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Im sick of this Crap!!



2012-05-26 02:47:00 UTC

Hmmm removed already. Its ok Today Tonight will get it sorted.

The Gin Reaper

The Gin Reaper

2012-05-26 08:20:00 UTC

Been like that for a while in the uk now......



2012-05-26 08:30:00 UTC

i think you are allowed to kill them as they are unmarked



2012-05-26 08:45:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-05-26 09:46:00 UTC

I am against it. Surveillance is sick, making us closer to "slave society". If you think where we was 15 years ago and where we are now... Huge difference. And what would be the final outcome, let say in 15 - 20 years... It is really sick, if you think about it deeper These are very soft words from me.



2012-05-26 10:39:00 UTC

fooking Nazis, entrapment is supposed to be illegal in the UK to



2012-05-26 12:04:00 UTC

You can't have a police state without police.



2012-05-26 12:39:00 UTC

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2012-05-26 13:26:00 UTC

I thought our "Police State" was bad ... fooking fascists ...



2012-05-26 13:26:00 UTC

Post missing.

The Gin Reaper

The Gin Reaper

2012-05-26 15:32:00 UTC

Our latest bunch of two wheeled traffic nazi's will actually approach people in plain clothes at bike meets and ask which way your going....... Then it's "oh that's my way home, do you mind if I tag along with you guys on the way back"..... As soon as your out on the road and up to speed they then call the marked bikes in and stop you

Sad really because our normal bobbies like superdan are decent chaps...... Just seems to be the traffic guys that act this way....It's flying very close to entrapment but they justify it on the grounds of safety.....



2012-05-26 16:07:00 UTC

Takes a special breed to be a traffic cop trust me, they are seriously anal about traffic matters, all the ones I know are fecking shit at actual Police work and criminal offences and following there nose was lost a long time ago. Traffic = easy pickings on the relatve innocent.

I blat the hell of my bike in the right places but I always check my mirrors to see if anything is following me, if something is I slow down till I know what is. This has kept me point free so far, thankfully Lincolnshire has no helicopter so I dont have to look up too

990 WFO

990 WFO

2012-05-26 16:56:00 UTC

Up the road from me there are Kawasaki Contour police bikes. They're definitely not un-marked but at the same time its very difficult to realise what they are until its way too late. Here in the US we have under-cover police cars, but they're so "under-cover" its fairly easy to spot them. Whenever a Crown Victoria is following me I look at the grill, and since all under-cover cars have to be de-badged, if the Ford logo isn't there it's more than likely a cop.

I know over in Germany they have TONS of speed cameras that will go off even if you're just a few clicks over the speed limit. I find it funny how much vehicle safety has improved but at the same time the laws against speeding have gone up as well.



2012-05-26 17:11:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-05-26 17:50:00 UTC

Well you cant generalise but mainly the ones who dont ride bikes are the harshest.

I went out with a traffic cop once he was slow as



2012-05-26 17:58:00 UTC

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2012-05-27 00:05:00 UTC

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2012-05-27 01:27:00 UTC

What craps me off is on some country roads the speed limit is 80kmph ? Now these roads usually have a lot of bends and a lot of bikes going through there and you can go a lot faster than the poster speed limit . This is the perfect environment for the pesky Mr copper!!
Ok so some dudes over cook it and crash but really if you want to go play race bike man go to the race track and let us have fun on the roads.
I know its fun playing race bike man but have you ever come around a sharp right hand bend going fast this would be a left hander in the USA lol and looking at the bike coming towards you and he is riding like a race bike man and your thinking I hope this dude doesn't come off ?
This is scary stuff...



2012-05-27 02:02:00 UTC

Well nothing is going to change, not in the UK anyway,the nanny system is firmly established,the individual freedoms we had are slowly being taken away, any minority groups are legislated against until they are forced to comply with the norm,society just accepts whatever, there is no fight left in the British people..............Whining about it on the internet is pointless

Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2012-05-27 10:30:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-05-27 19:04:00 UTC

speeding is wrong.... ..... .

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2012-05-27 19:24:00 UTC

I have a plan. When the unmarked bike get me banned I will stop indoors and eat my way up to 65 Stone (like Motoronin nearly did). Klincky can be my carer and get 200 quid per week to waste on sauna yoga. Then I will cost the taxpayer 100 grand to get my fat arse down the stairs.

Next I will sue the newspaper that publishes photographs for causing stress and anxiety. Then I will throw myself on the mercy of the NHS to cure me of my eating disorder - that will at least get me a free Wii and a gym membership.

Then I plan to write a book about my struggle with my weight and hire Max Clifford as my publicist - which will get me a few daytime tv appearances and a place on the Jeremy Kile show accusing Kent Police of making me obese.

I also plan to sue Jamie Oliver, Heston Blumenthal, Ronald MacDonald and The Old Bombay curry house for making me fat. I am sure to get legal aid as I am a fat waster on benefits.

Next year when Britain's got talent starts again I will recruit a plain bird to sing opera with me and probably come second to a walking dog- but this will lead to a recording contract as the new chav Pavarotti.

This time next year I will be a millionaire - I might even be able to afford the new 1200 Superduke



2012-05-27 23:26:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-05-28 22:48:00 UTC

im going to go out on a limb here, but if we do the right thing, especialy in town and on highways well be fine, if this stuff is going to get/catch people in cars texting and talking on phones and running red lights and stop sings i dont have a huge problem with it.