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Capitalism A Love Story



2011-01-10 16:37:00 UTC

Just watched Michael Moore's movie. Some of it I knew already, other bits were truly shocking. Found myself at times laughing at the insanity of it but at other parts almost wanting to cry. I know this was about what went on in the US but I don't imagine it was a great deal different here. Just wondered what people thoughts were on it? I have to say if I was a US citizen this kind of robbery would make me want to take up arms as the constitution allows and get my money back
He sometimes goes a bit over the top but this was one of his best movie/docs. Good on you Mr Moore, I hope you made a few of those unscrupulousness bastards squirm... though I won't hold my breath

Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2011-01-10 18:24:00 UTC

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2011-01-10 18:29:00 UTC

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Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2011-01-10 18:50:00 UTC

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2011-01-10 19:13:00 UTC

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Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2011-01-10 20:03:00 UTC

The trouble is London, like New York are the worlds leading conduits for banking transactions, a percent of a percent of every penny that they handle earns a bank commission.

Every country wants that business, Germany, France, Spain Switzerland and Geneva. None of them will agree to the kind of Global/European banking controls and constraints that are needed because they want the business. You can bet these countries are paying millions to UK/US lobbyist to argue for the constraints, so that they can win the business. The media is just being manipulated, as are we.

Most people think the UK debt is £1.2 Trillion, when in fact over half has been paid off

Barclay's didn't even take tax payers money - why should they be affected by bad bank legislation.



2011-01-10 20:21:00 UTC

OH, only 500 billion, that's OK then.

If previous governments had been interested in investing that type of money in "proper" UK industries we wouldn't be so reliant on the banking industry in the first place.



2011-01-10 22:21:00 UTC

I think there is a question to answer as to whether they made it happen. These people lobbied to remove all the banking restrictions and regualtions. I refuse to believe they didn't know what they were doing. Even I can see that selling money to people that can never afford to pay it back is morally wrong and a time bomb waiting to go off.
I'm not one for conspiracy theories but you have to wonder, who had the most to gain from this chain of events? Did the people at the very top lose everything? In fact did they lose anything at all. All that money didn't just disappear. I would in fact image they made a shit load.

Problem is the public as a whole are just sheep, they might question something for 5 mins once in a while but then we just drift back in to our lives and it just carries on again. I know I'm only really screwing again about this as I've just watched the movie, give it a few days/weeks and it will drift in to the back of my mind. Meanwhile somehow billions of $/£ have disappeared into the ether. The fact that the lady from the Oversight committee who's role it is to oversee where the money went, can't get any answers scares the shit out of me. As it should everyone else.

You are right Jules, a run on the banks would have been shite for us minions and the government was left with no choice but to bail them out. Somehow though they have not only got us all into this shite state of affairs but there has been no suggestion that the immoral actions of the people at the top being made to pay for it. Less than 2 years later billions are being dished out in bonuses and so they are happy as again. It seems morally wrong to me. And personally I think it's a fooked state of affairs.



2011-01-10 23:08:00 UTC

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2011-01-10 23:41:00 UTC

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2011-01-11 01:34:00 UTC

You may not like Michael Moore or agree with his style, but he does know his shit. He does have his finger on the pulse, and knows what is going on.

The banks are all privately owned, and own, control and rule the world. The western governments are nothing more than the legislative arm of the banks and big business, and the main stream media are their bought and paid for PR arm. This is the reason that the banks have not been bought to task over the GFC.

When you realise that the main banking families like the Rockerfellers also chair and direct the major think tanks of the world like the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) and Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group etc, it is easy to understand how the bankers adgenda quickly becomes government policy and law.

Nothing will change while people remain ignorant of these facts and continue to vote in the same bunch of sycophants who lie and promote themselves as agents of change.

If your interested in knowing whats really going on in your name check out this site.



2011-01-11 03:04:00 UTC

Gawd! Capitalism sucks! So do low taxes and endless opportunity... Comrade Lennon save us......










2011-01-11 03:41:00 UTC

Not capitalism, but out and out greed coupled with a total lack of morals.
It is one thing to work hard and enjoy a good life, anyone who works for it deserves that.
Things like loaning people money, when you know there is not a chance in hell they could ever pay it back is something different.

Make a hell of a bunch of these loans, then when you loose your ass because folks start walking away from these houses they could not pay for just look to the taxpayers to bail you out.

Same as getting the McMansion that you know you can never pay for, because the loan folks told you that you can. When you really know better.

Then the credit card companies want to raise my interest rates to pay for the high risk customers that defaulted on the debt they had, when I pay my bills on time.

That is the problem, not capitalism.

But that is ok, our taxes will go up to cover it because we are still working, and if we have enough disposable income to buy these nice motorcycles and such we must be "rich".
We won't notice a few more thousand a year gone from our paychecks.
They only let me keep about half of what I earn anyway.

Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2011-01-11 04:45:00 UTC

I agree with you WVHB. But there was one more villain in this "loan to those who can't repay scheme". The US government. They too are some greedy shady bastards. Franie and Freddie were insuring loans that were outrageous.

If you lived in Philly in 2007 and had no job you could get a federally insured loan on a 350K house no problem. Congress and the Senate encouraged this crap right to the end.

The hated GW Bush warned to Congress 17 times (!) stating that this trend must end or dire consequence's will incur. ... 008-alone/

As we all know to well, Government is the biggest "greedy bastards" of all...cuz, they make the rules.

Bernie Madoff is doin' life for the shit our government pulls on us every single day.

Twisted Jester

Twisted Jester

2011-01-11 05:10:00 UTC

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2011-01-11 11:27:00 UTC

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2011-01-12 03:49:00 UTC

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2011-01-12 04:15:00 UTC

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2011-01-12 04:50:00 UTC

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