This is a static archive scraped from the now-closed forum. If this archive has helped you at all and you fancy buying me a pint to say thanks, you can do so at

May be a total loss



2017-06-05 21:44:00 UTC

I center punched an atv saturday on my 2015 sdr and damaged front wheel, forks, and the frame at the steering head broke, instrument cluster and scratched up the right side. Talking to the claims agent he suggest I consider the bike likely totalled. I know the engine runs and the back tyre and brakes are salvageable and he (agent) said I could buy back the bike for salvage as part of my payout and I wonder what it's worth? there's about 9000 actual miles on it and i'm the only owner. What would you pay for it?



2017-06-06 01:56:00 UTC
