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trackday junkie

trackday junkie

2011-02-18 00:35:00 UTC

You just toppled a government . The media is there to share your victory! The army has to rescue a reporter from the freedom loving protesters?



2011-02-18 00:47:00 UTC

yeah i didnt get that either... but that being said every town has a bad egg... all it takes is one to ruin the perception for everyone.

plus the media will make it out to be a bigger deal than what it may have been... sad as the incident is. It may have only been one or two... but that is not a good story... lets make it hundreds of people

trackday junkie

trackday junkie

2011-02-18 00:55:00 UTC

One bad egg?



2011-02-18 01:17:00 UTC

bad egg... is that not a saying over there?

'one bad egg is all it takes to ruin an omelette'



2011-02-18 01:31:00 UTC

I think he means full of bad eggs. Sarcasm.



2011-02-18 03:04:00 UTC

Uh oh, are we treading on thin ice here with another taboo subject? Are the monitors going to "lock" this thread?



2011-02-18 05:24:00 UTC

It's okay to discuss eggs, but stay away from the chickens. Mayhaps the few bad eggs were spoiled long before someone cried freedom. What gets me is that Christiane Amanpour was just on Colbert the other night and she did not bother informing the people that one of her colleagues was victomized. The whole world is watching and with much celebration for the peoples right to justice and there need to be reporting of the good the bad and the ugly. Post the rapists address on Facebook and see how long that behaviour lasts. I for one would like all the kings to topple, Just like Humpty Dumpty. All the king horses and all the kings camels could'nt keep Hosni together, a gain.



2011-02-24 01:15:00 UTC

If the reporting egg wore a Burka then she would have showed the sexually frustrated eggs that she didn't want raping. It's semantics really but if you cover your egg you don't want it raped, flash some shell and a good old fashioned raping is coming said egg's way...

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2011-02-24 22:30:00 UTC

See they werent just protesting about the gubbermint who may have kept them as peasants but have also been good friends to the West with relatively cheap oil prices and brokered oil deals wih the other goat herding nations.

They were also protesting about Muslim sexual repression, throwing away the long held eastern idiom that a woman is for children and a boy is for pleasure.

Or just maybe they went sex mad at the sight of a woman without a moustache - who knows but it seems the whole arab world is going crazy at the minute.

Much as I applaud a strong stance against dictators like Gaddafi, if it causes Oil companies to increase the price of fuel yet further from its current 1.35 sterling per LITRE!!@!!!!!!!@@@!!!!! then I say nuke the fookers and give us cheap fuel again

trackday junkie

trackday junkie

2011-02-24 23:20:00 UTC

It's not hard to understand,
People who are keep under a boot heel for decades getting the chance to express themselves; Finding that they had the power to do so all along and acting out. Rape the infadel ! ( Yea right)
The fun has spread to Lybia now and the price is way higher than Egypt, yet they continue. The unrest is spreading through the region.
The Dickheads need to go.
Their replacements need to consider if the new governments should be based on the same atrocities they were fighting against to replace.



2011-02-25 20:51:00 UTC

Other than the fuel price, the nett effect on Europe will be more muslim "refugees". Therefore, either the day that europeans wake up and remove them comes sooner, or the day european women wear hijab or headscarfs and cover their arms comes sooner.



2011-02-26 15:12:00 UTC

More reasons for more Muslim repression for Christ sake (Irony)



2011-02-26 16:59:00 UTC

The SuperDuke is a really good motorcycle. Pictures of scantly clad women are one of the reasons I visit this site.



2011-02-26 17:04:00 UTC

Post missing.