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I go on holiday and what happens?



2014-04-10 18:21:00 UTC

Guess some of you are familiar with my yard and house that I'm gradually renovating.

Was on holiday last night on the South coast enjoying a break with the family and got a phone call from next door saying their house was burning down. Just got back to this....



2014-04-10 18:23:00 UTC

Geez man, bad luck! so sorry to see that.



2014-04-10 18:29:00 UTC

Holy took, that sucks. But good that you and your fan were not in danger.
Hopefully insurance will take care of repairs.



2014-04-10 18:31:00 UTC

Jesus Bic Any ideas yet at what caused it? Glad you Amy and the kids are ok.



2014-04-10 18:39:00 UTC

No one hurt and I'm glad all my kids were not there when it happened.

Fire gutted the next door property but somehow the fire brigade managed to stop it spreading to my place. 6 crews, 40 firemen. Thanks to them I think we remained lucky. My roof is damaged and fire started to spread past the party wall but I am very lucky. Just need it not to rain until someone can get temporary fix on roof because otherwise I'm buggered!

My friends next door are not so fortunate, they have lost most of everything.

Superduke and bike stuff is kept in out-buildings so OK.



2014-04-10 18:50:00 UTC

Post missing.



2014-04-10 19:45:00 UTC

I can't imagine how it would be to loose house, no matter how, by fire or storm. That's one of worst things what can happen...
Hope you were insured and you manage to fix it quickly, so you could forget about it.



2014-04-11 01:30:00 UTC

Fire damage is the worst kind of smelly. It looks like you share a common driveway and that might have been, allong with the brick fence, your saving barrier. I hope the neighbors have close kinfolk that will take them in. Tarpage works fairly well for light rains, so if nothing else get a few for emergency coverage. It sounds like the brigade spared no manpower to help destroy as much as they could while putting out the flames.
Are you allowed to have shake or shingled roofs? they are a total no no unless repairing less than ten percent of a roof and only if they are treated.



2014-04-11 03:19:00 UTC

Holy fook Bic that's terrible. Glad the family and SD are all good.



2014-04-12 06:23:00 UTC

Holy shit Bic!!
Glad to hear nobody got hurt!
Good luck with the rebuild!



2014-04-12 14:42:00 UTC

There a bit of irony to the fact that your neighbor, who made you a ucalegon, was the one who informed you of this new unfortunate title.

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2014-04-12 19:47:00 UTC

Had to look that reference up, very interesting. Although I will see your Homer and raise you Columbo

'You see sir, correct me if I am wrong, but I believe your neighbour tried to burn your house down, knowing that you were on holiday...........I.m guessing here, So that he never had to endure a full akra Superduke starting up at odd times ever again. He inadvertently set fire to his own house and only damaged part of your roof. Just a theory I have, I,m sure you could put me right on a couple of matters?'



2014-04-15 12:35:00 UTC

lucky man bic , go buy a lottery ticket



2014-04-16 17:14:00 UTC

Sorry to see this, but glad you & yours are well. Went through this in 1986…complete loss and it is a real pain. Insurance was onsite before fire crews left with money in hand, but 4 months in temp housing seemed like forever. Hope all goes smooth for you during the rebuild.