02:00:00 UTC

The funny thing is that it's ok to die from poverty, hardship, starvation, excessive additives in food, unable to defend yourself from a criminal and so fort!!!!

Politicians are useless and we let people who never had a decent job and are incompetent to hold one dictate our lives. Most laws are so stupid and have never been tought trough they create so much backdoors and chaos that only rich people with expensive lawyers can profit.

Time to put the whole PC brigade against the wall and start over!!

I love Aussie and I always wanted to come back but I can't believe how fffffd up this country is with all it's rules and regulations! It is impossible to do anything anymore exept sit at home with your Iphone, TV and breed kids that you are not allowed to dicipline.