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Check this bike crash out!!



2012-04-23 09:06:00 UTC

This is from another forum it happened in RIJEKA (CROATIA) but crap what a stuff up!! ... 942/549389

Below is what the young fella who posted the incident had to say....

got off the phone with my father about half an hour ago...

Since I'm stationed in singapore, due to my work, I called home just hear my parents and asked my father if he knew what actually happend....

One of the two guy's who decesed, was a friend of his, he was returning from a solo ride to his family when the 6 bikers took his life, apparently from what he know's one of the six bikers was cutting a corner and directly hitted him, and seconds after the other 4 guy's rammed into them, the other one managed to evade them and hit a wall....

Some witnesses said that the six bikers just minutes before the crash were burning tyres, and apperently drinkin, however the blood analysis will show if they had samo alcohol in their blood....

From one point of view I feel sorry for everyone, but on the other I'm pissed off at the other guy's who were driving like crazy on a normal street and taking a life of one innocent man. Now according to the latest news another has passed away due to serious the total is 3 off to a better life and 4 seriusly injured....

Now I'm asking you fellow Riders, father's, son's, wifes, brothers, sisters...ect....wouldn't you be pissed off at theese 6 guy's if something would happend to someone who you know???? what would you do??



2012-04-23 09:26:00 UTC

holy shit!



2012-04-23 10:20:00 UTC

That's terrible. I've known a few people that have been hit by another bike head on (one still lives) and lots of
people that have done dopey things and gotten themselves killed.

So sorry for all concerned and their friends and families.

Hands up all those that have never run wide on a corner?



2012-04-23 11:28:00 UTC

Very sorry to hear about your friend

But as for what I would do about it.....

Nothing, because nothing you do will bring your friend back !



2012-04-23 12:23:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-04-23 17:19:00 UTC

the pictures are terrible ,i feel sorry for any family and friends that have to deal with this ,in fact any body that even has to come across the scene .



2012-04-24 06:39:00 UTC

Here is another one not far from where I live. ... -news.html



2012-04-24 11:47:00 UTC

Jody: Wise words well put!!



2012-04-25 07:54:00 UTC

My cousins live nearby in Buje. The whole croatian coastline seems like it was designed for bikers. Perfectly paved twisty roads. Neat tunnels and bridges. Super scenic. It's kind of early in the season for this big of a pile up, but when I visited last summer it seemed like there were more bikes on the road than cars. It must be some kind of scandinavian/north european biker mecca. It's a tragic accident, but not at all surprising for that area. What is surprising was that no car was involved. That is something you will never hear of in the states.

A big problem over there is the beer is so light. Most people drink radlers and diesels during the summer since it just kind of makes sense in the hot weather. No one ever asks if you've been drinking. Everyone is kind of always drunk. They have great bottled radlers with different flavors like apple, grape, grapefruit, etc... Apple was my personal favorite. You can easily drink a six pack and not even notice your drunk until after you made one too many left turns.