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Global warming



2011-02-27 16:54:00 UTC

This is what I went out to this morning on my way to a store meeting at work. And I live near the coast in Cali. I've never had my entire car covered in ice.




2011-02-27 17:16:00 UTC

Some of my backyard local twisties here in Santa Cruz /montrey/Cali have had up to an inch of snow on the roads. Ludicrous for being so close to the ocean. Crazy global warming!



2011-02-27 18:01:00 UTC

Another six inch clean-up this morning,, snow , sleet, heavy rain tomorrow,,, have you guy's ever even seen snow, ice really suck's for oranges,,, hard to ride on "ice",,,,,,,be carful,,,,,,,if you need a "ice scrapper" I can send you an unbreakable one,,,,,,,,,,,



2011-02-27 19:17:00 UTC

2 degrees F at my house last night, high of 18 yesterday. It usually starts warming up at the end of Feb. Local ski areas have had more powder days (cold snow) in the last five years than the 20 before. Last summer didn't start till July. It's as cold as it was when I was a kid/young adult. I know all this because I've lived here 94% of my life.

I figured out how to make some great $$$.



2011-02-27 19:41:00 UTC

The thing to do is "under ground" livin global warming , get ready,,, here it comes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



2011-02-27 20:40:00 UTC

If carbon dioxide is the oxygen to plants then higher doses should create greater growth. If the oxygen burning creatures supply the CO2 creatures then it stands to reason that plants are pickled tink with the planets direction. this in turn will create more oxygen from cotton yield and we will be all on oxycotton in no tyme. Untill then, I suggest we bury our heads in the sand, cause the ground stays at a more even temperature and we will not need to stay in tune with all this hogwash. To think that I am stupid enough to point my exhaust away from my rose bush in my driveway cause I think that it is cruel and unussual punishment to inundate it with exhaust fumes, when, if it could talk it would tell me to mainline the exhaust into its viens. There is no such thing global warming, if I am cold. Breathe out and inspire a pot plant.



2011-02-27 20:57:00 UTC

We are having a record hot summer here in West Oz so if you dont believe it bloody come down here for a bit.

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2011-02-27 21:36:00 UTC

Has anyone though that the world may genuinely be fooked? Snow in California and riots all over the arab world? Nosradamaus mustbe Wanking away right now.

Wish I had the EXC on 4 years interest fee now



2011-02-28 04:36:00 UTC

For all the Naysayers on GW what is your explination for the freak weather the WHOLE world is experiencing.

There is no doubt we are having a affect on climate as much as we are on the enviroment, something as small as aircraft contrails had shown to have affects on the temperture in the US during the 3 day grounding of planes after 911

The way I see it if we go down the path of trying to reduce emmissions , pollution etc the worst outcome will be it will cost money, our money that government piss up the wall anyway.



2011-02-28 09:55:00 UTC

And another thing, you guys are fooking it for us Penguins !



2011-02-28 13:57:00 UTC Brits have been working on Global Warming for years.

Soon our southern coasts will be like California in summer, and we can stop feeling so jealous of the rest of the english speaking world and thier better climates.



2011-02-28 15:37:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-02-28 16:51:00 UTC

I think there have been atleast 30 ice age cycles. Those fish didn't get to the top of the mountains by swimming.



2011-03-01 04:03:00 UTC

Reversing climate change is still climate change. If you reverse it too far you are right back to where you started. I conveniantly forgot about my four hundred year cycle to the point that I cannot remember where in that cycle I am. I am most baffled that I am into one thousand years of climate change in my four hundred year cycle.
What come around goes around, that's a cycle for Ya.
Plant a tree and do a wheelie.



2011-03-01 11:18:00 UTC

I think we should start cloning "woolie mammoths" and lettin em go now were into a "down" cycle,,,,,,,,So. Cal might be the right environment don't you think



2011-03-03 03:53:00 UTC

I actually did try riding on ice once although I didn't intend to. That's how I broke and dislocated my thumb and severely dislocated my index finger. I had to have surgery to repair everything and currently go to physical therapy 3 days a week plus exercises at home everyday. My poor baby was totaled also, that's the worse part. I loved that bike. But I will hopefully be riding again soon, when it's warmer, and the bike can be replaced.



2011-03-03 09:53:00 UTC

First we had holes in the ozone layer. Then we had Global warming and now we have climate change?
Me thinks that no one really knows what the hell is going on. I spoke to a chick from Canada and her friend works for some mob that has been looking into climate change and they found that what is going on is normal and that its just a cycle that the earth is going through.
Human interaction is speeding things up a bit quicker though but its all just a money making scam that the Governments around the world are using to steal from us once again.
In Australia the Government that said that we would never see a carbon tax have just said that they are going to bring in a carbon tax? Well people when you think about it the only thing that we dont pay for is the Air we breath and that my friends is what the carbon tax is all about!
The next thing will be a gas meter on your butt LOL!!



2011-03-03 11:13:00 UTC

Gas meter on fart gas can see where it would change some peoples diet , hum,,,, storage,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



2011-03-04 10:36:00 UTC

Save gas! Fart in a jar!!



2011-03-05 09:12:00 UTC

Well a huge industry has grown around the whole Global warming debacle the politicians and scientists all have their snouts in the troughs! Carbon Dioxide warming the atmosphere well last time I heard carbon dioxide was heavier than air and its also an inert gas. Heating the globe I think not! its just the planet going through another one of its cycles as it did before we came along and as it will continue to do long after were gone.



2011-03-06 00:17:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-03-06 00:39:00 UTC

What most people do not consider when dismissing emissions reductions is that the world population within the next 40 years will increase by over 2 billion, when then is it time to think about doing something for our enviroment.



2011-03-06 00:48:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-03-06 03:59:00 UTC
