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2011-05-15 13:31:00 UTC

Interesting race indeed



2011-05-15 13:43:00 UTC

There was defo a fair amount of action, I think the only consistency was Stoner out in front.

Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2011-05-15 14:32:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-05-15 14:44:00 UTC

Very unfair penalty IMO. Simo should have a podium. Press this week was quoted as saying that MotoGP riders are going soft. What with all this complaining and talk of dangerous overtaking, what would Doohan and the like have said in their day??? This is a political thing - maybe influenced by the official complaints about Simo by a few - including Stoner. Shame on them.

Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2011-05-15 14:49:00 UTC

Race win by nearly 15 seconds.

Earlier in the year I asked wether Stoner was fast because of the Ducati or despite it.
We know now.

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2011-05-15 15:29:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-05-15 16:04:00 UTC

It maybe directly related to how much you like the rider, I for onr think the Lorenzo's move on Dovi was a cheap shot but done on the inside with the door left open by Dovi. On the other hand Semenjelly will always get the down side of my call and history shows that being any where near him on a racetrack could proove dangerous to your health. Stoner is the guy to beat and Honda the maker. Tech Three and France got ripped off at their home circuit, Hell even the lone French crasher could not resist an off track excursion, yet again. Nicky Hayden being in direct shot to be what is commonly refferred to as DePuniet'ed.
What happened to Crutchlow?

Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2011-05-15 16:15:00 UTC

Cal lowsided.



2011-05-15 22:04:00 UTC

Good to see Rossi on the podium on the Duc. Better that, Lorenzo didn't make it up there.



2011-05-16 07:06:00 UTC

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2011-05-16 08:28:00 UTC

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2011-05-16 11:45:00 UTC

Was I watching the same telecast ?

Simo is dangerous at the moment ! Like all rookies in this class, he needs to settle. Lorenzo went through it and is now consistent and fast and a real threat.

If Simo cut my apex from a wide outside approach and took my front wheel out, it would take more than a broken collar bone to stop me tearing him a new ars.ole afterward in the pits!

His riding tactics are being questioned at the moment by multiple riders and with good reason.

I'm no Pedrosa fan, even though he is an awesome rider, and he didn't deserve an off and another injury when he was in a good points position by a reckless passing move. Simo's stunt has cost Pedrosa a real chance of a crack at the championship!

For those that dont agree, go look at some real racing and quality riders..... Joey Dunlop, John McGuiness, Wayne Rainy, Christian Sarron, Mick Doohan, Guy Martin.......none of them did that shit!



2011-05-16 18:16:00 UTC

Anyone seen Stoner punching DePuniet at warm up?



2011-05-16 18:32:00 UTC

Simonceilli braked at exactly the same place as he always did, he saw a gap and went for it. To me it was worth a move and unless you have raced before you dont know what its like being in that situation. Too many armchair racers.
You need to take on moves likes this otherwise you will never win. Without him in that race it would have been utterly dull. I but Puig has something to do with that ride through. Also where is the consistency? Rossi on Stoner, Lorenzo on Dovi.....

Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2011-05-16 18:35:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-05-16 18:44:00 UTC

Would that be the same RDP who admitted the whole thing was his fault?



2011-05-16 19:28:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-05-17 00:47:00 UTC

I am more amazed at the take on the pass from individuals and how much their responce seems to be dictated by thier favoritism. This clearly evokes much subjective interpritation of what happened and I believe that an objective call is likely to come from the race control judges, that is why they are there.
I look for level headedness in a rider and Stoner and Rossi have a good understanding of racing and what is appropriate behavior on the racetrack. Semicelli had a bunch of laps left and was clearly faster than Pedrosa. I watched Semincelli in a one off race on a Aprilia at Monza and he nearly took out Max Biaggi and Ben Spies in that race. Another chicane incidant. I do not know what chicane means in French or Italian but suffice it to say slow down may be a good guess.



2011-05-17 09:54:00 UTC

Motorcycle racing is not, and should not be a contact sport!

reckless·ness n.
Synonyms: reckless, rash1, precipitate, foolhardy, temerarious
These adjectives mean given to or marked by unthinking boldness. Reckless suggests wild carelessness and disregard for consequences: "conceiving measures to protect the fur-bearing animals from reckless slaughter" (Getrude Atherton).
Rash implies haste, impetuousness, and insufficient consideration: "Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash" (George S. Patton).
Precipitate connotes headlong haste without due deliberation: "destroyed in a precipitate burning of his papers a few days before his death" (James Boswell).
Foolhardy implies injudicious or imprudent boldness: a foolhardy attempt to wrest the gun from the mugger.
Temerarious suggests reckless presumption: "this temerarious foeman who dared intervene between himself [the elephant] and his intended victim" (Edgar Rice Burroughs).

What gives Simoncelli the right to race differently to the other riders accepted practice?

You can call me an armchair racer, but if it weren't for the spectators and fans who support racing, there would be none!



2011-05-17 10:02:00 UTC

Post missing.



2014-01-27 12:25:00 UTC

I'm amongst many who are pissed orf at Eurosport losing the Moto Gp coverage along with Toby Moody and co, and will do anything not to pay those R souls BT.
A mate has told me about and wondered what the rest of you think ?
The only sport I like is the motorcycling and don't want to pay for shit I don't want along with some shite commentary