This is a static archive scraped from the now-closed forum. If this archive has helped you at all and you fancy buying me a pint to say thanks, you can do so at



2012-01-14 17:49:00 UTC

I woke up thinking about corn this morn.
Racing through were ideas and topics sterting with ADM, Indians, ethanol, Mexico's diet, American diets.
I'm in the shower telling my wife that the American psyche and physical nature is steeped in corn.
I told her we even have a language that posseses corn ideals.
She said "huh".
A rank in the milatary is kernal
a silly concept is corny
A long conversation is an earfull
a mistake could be followed by "shucks"
we wont even start in on the corn packers side of this thought.
I am sure many other ideas are leaving your corn holes
Just a kernal of wisdom.



2012-01-14 18:21:00 UTC

The things you can think when you think. I fascinate the hell out of myself...especially while in the shower.



2012-01-14 20:24:00 UTC

What a truly amazing thought...



2012-01-14 20:46:00 UTC

Much of the start of this idea is related to the cornification of America.
A company named Monsanto developed a hybrid seed that cornified America like it never had. It was also legeslated that no other kernal was allowed to be planted so as to protect this seed from being tainted by "inferior" corn.
Arian corn if you will. Corn grew so well that it was important to find buyers. Mexico was steeped in the corn industry and diets were rich in this easy to grow crop. To further corn sales allong with other items. This great Idea was instituted called NAFTA. The North American Free Trade Agreement. Corn showed up in Mexico in train loads full and drove the price of local grown corn down to an unlivable price of croppage. Communities that were sustained by agrarian ways were sundenly left with a bunch of land that was worthless. Poor Miguel had to tell his two sons that they could not stay at home and farm with him due to the underinflated values of free trade. Jose and Miguel junior headed for greener pastures if you will and our now living in squaler in a shack two blocks from my house. My tank has the mumps and Chevron and Archer Daniels Midland has more pesos than you can shake a stick at.
The thought runs deeper than another corny idea dribbling from the upper regions. Something as simple as corn can make or break the will of the family structure. Or is it greed that I am discussing?
I remember when I was growing up the meat indudtry sold us on corn fed beef was the only way to fly.



2012-01-14 21:23:00 UTC

Do you share your stash (whatever it is) with fellow SD riders? If so, what's your address?

I desire your keen insight!



2012-01-14 21:31:00 UTC

The benefits of corn fed beef are inumerable! We get to build large CAFO's and increase the density of the herds giving a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and such, evolutions building blocks. Now we have a new strain of Ecoli which is helping with our over population issue.
We can control these factories from afar and further remove ourselves from our food and the workers involved. A great benefit to sleeping at night as it is hard for our conciences to be impinged at all.
And let's not forget he extra work involved in building a factory to treat said meat with ammonia to kill all these wonderfully goodies.
Fortunately we live in an equal society so we all get to reap the benefits of our improved farming practices.



2012-01-14 21:37:00 UTC

We coud always go to fifteen percent ethanol and eat a couple more tortillas. Or run methane off the cows asses for electric cars. either way, I think we will not be able to stop this evolution. A friend says he thinks we may be devolving, he has a point. weld on.



2012-01-14 21:43:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-01-14 22:10:00 UTC

I see You must have seen the movie Food inc Huh? It's true corn is the devel. We have to put it in food even if does not need it .
A reason why Americans are over weight. We have to eat food that is bad for us . If you try to eat good food it's costs twice as much to feed your family.
If you are a farmer and you don't use the monsanto corn but the farm next to you does.Lets say the wind blows some of the monsanto corn seeds into your field.monsanto has the right to check your corns dna.Anytime they want without your consent.If they find one plant that had monsanto dna they get to take your whole crop and you have to pay monsanto.Now you could try to take them to court but monsanto will break you because they own the best law firms.They own 85 % of the worlds corn with their "special corn" they force feed the cattle corn .They want us to think it is good. It's a lie.What the fook what was wrong with grass and hay ? If you get a steak that is grass fed you will pay more.and trust me you can taste the differance.The world is so fooked up At least we get to ride they have not taken that away from us. At 56 I have seen so many rights taken away just a little at a time.They say every person in the USA will be on camera at some time durning the day everyday without your right to say yes or no.London has more cameras watching their people than anywhere.Is it a bad thing? You tell me.If you think corn is bad look at what they do to the chickens.We could do this all day brother.Thats why I don't give a fook.The machine is out of control not much I can do anything about it. So I just ride as much as i can when I can because I don't think about all this shit when I ride.



2012-01-14 22:11:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-01-14 22:17:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-01-14 22:20:00 UTC

It has been an insidious coup buy the giant slugs of our world.
I make as much difference as I can by trying to avoid all products like that... PAIN IN THE ARSE!!!
But, if I have children I want to leave them witht he impression that we can do something.
The greatest lie we have been sold is that we are helpless... Only the rich can afford to change the world... Only the top 1%...

ALL of the people in the Western world are in the top 1% of earners in the WORLD...
WE are the rockstars, WE are the rudders forcing the change on the world, WE are the leaders, the sooner we realise that, the sooner we can live guilt free.

I ride my Motorbike fast, I hate the phrase "Speed was a contributing factor"...
Once again the Docile masses have been responible for encroaching on my life...
At some point we have to strike back at ALL that we do not like, otherwise we might as well crawl into a ball and die



2012-01-14 22:56:00 UTC

It never dawned on me that as a westerner I would be part of a one percentile. That was enlightening to say the least. A pawn in a game that most do not even get to play is still membership upon a checkered board or at least chekered past.
We get our tailfeathers all in a ruffle when our livlihood is weakend or our style of living has been threatened by third world intrusions from the south, without taking any responsibility of our own. We get on our high horses about ethanol robbing us of higher horses at the rear wheel, never thinking that we put in place the legeslatures that served the top givers to thier election campaign. All the time we still occupy the one percent of takers of shit on this planet.
I'm goin to Walmart and work some of this pent up frustration off buy shopping. Niners are kicken New Orleans ass.



2012-01-14 23:47:00 UTC

If the true be known is that we don't put any of these legislatures in place by election campaign. It just looks that way and the worst is yet to come!!



2012-01-15 00:10:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-01-15 01:56:00 UTC

Are you just trying to get your post count up??



2012-01-15 02:03:00 UTC

It has now come to my understanding that California corn husk's are just as potent a smoke as the best cannibis that money can buy,,,a bit "harsh" , but just as enjoyable a buzz,,,,fer sur,,,,,,it could be the perfect time to legalize it,,,,,



2012-01-15 02:08:00 UTC

No wonder my favorite is the corn cob pipe, love the afterburn. Brady and the bunch are lookin so the profesionals right now. Dont think anyone can beat them, least or most of which the Niners. Smith looked everybit as good as Breez to my surprize. Lets see where does this put my post count?
Dont get me started on rice and hockey



2012-01-15 02:15:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-01-15 02:25:00 UTC

I may be in trouble. I have been secretly rooting for Baltimore. It all started after watching the Wire and then Lebron left with all his love, then Flaco started impresing me and now I am torn betwixt My forever Patriots and those irresistable blackbirds. There logo is freaken cool and just cause it sports a big B which is the start of my great name Barrett well one could see how or when or where the quandry lies. Well I still would like a Colt relation on the other side of the field as Manning and Flacco both know how important it is to have twin double consanants in thier names.
Wheres that post count now?



2012-01-15 02:36:00 UTC

that makes 1500 for dribbler yeeharr



2012-01-15 02:40:00 UTC

Pisser, I was happy enough with wheelie King.
I'mno hero, coarse that is what all true heroes say



2012-01-15 02:46:00 UTC

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2012-01-15 03:56:00 UTC

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2012-01-15 14:48:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-01-15 16:38:00 UTC

I am disappointed - been following your posts for a while all confused and perplexed

And now you undermine that good work by this spot-on post as clear as acid rain

kornucopia it is



2012-01-16 01:18:00 UTC

This one is for you Dribble



2012-01-16 01:23:00 UTC

how did this tread turn into 2 pages



2012-01-16 01:41:00 UTC

Well that's 15 minutes I'll never get back....



2012-01-16 02:03:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-01-16 03:24:00 UTC

You know, with all the references to corn in this thread, I'm surprised no one mentioned the most fitting corn reference.

A good ole corn shit.



2012-01-16 05:01:00 UTC

My corn diet

Breakfast: Cornflakes
Morning tea: Corn Jack
Lunch: Corn Fritter
Dinner: Corn Cob



2012-01-16 09:49:00 UTC

I had to order "Cracker Jack" on line,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,just sold out everywhere,,,,,,,,, now their saying that there's a peanut shortage as well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



2012-01-16 16:16:00 UTC

Therenwas a spinning top that came in C.J. when i was young
If you spinned it under flourescent lighting, when the timing of the cycles of electricity and the cycles of the top was just so, a tge top appeared to turn backwards.
I remember crossing a bridge and it used lighting on the side walls. When you watched other cars wheels they would seem to be still.
To this day I find that phenominae pleasant to my brain.
Good day, children of the corn, I am off for the fifty eight loop



2012-01-16 18:28:00 UTC

Post missing.