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More bad luck



2015-05-28 06:55:00 UTC

Set off to Bristol on Tuesday morning and a few miles from home I felt something hit my knee. Thought it was a bit of the bike but then I realised that the zip on the top of my tank bag was open and my phone had fallen out. By this time I'd already covered another several hundred yards at 50mph+ so when I turned around I had a long stretch of road to search without really knowing where to look. After an hour I gave up and continued on my commute to work.

Later that morning I had time to log onto iCloud and use the gps to locate the phone. It showed up as a dot at the side of the road but quite a way into the grass and on the other side from where I'd concentrated my search. I rang a neighbour who went out and
found it quite easily with my directions and then ringing it.

Totally smashed up but still working.

Funny thing is the last message sent by EE.......



2015-05-28 08:01:00 UTC

Every cloud and all that!