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Is This How We Sound?



2012-09-14 06:20:00 UTC



2012-09-15 06:54:00 UTC

don't get it either

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2012-09-15 09:46:00 UTC

Most of you sound much brasher than that. Much louder, much more uncomfortable to listen to. It's not that you have such a bad way of talking with the English language, it's just that we have to listen, and have had to listen for so many decades and decades and decades, to sooooooo much rubbish said in this accent. From terrible political lies and excuses, to gung ho chants, to corny Hollywood scripts to TV soap and crap car adverts. It's endless. Only about 1% of stuff said in American is worth listening to.

You guys excepted of course.

Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2012-09-15 15:57:00 UTC

Dont forget the Canadians too. Sometimes it isnt even what they say but how they say it. All this cutsie pie little pop princesses they churn out to entertain young girls: Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Victoria Justice and the latest Carley Rae Jepson (you can tell I have a a pair of kids permanently tuned to the Disney channel) I can tune out their inane little songs but god, when they speak.

I heard an interview with Carley Rae the other day (why do they interview them - they have nothing to say?) and her voice was like nails on a blackboard. It was a whine like holding a circular saw to your ear, after a couple of minutes I was clinically insane. "Call me maybe?" not fookin likely

I am sure that half they high school massacres are done by local residents that have to listen to a few hundred airhead bimbos screeching worthless platitudes at each other all day. If I was a teacher in a high school in the americas I would deafen myself so as not to have to listen to the 'song of the sirens'.



2012-09-15 17:23:00 UTC

Have you heard Ronda Rousey speak Luke?

I could watch that girl fight all day (in 60 second bursts of course, that's how long her fights last), but my god it hurts to listen to her speak.



2012-09-16 07:45:00 UTC

So how do we Aussies sound?



2012-09-16 21:57:00 UTC

To me Aussies sound like a cross between a drunkin' Englishmen and a Southern Baptist Preacher....

kinda like this...



2012-09-16 22:19:00 UTC

I really like accents. Aussie and Kiwi are great unless they are strong and spoken by a bird, then they are fooking awful. South African I find hard when birds are speaking it. American accents really do depend on what part of the US the person is from. Some are great but others really grate on me. The likes of french and italian on a girl is pretty much always a win win. Soft Irish is also lovely from a girl.



2012-09-17 00:21:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-09-17 01:16:00 UTC

I think the sound that is so resounding, is the sound of the cash register. I have found that many a talented Englishman has found the lure of the American dollar much too tempting to leave upon American soil.
The story line in popular music for the last forty years is overwhelmingly skewed towrd the American experiance.
If you look at lyrics sung from bands tgat have made it big in rock and pop culture, the story is founded on American culture.
Many songs have even been sung with an American twang or rythem.
I saw a street view on Google maps of the area around A large and popular KTM dealer and it looked like I was traveling down a road in sub urban landscape anywhere California.
It would not surprize me to find the disgusting Walmart has stuck it's signage into English soil.
I think it was KTM Centre in northeast London area.
As of late I have noticed that many news organizations have brought in English anchors or newsmen to add some type of creedance to rediculous garbage spewed out of Rupert Murdoch News corporation holdings.
It appears if something is said through the lips of an Englishman it holds a semblance of gravitas.
Well well, We may never get "Beyond the Yellow Brick Road"



2012-09-17 07:44:00 UTC

Just pretend you're speaking Irish.



2012-09-17 11:37:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-09-17 14:30:00 UTC

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2012-09-18 14:02:00 UTC

Post missing.