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Close Encounter of the Scrote Kind

No. 47

No. 47

2013-10-14 19:36:00 UTC

Heard a bike starting up (but thinking it was another's Guzzi) and by chance was coming out of office, to see mine being ridden off out into Kings Road with two guys running behind - chased 'em and scrotes stupidly turned into Markham Square, dead end - once they realised and saw me plus two other passers-by coming, dropped bike and ran into central park area where the three of them got past the three of us - busted ignition barrel, steering lock and adjacent frame damage.



2013-10-14 19:40:00 UTC

holy shit dude i wish you had a gun in hand to lay waste to those scum. Glad you stopped them



2013-10-14 19:53:00 UTC

cunts Lock that bike up m8. They will be back now they know.



2013-10-14 19:56:00 UTC


No. 47

No. 47

2013-10-14 19:57:00 UTC

Secure garage, cctv, etc - but someone left the gate open..........................



2013-10-14 20:07:00 UTC

Wow...too close for comfort brudah...
Who left the gate open.????
Anyone hatn on ya in the office..???
Meeting time for that...
Security isn't security if some lameass
doesn't follow through...



2013-10-14 20:20:00 UTC

Nice save!!

Hope it fixes up ok.

Lot of scavengers about, only takes a small chink in the armour and the vermin sneak in!



2013-10-14 20:33:00 UTC

Post missing.

No. 47

No. 47

2013-10-14 20:34:00 UTC

Most excitement in Kings Road/Markham Square since recent gun siege and flattened Harley...........



2013-10-14 20:42:00 UTC

Jesus. Nice save! Pity you couldn't take the damage out on their hides. It's a horrible feeling watching your pride and joy ride away like that!

No. 47

No. 47

2013-10-14 20:48:00 UTC

Yep, very different from coming back to an empty space - curious feeling chasing after your own bike but the adrenaline kicked in, just like after crashing.



2013-10-14 21:26:00 UTC

More security needed, maybe a padlock and chain if folk can't be trusted to shut a gate. Glad you caught them before it disappeared for good

No. 47

No. 47

2013-10-14 21:45:00 UTC

Found the scrote's helmet in the square - police say they will check DNA - really?



2013-10-14 21:58:00 UTC

Yeah, hair is usually left in the helmet.

But the DNA on its own is not enough they would need CCTV or you to ID one of them cos they just say "I borrowed my mates helmet once but I'm not telling you who".



2013-10-14 22:57:00 UTC

At least put a disk lock on the rear wheel m8. I'd make it an alarmed one as well to be save.

No. 47

No. 47

2013-10-15 08:46:00 UTC

Had to leave it overnight, disc locked, in the garage due to flat battery - still here this morning - so will be lashing up ignition barrel to ride home.

Have full cctv coverage.

No. 47

No. 47

2013-10-15 19:01:00 UTC

I guess that I'm infringing the scrotes' civil rights if I post up footage...........................



2013-10-15 19:14:00 UTC

Nah... Just upload to youtube as a private video and embed it here.
We won't tell anyone.
Bloody scumbags

Sent from my M8 pro using Tapatalk 4

No. 47

No. 47

2013-10-15 20:00:00 UTC

Back up and running - looking for a steering lock assembly.



2013-10-15 21:23:00 UTC

nice work. No alarm?



2013-10-15 21:25:00 UTC

should of let yer high milage bike go bud, claimed your insurance and put it towards a

No. 47

No. 47

2013-10-15 21:30:00 UTC

Yeah post up the footage. It was recorded on private property, plenty of people post that stuff on FB now.



2013-10-15 21:41:00 UTC

What's a 70k+ miles 990 SDR worth other than to me and, perhaps, KTM.......possible PR deal with KTM? Put me down for the prototype......

Will post footage once I've worked out how to to extract 10 mins from a 24hr 675 MB video file.

Alarm's another story,



2013-10-16 07:34:00 UTC

Don't put any footage in the public domain just yet. It can bugger up any subsequent ID and undermine the prosecution case should the matter go to court. Police lose lots of jobs every year because of this. Hope they get them mate, DNA coupled with video evidence may be enough to hang them (well, give em a few community hours )

No. 47

No. 47

2013-10-16 15:58:00 UTC

Might be time for a hidden in line power switch.

Make sure you can flip the switch without other notice.



2016-04-15 17:45:00 UTC

Another attempt - this time parked in private courtyard outside of studio reception - 4" inch screw hammered into ignition switch and steering lock snapped but alarm sounded off at movement and scrote walks away - those you saw it happening, thought it was me..........................................

Anyone local in UK have spare ignition barrel and key that I can buy/borrow until new part from Austria arrives?



2016-04-15 19:35:00 UTC

Geez really?? fooking retards boil my piss

No. 47

No. 47

2016-04-16 11:44:00 UTC

This happened to me a few years back and the next time I saw my bike was on Channel 4 news.. The best deterrent is a visible disk lock - since they want to be able to just pull the ignition out and ride away, some 'visible' security will put them off.
I wouldn't be too dismissive of the Police either - they caught the little sh*ts that nicked mine (admittedly only after cid got involved) and the bike was returned to me. I still own it now.
The 4 'little sh*ts' got between 4 and 5 years each - back in 1210 - so it could well be the same bunch? My bike was stolen around Aldwych (behind One Aldwych hotel to be precise..) area.
Link below - my bike is the one at the front, visible through the door.