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Kate Middleton prank call - Thoughts?



2012-12-07 17:25:00 UTC

I thought it was all quite funny to be honest, not sure if it made Yankee news stations?

Anyway just looked at the News and apparently the women who took the call has killed her self in an apparent suicide, I must say I first thought it was a counter prank, still could be, but unless every news agency is in on it, its certainly a good one, if not bloody hell .

Whats the score my Ozzy brethren?



2012-12-07 18:37:00 UTC

Switchboard should have screened the call and known better. Confidentiality issue should have stopped any discussion at all.



2012-12-07 18:40:00 UTC

If it's true ? what's it say about her employer? was she that scared of what would happen to her that she's topped herself



2012-12-07 18:45:00 UTC

Awful tragedy, pranksters should've never got through to her but couldn't have ever known what would happen as a result. Thought yesterday that Nurse would be in the shit... poor bugger

Very sad. Can't believe it would be a counter-prank, that would be the sickest thing...



2012-12-07 18:49:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-12-07 19:01:00 UTC

It is a terrible shame that someone has taken their own life, especially due to the previous few days they had.

But, this (the worry of what will happen to her) may have been the final step on a downwards spiral that she was on. We don't know.....

We all know the pressures that nurses are put under in normal daily life and she was caught off guard on a long night shift and broke the rules of patient confidentiality, but she wasn't the only one to blame in the problem that night, because as said already, the call should have been screened properly.

What a sad situation this prank has become. Thoughts will be with the ones she left behind.



2012-12-07 19:11:00 UTC

It was 5am when the call came in otherwise nurses wouldn't have been answering calls. She isn't even the one who passed on details, she just answered the call and put it though to the other nurse. With hindsight they really should have thought of this with Kate staying at the hospital. Surely there should have been royal protection officer present that would be informed of any call through the hospital?? Feel for her family and the Aussie DJs, it was just a prank and quite a funny one at that. They must feel terrible



2012-12-07 19:15:00 UTC

Her boss should have taken the blame and taken the junior staff out of the spotlight. This is a failure of systems and the top of management is at fault.



2012-12-07 19:37:00 UTC

New's over here has been on this right away as expected,,,,disgusting is the word that come's to my mind,,,poor gal had a family,,two girl's



2012-12-07 21:18:00 UTC

I live under a rock... what happened?



2012-12-07 21:28:00 UTC

Think youtube are removing these vids so might not work in a bit.

Basically the nurse that first answered he phone topped herself

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2012-12-07 21:36:00 UTC

How do you know she killed herself? I've seen the Omen, maybe Kate and Wills new foetus, Damien, has got his first victim. Hopefully great gay uncle Eddie will be next. Or maybe his real uncle Harry Hewitt the ginger imposter?



2012-12-07 21:42:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-12-07 21:51:00 UTC

ok up to speed... tbh I dont think the dj's thought they would even get through. .. very clever angle.

as for the nurse topping herself... yes it's sad but not the radios fault... wtf is with everyone wanting to find a scape goat these days.

if she was going to do it over that there was definitely a massive underlying cause. you don't just decide to kill yourself. .. it is something that she would have been thinking about it for a long time.

it's a shame though as she seemed quite lovely as in a genuinely nice person



2012-12-07 21:54:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-12-07 21:57:00 UTC

It's tragic that somebody's dead.

Having listened to the call, both nurses were exceptionally gullible, but no real harm was done by what was disclosed. I guess the nurse who killed herself was suffering through other problems and perhaps this sent her over the edge. Very sad.

The DJ's are quoted on the BBC website as follows:
"We're very sorry if we've caused any issues and we're glad to hear that Kate is doing well."

I can only hope they issued that statement prior to the suicide or they probably do deserve the stick that will no doubt come their way.

I think Cerec nailed it - the people who should really feel guilty are hospital management. This happened on their watch and nobody at that level seems to have taken any responsibility yet.

* This being a discussion about the Royal family, I will just add my standard rider that they are a grotesque anachronism that squats atop our supposed meritocratic democracy like an inbred gargoyle and I hope to see the day when they are run out of the palace like dogs

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2012-12-08 00:00:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-12-08 00:07:00 UTC

I care a lot what George W and laterly Bollox Banana fook up. Because, just like Tony B Liar, before him Dopey Cameron will blindly follow the US into whatever fook up they make of the world in return for personal enrichment.



2012-12-08 00:51:00 UTC

2 choices.

1 a monarchy. Non political head of state who probably brings in more dosh than they cost and offers long term stability.

2 a president. Another douche bag politician (we already have too many) still cost a fortune and its a popularity contest.

I'm not really a royalist but its the lesser of two evils for me. And we don't really do voting for lots of stuff over here. Some cities recently had a chance to vote on a kinda of police commissioner for the first time. In some cities the turnout was 4%. Not sure why the fook we bothered with it. We are only a small country, we don't need this kind of system. Police should just enforce the law with some common sense thrown in. Why do you need a voted in official to run that? That's what we voted a government in to do.



2012-12-08 01:36:00 UTC

I for one, failed to see the humour.
I for one, see only tragedy.
Those Aussie's didnt learn anything from Rupert Murdoch or maybe they learned too much.
Funny how that sweet, helpful, kind, gullible lady has left a living soundtrack legacy for her children and the WORLD to stop and think about. Maybe this could have waited till April first.
Sick I say sick. I cannot wait for the Harmonic Convergence



2012-12-08 03:34:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-12-08 10:44:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-12-08 12:01:00 UTC

Michael Douglass
Angelina Jolie
Drew Barrymore
Charlie sheen

All are vaginitis spawn... You can google the full list of "self made" celebrities if you want.



2012-12-09 00:15:00 UTC

I'm with you on this one Linga i just don't get why people seem to think movie stars, rock bands or the royal tards are any different to us.
They eat sleep crap bleed and have all the same problems as all of us!
Maybe it's just Somthing you understand more with age.......



2012-12-09 02:47:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-12-09 04:53:00 UTC

Humans are strange creatures



2012-12-09 09:54:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-12-09 11:32:00 UTC

Post missing.

Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2012-12-09 17:28:00 UTC

I blame the hospital manager and the royal families security, they should of had all calls screened, the RF could of used a code word to make sure it was them, really dont know what they were thinking, Kate is pregnant with a future prince/ess

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2012-12-09 20:38:00 UTC

Why does it have to be someone's fault
For her to take her own life leaving her family behind with a massive shit pie is an extremely selfish thing to do ( I speak from experience)
She dropped a bollock that's all , what difference does it make that it involves the fooking royals or anyone else



2012-12-09 22:30:00 UTC

At least her suicide wasn't assisted. Unlike that poor scientist who was caught up in the Iraq dossier scandal.



2012-12-09 22:54:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-12-10 07:24:00 UTC

It's a conspiracy. She was assassinated by 007 to scare the peasants into paying another $60million pounds a year to the queen and her family for doing nothing (besides inbreeding and looking uglier than ever). Maybe they will throw another party for the people, invite Elton John, George Michael, and Skeletor (Sir Paul) where they all sing a song to celebrate Kate's new born. The loyal subjects can sit in a park together and watch it all on a big screen TV . It will so be worth $60Million pounds.