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Good Lord - is this for real?

Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2011-09-29 15:38:00 UTC

If like me, you've ever had a arm wrestle and had the strange urge to pop the other guy in the mush with your idle hand, then this sport may be for you.



2011-09-29 17:20:00 UTC

Looks like a NAAFI or Company Club sport to me

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2011-09-29 20:40:00 UTC

I still have a hard time believing your MMA bollocks is for real. Sure you can always find two brain dead, steroid taking, meat heads prepared to disfigure each other for a few quid. The Gypo community have been doing it for years. To imagine some of the hot women you have posted on here being willing to do it, and permanently disfigure themselves is a bit of a leap TBH but given enough money I can just about see it.

This is brainless brutality for its own sake, no skill, no art, just violence. I reckon it will be Saturday evening prime time before long. Cant wait for the celebrity edition: Jedward vs JLS, Peter Andre Vs David Beckham, Tony Blair Vs George Bush Jnr.