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Fook NYC



2013-07-02 16:25:00 UTC

This is the dumbest shit I have ever dealt with.

On my way home from work, I pass a cop who is parked on the side of the street, i ride in the open lane next to stopped traffic on the right and make a right turn, I see the cop turn his lights on and go after me.

At this point I'm thinking wtf, I know for sure I havent done anything wrong.

The street is super busy so I pull over into a parking garage.

Cops get out with guns drawn and take me to the floor.

They they handcuffed me and smashed my face(helmet into the ground).... scratched up my nice arai corsair V.

After looking up all my crap they cite me for:

1- Riding with my visor open ($230)
2- Unlawfully passing on the right ($230)
3- Having 1 earbud in ($130)
4- Disobeying a lawful order (wtf) ($230)
5- No license plate (it broke off in my last crash, I have it in my backpack) ($130)

And finally, get this shit: 6- Trespassing

Apparently the parking lot i pulled into was private property so they wrote me a summons for trespassing.

So now I have to pay $900 in tickets and have a shitload of points on my record.

fook NYC cops



2013-07-02 16:56:00 UTC

That sucks mate. What makes them behave like this? Are you and the bike a shiny clean biker unit or a dirty , rough looking example? The UK police seem to pick on the latter more in my experience.



2013-07-02 17:13:00 UTC

Fooking BS. I'm so sick of GOV money generating bullcrap i could go nutz ! you crossed this line 500$ -- you stepped on a crack 500$ -- you took a leak over there ,indecent exposure 1000$ .....
I can't tell you how many times i've been stopped here in the Bay Area California ( passing in the right side - speed warning ) ticket only passing on right --- exceeding 25mph in residential (no ticket) --- pulled over no license light no mirrors no signals at night ( No ticket ) blah blah blah ....... Everyone knows NYC is hostile environment ----- ALOT of money has LEFT NYC so i guess the federalays have been informed to generate as much revenue as they can .....



2013-07-02 18:02:00 UTC

Fancy driving around with no licence plate in the country with the most over zelous cops in any civilized nation, I would suggest they thought it was stolen, they probably thought you had an IED in your back pack.

That's a lot of tickets though for naff all

Whats the "having one ear bud in"??



2013-07-02 18:28:00 UTC

Post missing.



2013-07-02 18:32:00 UTC

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2013-07-02 18:35:00 UTC

Why cant you ride with your visor open at urban speeds? Driving without the plates are 130 only(!) and other nonsens-crap 230 per case Anyway seems you got them mad for some reason or it is really Fook NYC...



2013-07-02 18:51:00 UTC

Post missing.



2013-07-02 21:22:00 UTC

"The land of the free" is sadly becoming more and more ironic when it comes to the states. Can Americans not see how much of a police state it has become? Time for a new war of independence, both there and here. Show greedy and corrupt fat arsed politicians and corporate directors that without the people the're nothing



2013-07-02 22:08:00 UTC

The cop told me the only reason he came after me me to begin with was because he saw my visor up. Not because of a license plate or anything else.



2013-07-02 22:16:00 UTC

Are you allowed to wear an open face helmet in NYC? If so what's the problem with having visor up? What if you have a flip up helmet? What if it fogs up?

That is the most stupid law I have heard, in fairness they are all pretty lame.



2013-07-02 22:33:00 UTC

Yes you are allowed to. That's why it's stupid. If you crack your visor open for any reason they ticket you. They don't care if it's fogging up or if you are hot at a stop light, they will ticket you.



2013-07-02 23:58:00 UTC

Sucks you were roughed up but how in any way shape or form did you think it was a good idea to ride around without a license plate??? That is asking to get pulled over and get cited for anything they feel fit......



2013-07-03 00:18:00 UTC

In the uk you can ride with your visor up, but technically if you ride with your visor up and wearing sunglasses they are not standards complient safety eye wear and breach health and safety laws. Wft! I bet noone has been pulled over for it though.



2013-07-03 02:19:00 UTC

Bet he thought he'd caught one of these that are the scourge of the city at the moment. Pissing off cops and decent bikers alike with their antics.
Still not normal behavior for the NYPD what they did to you. I'd file a complaint pronto.



2013-07-03 02:23:00 UTC

You're a marked man for some reason..No matter where you go..
It IS true..The cops are out for ANYTHING they can get you for..I just got a moving violation a month ago..Simply passing through a turn right to a side street..Confusing..but since I grew up in the city I was in..I've done that move 1,000
times..I couldn't understand when he pulled me over..Except..he was waiting to catch everyone that did the same thing I did..No points..I did traffic school..Total cost was $350. and after all said..He asked why I was in the city in the first place..??? Fack.!!! Since when is it any of his business..????.I told him I just left the dentist I've had for 30 years..Of pays to grin and bare it..He said he could of written me for something else at the same time..I just laughed to myself..How facking rediculous these jerks are getting.!!!! They line their pockets with our coin and then put the city/state in bankrupcy...

I STILL wonder why you had to go to N.Y. in the first place..
All the riding is damn near year around here in So.Cal..Next...we're gonna hear
somone stole your bikes and truck...I shouldn't talk to loud...I don't think I could stand living in New York for more than a day..



2013-07-03 02:47:00 UTC

Income generation. Motorcyclists seem to be reliable marks. " Why do you rob banks"? "Because that is where they keep the money". "Why do you pull over so many motorcyclist"? "Because that is where they keep the money"
Sorry to inform you that this is nothing special to NY or CA and or all other two lettered bounderies.
Suck it up and figure out where the plate is to be placed. Oh thats right, you didnt have time to mount the plate.



2013-07-03 03:58:00 UTC

I think we are all overlooking the elephant in the room...

Pulled over for a traffic offence by cops with guns drawn.. From traffic offence to the possibility of being shot. Just like that. Shot for having a number plate in your back-pack, an one earphone in your ear and a visor open. Shot to death. Such is the possibility of an escalation. So, what if you didnt stop? Would they open fire? For a traffic offence.. Really America...



2013-07-03 05:23:00 UTC

I like the part where you pull into the private parking garage rather than pulling over to the side of the road. Did you ask if they have a warrant?



2013-07-03 06:50:00 UTC

Post missing.



2013-07-03 08:30:00 UTC

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2013-07-03 09:12:00 UTC

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2013-07-03 11:10:00 UTC

looks like you boys are all fooked then
come over here , the coppers have all been replaced with cameras......(not armed turrets , just cameras)



2013-07-03 14:08:00 UTC

Well, when are you going to start listening to me? "NY sucks ass." viewtopic.php?f=8&t=21231&p=257770&hilit=NYC#p257770

As the old saying goes, "a fish stinks from the head down." There is not a stinkier fish in the US than that mother fooker Bloomberg. Sooooo . . ..

Once again, I'm going to give you some free advice. Hire a lawyer to take care of this shit. Don't try to do it yourself. Repeat, DO NOT TRY TO TAKE CARE OF THIS YOURSELF. Then get the fook out of that God forsaken city. I know you won't listen, but I will repost this when shit goes horribly wrong because you tried to take care of this mess yourself.



2013-07-03 14:33:00 UTC

I bought hardware last night to fix my license plate, but i couldnt find a shop to cut it up so I could install it. I work overnight so I ended up going to work.

I get 1 block away from my apartment this morning and get pulled over again. Got another no license plate ticket in less than 24 hours. fook NYC!!!!



2013-07-03 14:38:00 UTC

Post missing.



2013-07-03 14:39:00 UTC

I'm legitimately considering giving up riding now that I'm here in NYC. Not only can I not afford to pay all this shit, it's beyond stressful and outright annoying. I never would have imagined this much BS to happen moving here. I don't think I will stay for very long



2013-07-03 15:33:00 UTC

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2013-07-03 15:35:00 UTC

Fight these tickets. Don't take this lying down!



2013-07-03 19:21:00 UTC

I have a reputation for bad luck and shit happening to me on the regular.



2013-07-03 22:33:00 UTC

Post missing.



2013-07-04 00:40:00 UTC

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2013-07-04 01:17:00 UTC

Will PM you my lawyer. He's got me off a few tickets and this sounds like such crap It's worth fighting for. Fooking a-hole cops.

Nearly got into a fight with one a while back who was clearly amped up on steroids. Wife was with me who's a lawyer and took his badge number and threatened action. He qckly backed off. twat.



2013-07-04 01:28:00 UTC

Post missing.



2013-07-04 03:06:00 UTC

Not sure if the PM sent so here's the info:

Steven Fein
Fein & Beinert, LLP
80-02 Kew Gardens Rd. Kew Gardens, NY 11415
(718) 261-1100

Best time to reach Steven is late in the afternoon but there are other excellent lawyers there. Currently working on a speeding ticket for me.



2013-07-04 03:52:00 UTC

Fook NYC + 1



2013-07-04 15:50:00 UTC




2013-07-04 17:50:00 UTC

I warned you about the east coast, did I not? Wwwaaaayyy different than the left coast. The cops have to deal with the bad guys 24/7. They sit in the car looking for action to burn off the donuts and coffee.
They practice how to take down the bad guys and how to keep them in check. It's a big game to them. Here is my take on what happened to you:

Cop is on patrol looking for traffic infractions. They usually have a quota to fill each month. Take special care at the ends of months.
One infraction, and the cop will usually let you slide, two, not so. Your eyes not protected was your first infraction (#1), no plate was HUGE RED FLAG (#2).
With no plate to run, they took extreme mesures to protect them selfs. They probley got the word from dispatch to take you down to the ground, no questions asked.
With no plate to run they had no idea who they were dealing with or if you had a consealed weponds permit and were carrying.

You pulling into a parking garage (# 3), was looked at as you were trying to get away, and from what crime, they did not know, so the cops go into hard ball play.
When you get pulled over by the cops be sure to keep you hands free from anyplace they think you might have a wepond, like you backpack. I ask to take my helment off ASAP. My gray hair usually sets them at ease.
You might be a rich brat use to getting your way and your body languge might have come thru in a cockey manner to the cops (#4), who like to show who's boss in thier turf.
I can not believe you were riding your bike with out a plate....twice is beyond belief.
Oh! You see what roams the streets in the City after 1 am yet? Thank someone for the cops!



2013-07-04 18:27:00 UTC

I don't even know what to say.. All those tickets are the worst bullshit ever.



2013-07-04 19:04:00 UTC

Post missing.



2013-07-04 23:07:00 UTC

...bit too drunk now, but things are more simple as that ...this is not right, really ...really not, imaging worst possible nightmare in most corrupted part of europe I live and drive ...over and out, thats it



2013-07-05 00:37:00 UTC

No speed. This Doug guy is just making assumptions and trying to get personal attack on me to make his sorry ass feel better about himself like he's all knowing



2013-07-05 00:53:00 UTC

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2013-07-05 00:59:00 UTC

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2013-07-05 01:05:00 UTC

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2013-07-05 01:06:00 UTC

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2013-07-05 01:20:00 UTC

Drib you need to stop making ass- umptions



2013-07-05 01:38:00 UTC



2013-07-05 02:38:00 UTC

Lived in Brooklyn, Williamsburg when I had my Triumph speed 4.
Sucked. Had to park on the street: bad idea! Cops always pulling me over for overtaking etc.
Riding a Moto in Brooklyn is un-officially illegal!



2013-07-05 02:53:00 UTC

The sad truth is these guys should be out preventing real crime from happening but since the almighty dollar rules instead their time is being spent on an income generating mission at the expense of law abiding, tax paying citizens. True criminals don't have any money so it's no sense in catching and fining them but it sure is easy picking off licensed drivers, draining them of every cent they have and making their lives miserable. I'd so much rather the police concentrate on protecting us from violent crime than making life miserable for law abiding citizens using the public road system.



2013-07-05 03:11:00 UTC

Post missing.



2013-07-05 03:35:00 UTC

I feel a ban comming on soon...



2013-07-05 03:45:00 UTC

This looks like a childrens funny educational book series.

Available at your local bookstore or online.

Bassie joins
Bassie breaks SD
Bassie breaks Triumph
Bassie gets new big truck
Bassie moves to the big city
Bassie and the lost license plate
Bassie and the big city cops
Bassie doesn't like Dribble and Doug.

Soon to be released:
Bassie and at my job they are all idiots
Bassie in court
Bassie meets the soup nazi and gets no soup
Bassie " I was asking for directions and she told me she was 18 your honour"
Bassie meets Bubba

I'm sure there is more to come. (feel free to join in)
Anyone with cartoon skills want to make some funny drawings for these?



2013-07-05 03:52:00 UTC

I can't believe you can even attempt to talk down on me when you are that childish. The lot of you are so full of your own bullshit it's sickening



2013-07-05 04:40:00 UTC

Hey Bass dont take it to heart mate.I like everyone else was not born old we were all young once and we have all done dumb stuff in our youth. Im not giving you crap ok but the one thing that the cops would have on you was no number plate and this I reckon is why they gave you so much crap.
Now Im not saying that this gives them the right to be so damn aggressive those cops need to stop playing Stasky and Hutch.
The one thing that the cops dont get is its just a matter of time till the public have had enough of their tactics and do somthing about it.
Its like teasing a pit bull till one day it bites back.
Back in the 70s I had over $800 in fines. to put this into perspective a new 750 Honda cost $1400. Now the cops would pick on me for anything they could and if nothing else
they would just make it up.
As you can imagine Im not a real fan of our Police Force but this is the price you pay for being young



2013-07-05 04:56:00 UTC

Yes I understand that, but nobody here has any right or merit to question my person on any grounds as they have been. Quite frankly I'm tired of it



2013-07-05 06:50:00 UTC





2013-07-05 09:51:00 UTC

Post missing.