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Motorcyclist dies protesting helmet law



2011-07-06 23:16:00 UTC ... /id/402525
Ten dollar head,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ten dollar helmet,,,,,,,,,,,,I wouldn't wear it either,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



2011-07-06 23:30:00 UTC

what a dumb ass



2011-07-06 23:46:00 UTC

Irony is a bitch...



2011-07-07 00:01:00 UTC

Something is fishy....harley brakes are not that strong.....



2011-07-07 02:35:00 UTC

If he was fishtailing he must have been using the much more effective rear brake . Probably highsided.

I hate to see anyone lose their life so senselessly, but the gene pool could use some more chlorine.

I seem to recall that a woman very involved in the repeal of the Florida helmet law died within a week of said repeal.



2011-07-07 03:04:00 UTC

Common sense is a super power this day and age....



2011-07-07 06:35:00 UTC

You should have the right to be an idiot in America.I believe you should have the choice to ride with or with out.
I choose to ride with a helmet.I live in Az.
We have no helmet laws.I see most harley riders in Az choose not to wear helmets.I have to admit there days I ride to the store on my harley.
I like the choice.You have to understand if I lived in a big city there is no way I would not where one.
I live in a small town It is nice not to where a helmet on nice days.If you know your not going to ride fast.
It's funny when I ride my duke I feel funny if I don't wear a helmet I know I can't go slow.So I always wear one.
Same thing on my YZ450.When I ride my Harley In Az I don't always wear one.

For some strange reason when I ride my HD it feels ok not to wear one.I know it is stupid I guess it about the choice.
It's nice to to have the right to choose.
I do know, if I know I will do hwy speed 45+I always wear one.Weird I know I should always wear one. Just feels ok on the HD
Makes no sence.It's nice to know we have the right to be an idiot.

When the law changed in Calif. to having to wear one.I was in the business I sold thousands of helmets.
It was great.My sister is a doctor.She said the law was bad for the organ banks less people died. Less organs from people dying
Guess I should not be a idiot



2011-07-07 07:06:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-07-08 01:01:00 UTC

TBH , riding without a helmet is like driving a car with no windshield,,, and people around here still throw stuff out the windows of moving vehicles,,,, before there were "full face" helmets I got hit in the face with a lit cigar,that was tossed out,,,, sunglasses didn't help at all,,,,,and when the Bell star was introduced , I bought one right up,,,,, then wearing said helmet I proceded to hit a pheasant, ( killed) , a duck (dead) even a bat,,,,(hit helmet , then stuck to chest),, and more twigs,bugs, beetles, bee's ,rocks and stones than you can think about,,, all bouncing off with no facial damage of any kind,,,, soooo I will never ever go "windshieldless" ever, period,



2011-07-09 03:58:00 UTC

Post missing.