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Elizabeth Warren



2012-11-08 01:47:00 UTC

The best news coming out of Boston was not out of the Romney headquarters, it was across the street at the Warren camp.
I am pleased to see Bostonians-Massachusettsians have welcomed this generous heart into thier political playground.



2012-11-08 02:09:00 UTC

Didn't knew who she was...

Google helped a little:




2012-11-08 02:51:00 UTC

Yep, that's her.



2012-11-08 03:43:00 UTC

Very cool sentiment




2012-11-08 05:03:00 UTC

She really did in the that stuffed shirt Former Sen. Brown.
Hopefully she can see the fruitian of most her ideas.
Maybe Romney and Brown can now join new CEO Meg Whitman, who tried to buy the governorship here in California, for approx. $46 per vote, in creating all those jobs at HP since she took over!



2012-11-08 10:08:00 UTC

Best thing in Boston that happenen IMO anyway was the leagalization of marijuana for medical use,,,my best friend died in 1980 and needed it very much back then to make the cancer in his life bearable, all of his friends rallied around him and made it happen,,and it did happen with the window open in his hospital room,,,,,only thing was it should have been more potent,and been availabe 40 years ago,,even the doctor's back then agreed,,,,,hopefully now it will be for others in dire need,,,,,and Liz Warren is a good thing IMO,,,



2012-11-09 03:08:00 UTC

The best thing about Liz is, she's a totally honest Native American! What tribe is she from?



2012-11-09 03:22:00 UTC

Proof... I am a Native... no.. really... I gots Indian blood in me really! A regular Pocahontas in the flesh...

Image ... a-johnson#



2012-11-09 03:44:00 UTC

The truth is 90% of us Yanks got Indian blood in us. What the heck you think our forefathers did with all those wild Native Girls? To lie about your heritage to achieve a goal is just wrong. It cheats the "real" native americans, it cheats everyone. If you were a "real" native american that missed an education opportunity because of a fake, how would you feel?

Now this person that is a liar and a cheat has been put in a position of power by President Bozo. Good luck America.

Well, if this pans out she'll be doing time soon...

"Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren may have practiced law in Massachusetts without license
So now only is Elizabeth Warren a fake Indian, she could fake a fake lawyer too! According to Legal Insurrection, Elizabeth Warren is not licensed to practice law in Massachusetts. The site says that not only does Warren’s name does not turn up on a search of the Board of Bar Overseers attorney search website, but her maiden name (Elizabeth Herring) also show no results that she was licensed to practice law in the state. If she practiced law for multiple companies in Massachusetts as it appears, Warren broke the law and could go to jail for up to 6 months."

Opps, seems she's a slippery little devil...

"Normally, a violation of this law would bring – according to Massachusetts law – a penalty of up to six months in jail and a fine of up $100. But in Warren’s case, her alleged violations could be outside the six-year statute of limitations for the law. She also may have only practiced in federal court in Massachusetts, which could absolve her of wrongdoing if it cannot be proven any of the legal preparation work was done in the state."

Like I said good luck with all that.



2012-11-09 06:03:00 UTC

Being accused of lying by the Echo chamber, that doesn't believe in facts, or presenting any evidence only not baseless charges, as a guiding principle to an arguement, in most cases over the last 4 years would be considered a badge of courage. Echo chamber bolvine discharges are just that, none of them have held their water upon any type of inspection.
Only one 2008 presidential candidate was born outside the US, and his name is John MC Cain. Look it up, he was born in the Panama canal zone, which everyone considers more of a part of America than the state of Hawaii, RIGHT.
After Columbus genocided everyone he came upon, and the genocide only got more efficent as time went on, how can europeans, backed by biblical passages endorsing their actions, and their ancestors talk to anyone about morals and what is right. Not one time in history has an indigenous people increased their population when "civilized" people came to "help" them. The overwhelming model is that because they had to pay off investors and get the loot they ended up siezing their land in the name of private property which of course didn't exist if the people living there didn't have a deed which can only be created by the civilized persons taking away your land. Factual historical accounts about the amount of white cross breeding with indians is small because the poplulation they could possibly of had sex with, usually imploded within months of the civilized people showing up. Because of the way this occured most indian women used herbs and other injested items to force a still birth to ensure their children would not come to term, those that did they infancided, because they didn't want them to have to deal with this zero sum game that was indentured servitude. The euros believed in killing the women and children first any way to terrorize them. Not a single Arawaks, the first people to meet Columbus, existed in 1650.
My father worked for the BIA and took indian children away from their families, to government "Apple" schools set up to take the indian out of them. Basically just tear them down was the guiding principle.
Since W was such a roaring success, I'm shock he was completely absent from view at RED party functions. But he was doggidly pursued by all the candidates to endorse and campaign for them. Nada.



2012-11-09 11:18:00 UTC

IMO this is a fine wine and cheese "non issue" the "people" voted,, enough said,,,,



2012-11-09 17:53:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-11-09 18:00:00 UTC

This is all BS,,,,,,the "people" have voted,,,,,,,,,



2012-11-09 21:21:00 UTC

part redman in a blueblood state, makes a beautiful shade of purple.
Go away you purple people eaters.