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International shipping of parts



2017-01-03 07:46:00 UTC

Kind of goes with my recent post on parts for sale (shameless plug/bump, ), but a few members from overseas are asking about my parts and I am struggling to get reasonable quotes from major carriers like UPS and Fedex. I clearly don't do a lot of e-commerce, but how in the world does anybody manage to ship parts larger than a tennis ball safely overseas for less than $100USD???

Help me help you. Know a better way to ship stuff affordably?

Thx a mil



2017-01-03 11:17:00 UTC

USPS rates are the most reasonable for me when buying from the states and no added brokerage fees that UPS and others love to heap on for no added value.



2017-01-03 23:07:00 UTC

Thx, I will check out usps for options. To me, it's the delivery equivalent of the DMV office: sometimes you simply must go there, but to do so is to face the flickering flourescent lights, long lines, and zombie-like employees



2017-01-04 00:17:00 UTC

I think they are just ripping people off. it all changed about 10 years ago for some unknown reason. Back then I could get stuff over from US to Oz in 5 working days and at very good rates but now I have stopped buying stuff from the US unless its absolutely necessary because of the shipping rates.
Its just a rip off and anything off yee bay is even worse……..