This is a static archive scraped from the now-closed forum. If this archive has helped you at all and you fancy buying me a pint to say thanks, you can do so at

Is this forum over for me?



2014-09-04 17:22:00 UTC


Got to say, it's a sort of a sad post to make. But I've got to be honest. I think I joined this forum back in '08 or "09 several years after actually owning a Superduke and it opened me up to a lot more involvement and fun with my bike. I've had a great time and met some interesting and unique people. For me, when I joined, there was a constant flow of information and exploration of this bike and I got into the habit of logging on every day. There were some really great characters and lots of advice and help when you needed it.

Some great people. Colonel Klink, Shade the changing man, Jester, Stupid Luke, Ducati Pete, Big H, Millar, Plipton, Dutch, Jehad Joe, Grendel and Schnauzer to name but a few.

It all seems years ago- and it is I suppose. Times change and many of these people have gone on to other interests or make of bike.

But I still log on every morning. Part of the ritual whilst drinking coffee and waking up. E mails, Facebook, Ebay.......... whatever. But gradually is losing it's interest for me. Al the posts are about the 1290 and the problems it is having. I contributed at the beginning - put in my views about the quality of this KTM and debated the brand and what it was starting to represent. But everything had become swamped with the 1290 and the input and feedback from the 1290 owners is not engaging or interesting to me.

Sorry. But that is just the way it is.

I still got my '07 Superduke and love it to pieces. No thought of ever selling or not using it as my choice of road/track bike.

I still log on. But I can see that it is for a cursory glance and not for the sort of involvement that I have been doing for the last five or six years.

Hope it changes for the better but at the moment it feels like the long, slow road to separation.



2014-09-04 17:44:00 UTC

The chameleon who refuses to change his colours will soon starve to death or get eaten himself



2014-09-04 19:07:00 UTC

That's the way it goes Bic. I'm sure if you look back through a lot of early posts on here there will be lots of about the problems the early bike had. Still at the time it was a breath of fresh air to the naked market. Today the naked market is saturated. But I know where you are coming from and have myself informed the other mods that I've decided to hang up my mod coat. Although they seem to have pretty much ignored that Time and bikes move on and as I don't own a 1290 very few of the threads hold any interest for me. A shame as has been a big part of my life for the last few years but even though I check it several times a day I find less and less that engages me. Time for the new crowd to step up and carry on the legacy.



2014-09-04 19:40:00 UTC

In comparison to you Bic I’m a new comer to this forum and a 1290 owner but I too find some threads tiresome and stop reading the contributions to them (even those related to the 1290).

My shortcut to the forum is “Newposts” since last visit and I would say that I only read 10%-20% of the topics listed with new posts.

But I do hope you stay around as your posts are some of the more entertaining contributions.



2014-09-04 20:37:00 UTC

Who cares? Things change; life changes. Just move on. If you're not interested any more just stop posting; you don't need to seek approval...



2014-09-04 21:04:00 UTC

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2014-09-04 21:13:00 UTC

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2014-09-04 21:18:00 UTC

Interests, hobbies and passions vary and wane as years go by. I don't think I've stayed on any forum (other than a couple of local ones) for more than a few years.

I'm sure you'll be missed if you choose to stop posting here; but I'm also sure you have other communities that you participate in and won't be "lonely" on the internet, as it were!



2014-09-04 21:33:00 UTC

perhaps, nearly all topics and mods have been covered now for the SD, so perhaps there is little new to post and those in the market for a SD will now go for the 1290. but still interesting to read about peeps new experiences of the SD.



2014-09-04 22:23:00 UTC

Grow up and buy a 1290 for crying out loud. Then maybe the post will be interesting again.




2014-09-04 23:01:00 UTC

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2014-09-04 23:21:00 UTC

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2014-09-04 23:34:00 UTC

Ugghh every time I see a 990 post I just wanna neck myself...




2014-09-05 00:03:00 UTC

I think you may have answered your own question. Just in case you are having a tough time discerning your own thoughts and words, the answer is yes.
It has been a pleasure, good luck bic.



2014-09-05 01:51:00 UTC

You can check out but never leave!

Non of the 63'rs can leave anyway!

Who will keep the untasteful design in check and buy all the carbon bits?

The fact that you post it and not just stay away means probably you are not really ready to leave I hope!

Don't know what the fuss is about recently, still love the 990, hate-love the 1290, like most members (with the exception those who lack sense of humour) hey we even allowed bassie to hang around!

I'm aware that focus as shifted to the 1290 and a lot of bitching about it has been going on, but also rightly so! If one spend that amount on a bike it should perform as expected and it doesn't.
Technically the 990 is well sorted and known intimately by now so it's normal that focus has shifted but 990 riding members should not feel left out by this.

Things move on and we can't stop this but as long as I have a SD regardless of which one I'll stay around.
I don't let KTM's shitty customer service wreck this great forum.



2014-09-05 02:40:00 UTC

Bic, it's all been said already above. Times move on, as must we....

I'll probably be doing the same as yourself, surprised I haven't already seeing as I've not ridden it (or anything for that matter) for 2 years now..... stupid work getting in the way


Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2014-09-05 03:24:00 UTC

This is like a bad break up or something...



2014-09-05 03:47:00 UTC

Comrade Bic: Well I'd miss your contributions and don't accept that because you say you are out you are really out. Indeed you'll occasionally take a peek. Even Grendel pops up occasionally. I don't know that it's really a problem related to the 1290 it's a problem related to marketing of the new bike (as you should know). The marketing has been hugely successful and has attracted a certain type of owner. This forum needs to continue to get new owners engaged and to become genuine contributors. Enough of "How loud is it?" more of "This is how to make it loud" ... I think we need to try to reclaim the night ...



2014-09-05 05:23:00 UTC

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2014-09-05 08:18:00 UTC

Bic its OK dude to feel like you do...
Mate you just have new interests like your H2 so don't sweat it.



2014-09-05 08:51:00 UTC

Im with you Bic! I think I made a mistake selling my 07 SD for the 1290 and Im seriously contemplating making a switch to Aprillia. Its a great forum with heaps of useful information its just a shame KTM have let quality slip so much.



2014-09-05 10:56:00 UTC

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2014-09-05 13:52:00 UTC

I have to say. My post are not very well written or that matter very intertaining. But they are post. Some are questions and some are experiences. The whole reason I joined the forum was for info. The bitching ladies are just a bonus.



2014-09-05 15:40:00 UTC

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2014-09-05 15:50:00 UTC

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2014-09-06 17:17:00 UTC

Interesting post. I've been gone for a month or so (I sold my SDR and shock horror, bought an RC8) after being abused for loving my new bike too much by the traditional Superduke owners - fair enough. I spend a fair amount of time on a car forum in relation to my new toy now.

Re this forum: this is one of the best sources of info and enjoyment I've seen. When I bought my standard SDR it had all the issues typical of the model, and mine was particularly bad, to the point I either didn't ride it in traffic or sped everywhere to get past the shit fuelling. But after reading through so many excellent threads on mods and applying what I learned, my bike became an absolute joy. The fuelling was never going to be as good as a triple or four, but that's just a characteristic of the bike. As much as I love the RC8, I miss the non stop wheelies and incredible agility of the SDR, to the extent I might get a Superduke as a second bike when I can afford it. I love the looks of the single seater but that engine is not meant for traffic use!

I know I'm not an SD owner now but a lot of threads are relevant to my bike. I don't even read the 1290 ones cos (sorry) I still think its just fooking ugly! Hopefully they'll put that monster engine in a better looking bike and then I'll think about buying one.



2014-09-06 17:56:00 UTC

I will never leave. Not if Stupid can be bothered to sign in every so often.

Anyway, today I went and fiddled with my two bikes, the H2 and the SD. Both are my prized possessions, the SD beating the newbie H2 by seven years and 20,000 miles.

Also, as a footnote to the passing times of the 990. I log into Ebay every day. There are some key things that I put into the search engine and 'KTM Superduke" is one of them. I've bought a lot of things for my bike over the years from here, apart from this forum it's the best place to pick up used parts and stuff. I got most of my carbon bodywork, slipper clutch, race shock, steering damper, Power commander, etc. from Ebay. But now hardly anything appears. It's all crap brake levers from China and aftermarket parts from dodgy sources.

Something is happening to the 990 owners and the 990 parts market. It's sort of stabilised into a null programme.

Just glad I have everything I ever wanted for my bike. (Except a set of carbon wheels which I am still looking for)



2014-09-08 20:52:00 UTC

I/ve been on this forum since I bought my 08 SD and truth be known its no different to me now as it was back then. As an owner of a new 1290 I do find a lot of good input from the parts of the world that have had the bike for a year or more as we in the US have only had them a few months.

As for issues, same things went on back in 07 and 08 and 9. Lots of small niggling issues but soon most were proved to be non issues just as the non issues on the 1290. I read all those posts as a skeptic and discount a lot of it as I've seen no evidence of any weaknesses of the bike. Still, I
read them and make note of them.

Sorry to see anyone go but I get it - when its time to move on just move on. No explanation needed.



2014-09-08 22:18:00 UTC

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2014-09-09 17:54:00 UTC

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2014-09-09 19:01:00 UTC

Bic, this winter I'm hoping to build a 990 thats perfect for me based on the already highly modded bike I recently bought from Fuel.

Want to know how I will know it's finished?

When I have a bike I wouldnt swap for either yours or the Reapers it will be done ....

Be nice to see those three bikes side by side evdn if only once. Who knows, crashfest 2015 perhaps



2014-09-09 19:37:00 UTC

Yes mate. Crashfest 2015



2014-09-09 19:39:00 UTC

PS. A 1290 motor without porous casings and oil leaks!



2014-09-09 22:15:00 UTC

Post missing.