This is a static archive scraped from the now-closed forum. If this archive has helped you at all and you fancy buying me a pint to say thanks, you can do so at

My last word on this matter, no not going. (yet)



2014-03-11 00:47:00 UTC

In a reply to herr Klinck yesterday by PM I suggested a better approach to deal with matters like J H and the "dangerous" letter.

What should have been done in case of concern, which might be genuine or as a precaution, is to contact the poster and explain to him why to remove the post and ask him to do so himself.
In this case a simple explanation that it might affect the site due to issues with ownership at the moment would suffice. I'm sure, in this case Jim, would have no problem editing the post with an explanation and remove the problem part.
All this would have saved a lot of negative reactions and the mods wouldn't have looked like panicking girls who push the emergency stop as soon as there is smoke.

Most people are well willing to go the extra bit to protect the integrity or well-being of the group they belong to and the one's that don't, well they don't belong on the forum anyway.
Just a hint for next time, let people solve the issue themselves, just guide them there.

As for the legal issues, I recon they are far fetched, but I'm not a lawyer and as Bic says the outcome of a legal matter has rarely anything to do with what's right or seems just.

And for FOOOK sake Nerd and Bass get a FOOOking room you two, you sound like a married couple with a crack habit!
Can you go at least out for a beverage or to the shooting range to vent your arguments, I thought I could b|tch but you two....

Jim H

Jim H

2014-03-11 01:33:00 UTC

A moderator did pm me to exercise caution, I should've taken heed and taken the proactive approach. Admittedly in my defiance I wasn't prepared to remove anything, I was only thinking of myself and not the forum.

I have to be honest about this hence the reply. Anyway, bad news coming my way tomorrow, all due to my actions. I've made my bed, now I gotta lie in it.



2014-03-11 01:42:00 UTC

So, other than your suggestion that I take BassAgent out, have a few drinks, and then shoot him (which really isn't my thing - shooting people ), what you're stating is that we all just go along with what - yes, what makes the mods/admins look like trembling little girls - the fact that some bogus threat of legal action sends us scurrying back into our little rat holes, and into a state where the matter is not to be discussed further? "Don't ask, don't tell"?

This, when we more or less collectively believe that KTM's handling of fuel tank issues has been pathetic???

Anything else taboo in terms of 100% SuperDuke related discussion? Hate to bring down the site over it - simply out of ignorance.

I agree with your remarks on how this should have been approached (versus the way it appears to have been) - that's sound.

I still hold fast to my views that A) There was no reason to cut off the discussion; and B) Enabling the likes of BassAgent to be a mod on here was about the damned dumbest thing I've witnessed on

I don't think Mr. Hastings was being selfish, in that his airing of the events brings insight on how the manufacturer deals with some rightfully persistent customers, when defective product is the question. In a best-case scenario, may have established precedent for KTM to address as they should - for all.

I too hope that Mr. Hastings gets this sorted in his favor, but the idea of all benefiting from his successful outcome (is that not toward the "well-being of the group"), seems to have been crushed - by "us".



2014-03-11 01:48:00 UTC

I think nerd is the type to reach for your junk or start crying after a beer, no thanks!



2014-03-11 01:52:00 UTC

Wait - what? You have junk?

I had no idea you were a dude BassAgent. Learn something new every day!



2014-03-11 01:59:00 UTC

Don't get so excited, it's a bit worrying. I'll let you see, but it's gonna cost you. I'll put you on the family plan since your mom is already subscribed.

Jim H

Jim H

2014-03-11 02:28:00 UTC

Post missing.



2014-03-11 02:37:00 UTC

Post missing.



2014-03-11 02:45:00 UTC

I stopped getting wound up by my boyfriend, Nerd, a while ago. It's just fun and games to me now lol



2014-03-11 03:02:00 UTC

ktmguy - I did read your posts. I wasn't suggesting that you aren't in support of Mr. Hastings viewpoints. It's the ready capitulation I take offense to - even if it wasn't initially your own, or your decision. Not really a "go with the flow" guy, when I believe its the wrong thing to do ... In other words, not a fan of lemming-like behavior.

As for BassAgent, I don't really care what he does, and realise he had nothing to do with any decisions regarding the editing and lockdown of Mr. Hasting's thread. As for making him a mod, still damn dumb - as he keeps proving that over and over and over and ... It really isn't relevant in this discussion, however distracting he tries to be, for the sake of garnering attention to himself.

Regardless, the matter of Mr. Hasting's thread is done. Our fearless leaders caved. Nothing more to say about it.



2014-03-11 03:22:00 UTC

Post missing.



2014-03-11 03:24:00 UTC

One day you'll escape your denial and confess your love for me.

I know you play this every time you see me posting



2014-03-11 03:28:00 UTC

Just for the record, it was a group decision by all of us that was discussed over a period of time before we even decided to move forward with it. It wasn't a short-sided or hasty jump to action because we were scared. I'd also like to note that all of us support Jim's position, but we didn't want to put this great community at risk of disappearing like it did once before. That's all there is to it. By the way, I actually made the gesture to leave his thread as it was



2014-03-11 06:45:00 UTC

For the record as BassAgent has said it was a group decision and was discussed over 3 days. Locking and deleting/threads isn't something just done on a whim. Guy I meant to reply to your PM but by the time I got home I simply forgot. Perhaps we were over cautious. But was it worth taking the risk? If and it's a massive if, the forum was threatened, 1: we wouldn't even know. 2: we'd just wake up one day and it would be down and there would be no way for us to know how or why. 3: even if it was done by KTM how much stink would it really cause? A similar thread on other biking forums, a few posters calling it outrageous, swearing a bit and then the thread disappearing off page 1 and into the depths of the forums like 1000s before it. There is nothing wrong with discussing the issue. There is a problem and it should be discussed. That thread bacame more than that though. I'm pretty sure a group of Ducati owners took action over this issue in the US and won. This isn't the US though and litigation just isn't that popular here (not or the lack of trying from scumbag lawyers ads on TV ) tanks vs cost of fighting the claim. Doesn't need an accountant to work that one out.