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Drink driving



2011-05-03 11:50:00 UTC

If you like to have a drink and drive ,have a look at this Victorian road safety ad, it's brilliantly made and had me in tears.



2011-05-03 12:22:00 UTC

That is a good hard hitting ad. I like that fact it's so long and so hard to quickly put out of your mind or switch off from.

I can count on 2 hands the times I've drunk driven. Where I was bought up in the sticks though it was a nightly event for most of my m8s as it was either that or not going to the pub. I love my licence too much to risk it and so just used to a pint and then switch to soft drinks. However I lost count of the times I drove stoned. There is certainly a difference in the way each one makes you drive and I always felt save when stoned. Although I am in no way condoning my behaviour.



2011-05-03 12:40:00 UTC

Deaths from drink driving were 380 last year, while serious injuries were down nine per cent to 1,480. Over 2000 were killed as a result of not drinking and driving about 300 of those from not wearing a seatbelt . Based on those statistics I shall make sure I have my seatbelt on and have drank at least half a bottle of vodka before I drive .. better safe than sorry .



2011-05-03 12:40:00 UTC

WOW haven't seen that ad yet..I don't drink and drive and will never do it after seeing really hits home.great ad



2011-05-03 13:07:00 UTC

I unfortunately in my younger days never thought twice about drinking and driving, pretty much the done thing growing up in the country. I have only ever had two accidents in my life and both times I was drunk, wrote off both vehicles and had two passengers in the car both times, luckily (for me) no one was seriously hurt. I never do it any more and seeing ads like this re-enforces it being the right thing to do. I could never live with myself if I killed or seriously hurt anyone through my actions.



2011-05-03 14:34:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-05-03 15:04:00 UTC

Drunk driving is the reason to at least one third (33%) of all deaths in trafic here in Denmark.
We are 5+ million people, and every year ~300 persons die in the trafic. 100 persons could live, and a lot of people could live with 100% body function, if they weren't hit by a drunk driver.

Drunk driving is so irresponsible and lame.

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2011-05-03 21:21:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-05-03 22:02:00 UTC

Ah the good old days Luke

Have to say though I could not drink 3 pints of lager on anything other than a full stomach and not have it impair my judgement and reactions. Maybe I'm a lightweight these days though.

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2011-05-03 22:19:00 UTC

The good old bad old days. My parents had the pub from 1976 to 1991 and their trade only declined sharply in the last few years because Blue Circle implemented a H&S policy that enabled them to test anyone for alcohol during the working day.

I passed car and bike test in 1983 and drink drove with reckless abandon until I got done in 2005. I had a good innings. Very rarely was I pissed up, only a couple of times I couldnt remember getting home. But usually I had 3 pints sometimes 4 and wouldnt think twice about driving. If I felt pissed I would sleep at a mates but if I felt ok I would drive home.

In fairness I wouldnt have got done in 2005 except I missed my exit of M20 in the fog and got pulled in Ashford (the next junction). I have ridden a bike after a few beers too which is the closest we will get to TT3D (you arent going as fast as Guy Martin et all but it sure feels like it). I have had a few pints and then drove a 44 tonne truck to Leeds and back. Not proud of any of it but equally I dont agree it is willfully reckless on a par with pushing old biddies onto the railway lines - which is how the government try to portray it these days.

As you and others have said before; unless you live in a major city you have to drink and drive or you would never get home from the pub



2011-05-03 22:55:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-05-04 02:30:00 UTC

Man my knees are weak after watching that. I'm going to show this to my two teenage sons who are new drivers. I hope it is impactful and makes them think about the consequences. Thanks for posting this up.



2011-05-04 04:46:00 UTC

Great vid! It still won't impact some people though...



2011-05-17 19:47:00 UTC

That's incredible - I never knew that song was over 5 minutes long !

I jest. Great video, should be compulsory viewing, part of everyone's driving instruction.....



2011-05-17 22:20:00 UTC

Depending on how squeemish you are you might want to look up Jacqueline Saburidong on google. A pretty young girl burnt beyond recognition after being hit by a drunk driver.

When younger I was as stupid as the next kid. I'm still stupid now but I don't drink and drive these days.

Well put together advert but I doubt it made much difference. I think we are close to where accident statistics flat line. Humans are falible and with so many driving there will always be a toll at some level.



2011-05-17 22:21:00 UTC

Double post?



2011-05-19 10:01:00 UTC

very graphic, shame most who actually choose to drink drive are too selfish to actually care about whether or not their actions effect others though.
shame too that speed cameras do nothing to detect them...............



2011-05-19 14:53:00 UTC

Post missing.