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I love our Government!



2011-06-02 11:50:00 UTC

In Queensland, 200,000 persons were displaced because of the floods and cyclones in February 2011 as well as since then, because some areas in the Far North are still flooding.

Two hundred and forty nine million dollars ($249,000,000) were raised in the second largest public appeal since the Victorian bushfires of two summers ago. More than $300,000,000 was raised Australia-wide for those fire victims. In BOTH cases money still has NOT been distributed -- or it has been allocated to public areas which it is assumed were NEVER intended to receive money that was raised for the benefit of individual Australians and Australian families displaced by either fire or flood.

On Christmas Island, illegal immigrants -- boat people -- call them what you will, SET FIRE TO THE ACCOMMODATION THEY were given by the Australian government and now they will be housed in first class hotels and motels ON THE MAINLAND while tax-paying Australians are still displaced in their thousands! Read what I received in my inbox, below.

If your hair is now BLACK, it will turn WHITE by the time you finish. If you have a full head of hair, be prepared to wake up BALD, tomorrow, when you fully grasp the situation.
Three hundred boat people have been housed at the RAAF Sherger Air Base in Weipa.

All are being accepted into Australia.
All are men.
All receive the pension same as our pensioners.
All receive an extra $50 a day for spending money.
Security staff are employed to watch them.
Chefs are employed to feed them (one quarter of a tonne of chicken a day alone is cooked.
They won't pick up their own rubbish.
There was a massive dispute because they didn't like the radio station.
Another dispute because batteries were flat for the Nintendo games.
Tents set up for mosque prayers had to be air conditioned.
The Bores/Wells set up to run RAAF Sherger adequately, are now dry because taps are left running all day long.
Sewerage systems now blocked with condoms (???) supplied to them ....(and all of them are men remember).
Dept of Immigration & Citizenship (DIAC) wants the Dept of Defence to pay all of the bills, so that the Government can hide the costs of allowing three hundred refugees into the country, from tax paying Australians.

Australian taxpayers need to know.
Now. the PM wants to introduce another tax to pay for the floods,
Because the Government does not have enough money to look after its own taxpayers.
What is wrong with this government??.

Congratulations Gillard ... you fool!

Every day you are in power is another day of debt and destruction for us Australians -- the TAX PAYERS!
You should pass this on, just in case you have friends who really do have their heads in the sand.



2011-06-02 12:03:00 UTC

Sounds like your government are just as useless as ours over here.

Both are upping taxes for reasons that they should already have money for.
Both are handing out money to people who shouldn't get it.
Both are allowing immigrants (mostly illegal) to take the piss and have everything they want given to them.



2011-06-02 12:07:00 UTC

finally somone who sees what really is going on... i dont give a stuff about these guys. Who I do care about are the Aussies (most of them tax paying, which is a safe assumption) who have been displaced and forgotton about by the government that they support... maybe we should let the immegrants live in parliament house until gillard learns the f*ck up... useless b!tch.

Ol johnny had the right idea when all detainees were first sent to Christmass Island... it gave an impoverished nation a source of income, and meant that we did not have to accept anyone into australia unless we wanted them here. For those who dont know, christmas island is outside of the australian owned seas... because of this we did not have to accept them into australia. Christmas Island is not a place you want to live and became a huge deterrant to trying to sneak over here.

Im all for letting those who are well and truly worthy in but there is a huge portion who should not be accepted but now do after retard gillard got rid of christmas island and based it here.

Heck guys even my cousin stuck in zimbabwe cant come over legally unless we promise the personally support her for the next 5 years... she should just sneak over and bobs your uncle instant access to australia



2011-06-02 12:30:00 UTC

At least I now know how to immigrate when I get out of the forces. Just do it illegally about I'll get a free house and spending money for nowt



2011-06-02 21:27:00 UTC

We've been giving hand outs here in the states for years, now Obama has even stepped that up a notch...give to the 'have nots' while being 'politically correct' should be our theme. (our government will even supply a FREE cell phone with fresh minutes every month to the 'less fortunate' (losers)!NO KIDDING!

And i thought it was just in the good ole USA, guess it's spreading...



2011-06-02 23:19:00 UTC

After watching a program on medical marijuana in CA tonight, I'm planning to emigrate there asap



2011-06-02 23:26:00 UTC

What gets me is that this crap seems to be happening in every country! What the hell is really going on ?



2011-06-02 23:59:00 UTC

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2011-06-03 02:20:00 UTC

We here in the U.S. are fast becoming fed up with these sorts of policies and indifference to the wishes of the majority. Our southern border remains quite porous and the drug cartel violence has spilled over to our border cities. How can any citizen feel free and secure when the borders are wide-open and illegal imigrants are quickly granted rights and privileges previously reserved for natural born citizens?



2011-06-03 02:52:00 UTC

It sthe fact that the Natural Born Citizens are being put on the back-burner and getting less help/aknowledgement/homes etc than the immigrants that is what alot of people are getting fed up of.

It's when you have worked your whole life, paid tax your whole life and had to make do with what the government haven't nicked off you, just to be told that you aren't intitled to anything. Where as the people who come into your country illegaly are given everything they want and more.



2011-06-04 11:02:00 UTC

unfortunately this is the cumulative effect of years and years of corruption, pork barreling, feathering ones own nest etc. by politicians. Our current (ALL) politicians are there for one reason and one reason only, themselves, they have no interest in making waves, they bow to the squeaky wheel and abide by political correctness for fear of upsetting any minority. we, the silent majority are too apathetic to rise up and make known our disgust in their self serving decisions, their short sightedness, which is limited as far as the next election and only enhances their tunnel vision and our ( the silent majority) frustration with unfair, one sided and completely irrational decisions and situations.
day after day i see more and more examples of incompetent management ruining my country and wonder how much the silent majority will take before there is some sort of rebellion, some outcry at the injustice many members of our communities are forced to endure. None of this is new, every generation has seen the same self serving mismanagement by elected officials to some extent, in this day and age however, the effects are multiplied and the number of incompetent/criminally self serving offenders are rife with the knowledge that our wet nurse type culture and political correctness virtually shielding them from criticism or scrutiny. see what happens when we elect a woman premier or two and a woman prime minister?? sorry to be sexist, but unless it's margaret thatcher women are too soft or too cunning for that kind of responsibility.



2011-06-04 11:56:00 UTC

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2011-06-04 13:44:00 UTC

what happens if i go to Indonesia or Japan or China and try to purchase a block of land?
Nothing, they wont let me. Unless it's like 75% owned by the indigenous?
Yet, they can come to Australia and buy whatever they want!!!
I'd be more worried about them taking over from the inside out.



2011-06-04 14:37:00 UTC

Hey Loony Its a well know fact that if you put women in charge of other women you end up with the biggest damn cat fight. I've seen this crap first hand and its not pretty. Its funny how many women I have spoken to that would rather work with blokes. Don't know about you guys but every time I see Gillard on TV I get really embarrassed. Blue flame were you up at Beaumont road today? I saw a SD like yours with 2 sport bikes.



2011-06-04 14:53:00 UTC

Hi Agro,
Not me mate. I stayed inside at home coz of the rain today.
I agree with ur comments on Gillard.
Furthermore, my Dads been around for 64yrs, he tells me every time "Labour" are in power, the country goes broke and moral laws take a dive.



2011-06-04 14:55:00 UTC

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2011-06-05 06:37:00 UTC

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2011-06-05 07:55:00 UTC

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2011-06-05 10:14:00 UTC

Just a thought boys.....

Are not all of you down under immigrants? If my memory serves the indigenous population was rounded up, shoved off their lands, institutionalised, killed and generally dispossessed so that my ancestors had somewhere to dump convicts and grow stuff that didn't grow here. All that just a couple of hundred years ago.

Then there is the good old USA which had it's own indigenous population management measures, none of which would look all that shiny in the light of current moral standards weather politically correct or not.

If you live in one of the ten richest countries in the world then it seems quite likely that others will want a piece of the pie.

Not to worry though, soon enough China and India will be immigration destinations themselves and their GDP's grow and if we don’t focus on being clever Europe, Australia and the US might find themselves net exporters of people which brings it's own set of problems.

Right I'm off to check my ancestry to make sure I don’t have to resent myself for being non indigenous, how long a bloodline counts as indigenous though? Let's settle on 500 years, all that have unbroken blood lines in the country they live are free to moan about bloody immigrants......



2011-06-05 10:39:00 UTC

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2011-06-05 11:40:00 UTC

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2011-06-05 12:19:00 UTC

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2011-06-05 18:18:00 UTC

Did we not test nukes out there? Test some in Luton or Bradford next please!



2011-06-05 20:51:00 UTC

Well, this is western gummints all over. Ever since WW2, all our gummints have been bending over backwards to show everyone that they're really not at all like the nasty old nazis. So on the one hand they're butt kissing muslim fundamentalists and on the other (when they think no one is looking) eg Kenya and the Mau Mau uprising, it's torture and God only knows what, are go...A spineless breed of good for nothing shit-fucks our political class have become and probably, we have only ourselves to blame. A bit more attention at election times from all of us would go a long way to curtailing this kind of bollox.



2011-06-06 03:56:00 UTC

I am a bit confused as to the issue of legality of particular immigrants discussed here. How is it that a person that is not in the country can recieve renumeration from a government?
Once the person recieves funding they must be considered in the system and may be taking from a fund in place to help people disposed from their original places. Are you saying that a person walks into an office and says I am here illigally give me a place to live and some cash or i will get cold and die?



2011-06-06 06:26:00 UTC

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2011-06-06 07:44:00 UTC

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2011-06-06 07:48:00 UTC



2011-06-06 09:39:00 UTC

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2011-06-06 09:46:00 UTC

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2011-06-06 11:27:00 UTC

What your saying Paul is right you know. But I think the trump card for these people is that if we send them back everyone cries Racist and this word is like holy water to a vampire LOL!! There are to many so called do-gooders in the world stuffing things up and not using there logic until its to late. We have to ask ourselves one question and that is Just how much do we know about these people? If they are game enough to come here through the back door what else are they willing to do that's not legal.



2011-06-06 13:33:00 UTC

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