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Justice ?



2012-11-18 19:55:00 UTC

I can say my faith in the British justice system stinks



2012-11-18 20:32:00 UTC

that takes the piss . . . a grey bike FFS. . . . .



2012-11-19 04:27:00 UTC

Karma's a bitch. Unfortunately we rarely get to see it in action. His time will come...



2012-11-19 10:52:00 UTC

If it were here, the guy would never hear the end of it from me and my "law team" ,,he'd wish he were never born



2012-11-19 11:25:00 UTC

Yes I agree but only cos he has been such a lying cnut... I got hit by a lady on the way to work last year and have had no end of dramas with my neck but her insurance paid for the repairs to the bike. .. work cover paid for the physio and now my neck is good most of the time. .. not going to sue her though as accidents happen and she was so sorry. .. she thought she had run over me and killed me. I think she had learned turn to look a bit better now

Had she been like the wanker in your situation I would have taken her to the cleaners.

I hope it all ends well for you mate. .. a lot of people just don't realise the amount of lost time and money recovering from something even if the doctors bills are paid for.



2012-11-19 16:48:00 UTC

You are witnessing the death of the British Common Law system, upon which our American system is also based. The heart of the system is based upon trust, honor and, most of all, truthfulness. That's why perjury USED to be such a major crime. Now, it is expected that not only the parties, but their lawyers, lie and suborn perjury. I've had cases where a party testilied, that "he never did such and such" and two weeks later testilied, that he "had done such and such on an annual basis since the 1980s . . ." and the judge did NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. She didn't even discredit his perjurious testimony. Nothing.

What's the future hold? Well, in the immortal words of the LA rioters, "No justice. No peace."



2012-11-19 16:55:00 UTC

Well glad he got his comeuppance, bout all you can expect really. Yes prosecution solictors can be pretty shit, usually pick up the case file on the morning or night before the trial

Isn't it amusing how you can knock some one off a bike and injure them as per above and get 3 points and a fine, yet get caught by speed camera harming no one and possibly lose your licence?



2012-11-19 17:03:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-11-19 18:38:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-11-19 19:24:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-11-19 19:44:00 UTC

Have to agree with you SDNERD, the amount of bollocks defense lawyers/solictors come out with is pure shite for the cretins they represent (majority of) the legal aid we have here as you do over there is a joke (don't get me started).

Its like if you washed your sons clothes after he had just murdered someone you as a father would definitely be locked up perverting the course of Justice and receive a prison sentence, however when you interview Billy shit bag for a burglary which he flatly denies he was ever there, and then hit him with some DNA evidence in the future showing him at the scene, why do they never get done for perverting the course of justice????

I think I have only got one person to court with perverting the course of justice (usually drop it down to obstruct police) who made a false statement about her daughter, did she go to prison? no. Would you do to prison if you took 3 points for your wife and got found out? yes!

Billy shit bags always seem to win and thats what fooks me off about the English justice system.

Sometimes even a Policeman's word is not enough in court any more, whilst I appreciate everyone has had there own experience of police and may not trust em as far as they can chuck em, im as straight up as they come which is so frustrating.



2012-11-19 19:49:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-11-19 19:54:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-11-19 20:02:00 UTC




2012-11-20 19:23:00 UTC

i'l look out for him, am always in brighton