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London riots



2011-08-08 21:55:00 UTC

So like the Clash predicted, it's burning.

Not much chance of it kicking off in my hood. Any of the rest of the brotherhood affected?

Anyone comes near my place or threatens the SD tonight is going to be confronted by a fooking aggro naked South African swinging a cricket bat....



2011-08-08 21:59:00 UTC

You keep a Naked South African in your house?
I've got Goldfish



2011-08-08 22:05:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-08-08 22:17:00 UTC

I dont see it happening but chiswick honda stocks Alpinestars now



2011-08-09 00:29:00 UTC

Burn rubber, not shops. That's what I say.



2011-08-09 07:08:00 UTC

Well, I see my charming old stamping ground of Wood Green has been getting in on the act. Something which surprises me about as much as a fart after a curry. Thankfully, I'm well out of it now, beyond the scum ring of the M25.
If you know these areas the only surprise is that people are surprised by this...



2011-08-09 09:03:00 UTC

I wonder how the police in France or for that matter Greece would deal with this.

Water cannon with added skin irritant, jumbo supplies of CS (which for those of you not familiar with it smells quite bad) and some properly executed batton charges that actually reach the crowd and make an impact.

Seems to me that most of the people taking part are just chancers and the usual bottom of the gene pool followers. Simply getting them wet and cold and making it less of a happy night out would probably be enough to pursuade the majority that getting pissed and lounging arround would be a better time. Add some hard to remove colour to the water and spray it over the crowd, see how many hang around then.

Watch out for the police brutality, human rights and racism charges being made very soon now.



2011-08-09 10:01:00 UTC

Ripped from another forum. In case anyone sees anything:

"I got caught up in this last night heading home from work. Had been told Lewisham was closed, figured Peckham is normally Ok. On the way through from camberwell I got shoved over and forced off my bike and threatened by a load of black youths in hoodys. Eventually they got my bike started and made off with it.

No police about, tried calling 999 but they were busy. No connection possible on 101.

I've only had the bike 3 weeks. Red CB1000R KX10 WDC. Now trashed I expect."

I've told my gf that I'll pick her up on the SD if it kicks off where she works in central london. God help any fooker who get's in my way.



2011-08-09 11:03:00 UTC

These things make you realise that even the gene pool needs chlorine every now and then.



2011-08-09 12:13:00 UTC

I live right in between Tottenham - where it all kicked off - and Hackney where it spread to a few days later. Police helicopters hovering about all last night. The underlying tensions here with the hoodies, gangs and police have been waiting to burst for a long time now. This hasn't got anything to do with the original police shooting, nor politics, nor race, it's just an excuse for a load of yobbos to get their hands on stuff. Can't believe the police are so ineffectual about preventing it happening. They appear to be outnumbered and useless. It will get worse if this small minority start to realise that they can target an area and not be challenged while they openly rob shops and set fire to buildings.

I'm pretty left wing but I wouldn't mind if they brought in the army to keep control. They need to do something.



2011-08-09 14:52:00 UTC

I was just reading an article about this, trying to determine the cause and it echoed what you all saying. I actually came here to see what the real deal was and it's confirmed that it's mainly trouble makers looking for any reason to cause problems. I guess they think it's fun or something.



2011-08-09 15:13:00 UTC

Not making any excuses for any of the rioters and looters. But.....

They're bored, they're disillusioned, they went to poorly run schools, they are poorly qualified, they've limited job prospects, their parents aren't there for them, they've had no discipline growing up, they have narrow and short sighted aspirations, they feel persecuted, they have no money, they're bombarded by advertising that promotes unattainable dreams, they're surrounded by a culture that worships the collection of material goods, they're living cheek to cheek with some of the most affluent people in the country.

Light the blue touch paper and stand well back.

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2011-08-09 15:16:00 UTC

Having lived through the LA riots, it appears the situation in London is not much different. Masses of scum looting (I especially liked the UK characterization of "feral rats") and burning their own neighborhoods in protest of the Rodney King police beating verdict. Our media did everything possible to fan the flames - as it were. First they announced the police weren't stepping in to quell the unrest. They showed scum carting away loot from ravaged stores right past the police. Then, when curfews and martial law were finally implemented, the media dutifully reported that the National Guardsmen had no bullets for their weapons. Hopefully, your media is more responsible.

My thoughts and prayers go out the victims of this senseless tragedy.



2011-08-09 15:34:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-08-09 18:44:00 UTC

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2011-08-09 18:50:00 UTC

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2011-08-09 20:36:00 UTC

I did say it wasn't an excuse.



2011-08-09 21:27:00 UTC

Klincky has picked the wrong time to be at Cadwell. He could have been looting himself some new leotards instead.



2011-08-10 07:41:00 UTC

We should ask Poland to send over some of their police, you should see the way they deal with football hooligans, rubber bullets,water cannon, tear gas and unmuzzled attack dogs



2011-08-10 08:50:00 UTC

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2011-08-10 09:43:00 UTC

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2011-08-10 10:33:00 UTC

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No. 47

No. 47

2011-08-10 19:54:00 UTC

Saw this posted on a different biker forum... Takes the p*ss out of the lill sh*ts ...

But seriously ... they should turn off all the CCTV's, send home all the news camera crews and send in the para's for a bit of R&R ...

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2011-08-10 20:12:00 UTC

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2011-08-10 20:22:00 UTC

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No. 47

No. 47

2011-08-10 21:06:00 UTC

Where's Brigadier-General Dyer when you need him eh? He'd have it all finished in half an hour...



2011-08-10 21:12:00 UTC




2011-08-10 21:18:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-08-10 21:20:00 UTC

Dyed water that marks for a month? klincky...thats just crazy enough to work as long as someone doesnt get a rash and sue the met for half a million lottery tickets.

Bic mate, i agree with you. And it was pretty clear it wasnt an excuse.

I have no idea what it must be like to livef near these areas and for that i am glad. Take care folks. Keep out of trouble areas but defend yourselves if you need to and worry about the consequences later i say. If survival is something you feel is under threat then act, you may not get a second chance. Do what you can.

And ftr, i think Cameron should consider getting the army involved. A message needs to go out that anyone on the streets in certain areas at certain times will be treated as rioters until it has ceased. I dont like the idea of giving up our streets but short sharp action is worth it imo.



2011-08-10 22:50:00 UTC

All I know is that if a police station came under attack here within an hour a large contingent of state police tatical would be on scene with dog's ,heli's , M16's at the ready,,and no one would be stupid enough to frick with em, coz if you do , you'll be put on ice,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,or worse,,,,,,,,,,,



2011-08-10 23:44:00 UTC

Jesus, I go away for a week's holiday and all fooking hell brakes loose...

I'm afraid any hippy liberal marxist leanings I may have had as a passionately demonstrating anti-establishment teenager in the early 80s has given way to pure anger towards a mob of motiveless bullies who have been shown by the media that they can take what they want unopposed. These kids do have a few genuine gripes fuelling their disaffection, but 99% of them are just out to take what they want, with no regard for other human rights, liberties or even life.

To roughly quote a youth worker on TV today; we live in a culture of entitlement - where kids think the world owes them a living, and instant gratification - where lottery wins, Xfactor and kiss and tell stories of shagging footballers are the best route to instant fame and wealth. Even my 5 and 9 year olds seem to have little ingrained respect for other adults, including police and teachers, cos we are living in a politically correct environment where kids are cosseted by a guilty society and spineless parents. Get a grip. When I was a kid any other adult was an authority figure. Not any more.

If they come down my street I'll be out there with swords and sticks defending my family and property, and I won't shed a tear if the police start using rubber bullets, or worse.

I do also blame the media. They may as well be broadcasting a long-running commercial for the Police's kid-gloves policy while they run youtube videos of gangs looting expensive goods unopposed. If there are any anti-riot vigilante groups out there, count me in. This is my city too, and these kids need a hard lesson, ...and I don't mean political science.



2011-08-11 00:00:00 UTC

How's this. it's something to do with today's parents as well. When I was a kid we were all taught to respect adults- even if we weren't the best behaved we knew what we were supposed to do. we all got up out of our seats on the bus or train for any adults, even little badasses.

now I see on the tube here everyday, many parents have their 1,2,3 kids all having a seat each total able, not infants, happily having them spread out, not even sharing a seat and glaring at anyone who looks at them funny.



2011-08-11 00:09:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-08-11 00:11:00 UTC

Well technically us motorcyclists have the best gear to mince these sh!Ts, we have armour for all parts of our bodies... Especially the dirtbike gear. Chuck it on, band together a f@ck them up... The public will commend you for doing what the police can't. Heck use the helmets to conceal you identity. You have built in knuckle dusters and anything like a cricket bat and you are sorted... They want violence, we show them what it really is... And give people permission to name those who try to attack themselves or propert.

You wouldn't see this happen in Texas... Cos they would just shoot the sh!ts



2011-08-11 00:21:00 UTC

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2011-08-11 01:36:00 UTC

YahYah, and all you people will be checking fleabay for all the good deals on hot product.
If All these maladjusted youth never learned to mind their P,s and Q,s from their parents and all the parents are swearing they had no choice but to respect authority and thier elders. Is it not the very people doing the complaining that failed on the installation?
Too busy chasing the golden carrot to bother with that rearing thing?
Now the non chasting is what we are chasing.



2011-08-11 05:54:00 UTC

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2011-08-11 05:55:00 UTC

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2011-08-11 08:20:00 UTC

I feel for the UK public.....these riots are shiet! The three guys hit and run and killed are innocent collateral victims. Condolences to their families.

I think with this senseless anarchy, forget the rubber bullets, bring in the military and shoot to kill!

Good luck brothers.



2011-08-11 08:57:00 UTC

Has anyone spoken to Danno? Someone knicking his pikey pony!




2011-08-11 14:49:00 UTC

Just missed a 4 day trip for this down to Lahndan through work.

All because said I would work Sunday night last week so they would have to cover that. BOLLOCKS, could have got you lot to bring cups of tea to the front line.

Oh well on Standby in Hull saturday night instead.



2011-08-11 15:58:00 UTC

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2011-08-11 19:32:00 UTC

oh shit Klinck, that is beyond hilarious!

I cant decide if should be terrified or relieved that EDL numbnuts like him are the backbone of the 'movement'.



2011-08-11 21:35:00 UTC

That EDL guy was priceless...Thanks for cheering us all up Klincky.



2011-08-11 22:24:00 UTC

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