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new SD R



2011-11-16 12:17:00 UTC

not keen on the duel seat on the new SD R.



2011-11-16 12:34:00 UTC

duel seat on the new SDR? is there any pics? or a link?



2011-11-16 13:05:00 UTC

from KTM's own website,

here it is - looks like they've just put the standard SD seat on it, nothing new there




2011-11-16 13:39:00 UTC

Ugh, I hope that's not a sign of things to come for a future redesign...



2011-11-16 13:56:00 UTC

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2011-11-16 15:51:00 UTC

Looks beautiful. I see nothing wrong with a full length seat. I took my passenger pegs off and there aremany tymes that a skoot back position change is a comfort for a short stint. I see tge possibility of a full white tank looking good. White and orange are a brilliant color combination, my favorite pixie stick.



2011-11-16 16:27:00 UTC

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2011-11-16 16:43:00 UTC

I wonder if though you have the choice of duel or solo when you place your order? Or if you want the single seat you'll have to buy it as a power part?



2011-11-16 16:49:00 UTC

I suspect it's just like with the rc8. Normal and r version are replaced with just an r version, which is a combo of normal and r

990 WFO

990 WFO

2011-11-16 18:13:00 UTC

I wonder if they fixed the fueling, as they did for the 2011 RC8R ... I don't mind the 'look' at all, but then I'm partial to the SD appearance. Which is not to say that I don't like the solo-seat tail of the original SDR (I do!).



2011-11-16 19:57:00 UTC

I think it's a good move for KTM. You get the heads from the "old" SD-R and the practicality of the standard Duke. What's not to love? I don't think the seat makes that much of a visual difference to be honest...



2011-11-16 21:53:00 UTC

i don't dispute that its probs a good idea for ktm but they are only claiming 123 ponies from the motor . have they gone back to 48mm throttle bodies ? its also missing the akra headers by the looks of it . are they still the 08 onwards sdr heads with improved breathing ?
yeah all in all probs a good move , hope it works out till the new one appears .



2011-11-16 22:51:00 UTC

or maybe its the SD R engine but the single seat and akra headers are all extras?



2011-11-17 03:16:00 UTC

While I prefer the looks of the old SDR with the solo seat, if given the choice I'd take the new version. The one piece seat is very comfortable and the ability to take my wife for a ride every once in a while helps keep the peace at home.

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2011-11-17 11:04:00 UTC

What is really interesting is there is no standard Superduke now. This looks like a cobbling together of the two bikes. Nothing wrong with that if it broadens the appeal.

Looks like it has lost some of the nicer bits though, where did all the carbon go?

990 WFO

990 WFO

2011-11-17 12:44:00 UTC

If i wanted the standard duke thats what id buy, i got the R model for the extras like akro headers,better engine spec, better suspension, single seat, carbon bits. this just looks like a model run out to clear stock at the factory.



2011-11-17 19:22:00 UTC

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2011-11-17 20:33:00 UTC

My guess is KTM isn't going to release the 1290R for at least another couple years. Yeah this "new" upgrade is minor, but it is an upgrade none the less. Which means KTM plans on keeping the 990 in place for a little while longer.



2011-11-17 22:45:00 UTC

It's not an "UPGRADE" at all... it's the same bike, but with "less" stuff on it. They've cobbled the regular SD together with the R, most likely to run out the parts that they already had sitting around and to also take complexity out of the production process. It's cheaper to just build one bike, so they might as well all be "R". In reality you're not getting an R, you're getting a half-way-R

Speaking strictly for myself here, I wouldn't have bought an SDR at all if that was what it looked like.



2011-11-17 23:07:00 UTC

So the new R is basically an R for pussys.

Good move KTM....what next? A fooking power socket on nice wooden dash board so we can power our KTM toasters off it as we tour the motorways of England wearing comfy slippers and thinking about a nice warm pint of cloudy 'real ale' in front of a roaring fire.

Most uninspired 'new' model ever.

At least i dont feel so bad about selling mine....although now they will surely become legendary as it is probably going to be the most hardcore SDR ever made now....

If this is what they are doing, do we really have faith that a more hooligan 1200 is coming? Or are they deliberately dumbing it down so that the next one will look more hardcore than it might have done...?



2011-11-18 01:45:00 UTC

You know, the more I look at it, and the more I give it some thought - maybe they went down this path, just to clear the parts bins. You know, like Ducati does before a new model hits the streets.

Again for 2012, it doesn't show up on the US site.

Maybe there will be a new SD for 2013 ...



2011-11-18 02:19:00 UTC

What exactly is it missing? The ability to not carry a passenger?
Carbon fiber front fender? I am not up on the differances. I see the nitride coating on the forks. I see that it has an orange frame. I think that it is a great direction as long as you they put the mill from the R. If you want sans pillion, all you have to do is say "No, stay home" . What is soooo bad about their direction. I think that the chimpanzees made a good choice.



2011-11-18 12:02:00 UTC

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2011-11-18 17:30:00 UTC

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Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2011-11-18 21:30:00 UTC

R stands for Racing.
How can can the R version not have the R seat. It just seems wrong.



2011-11-18 22:00:00 UTC

R is also the first letter of the latin word that means "to ponce around on the street."

Handy, as that is what most are used for.

Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2011-11-18 22:16:00 UTC

Def a "parts bin" bike fer sure,,,,,,IMO all the small Euro manufactures have been doing this for years at one point or another,,,,,,,,,,,,it's kept them "alive" through the bad times,,,,,,and a new model is a def in the future IMO after seeing this,,,,,,,,,,,and it makes the "older R's" an instant collectable "classic", as will the "new" SD's make the old that much more desirable,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,new ain't always better,,,,,but there are those out there that must have the newest, and latest ,and what they percieve to be the "greatest",,,,,,,,,,,it's not always the case in the real world,,,,,,,,I think you should hang on to what you have now and be content in knowing that it's a timeless classic,,,,,,,,,,,and not something that you can retrieve in the future with the latest and greatest new model,,,,,,once it's gone it's gone,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



2011-11-25 11:00:00 UTC

Speak to the dealers they will tell you the 1200 is coming out near the end of next year. And the fact the 1200 engine is lighter than the current 990.

Im going to be one of the people buying this new SDR even though it happens to have bits missing from the old one.

I dont currently own a SD but the plan was always to buy one when im back inn country next year.

I dont like the fact its dulled down on power or that it doesnt apear to have the akra headers.

I do like the fact it has a pillion seat. And well even though it doesnt have the same power as the old SDR its still better than the old SD and well for pure hoolaganism i'll have the 560smr



2011-11-25 18:58:00 UTC

Where is the claim that power id down on the new model then?



2011-11-26 03:46:00 UTC

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2011-11-26 09:47:00 UTC

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2011-11-26 22:30:00 UTC

To be honest, after the introduction of the RC8R I never fully understood the niche that the R model Super Duke was attempting to fill. Other than being an extremely cool looking naked bike what advantage does the single seat Super Duke R offer over the RC8R on the track? Why not produce one version of the Super Duke that's optimized to be the best real world performance street bike available and then for the guys that want something more track orientated go for the RC8R? The single seat R is like a naked bike that's more focused on track than street use. Typically I think of naked bikes as going the other direction, that is making a track focused sport bike more useable for the street.



2011-11-27 05:14:00 UTC

I bought the SDR precisely because it's essentially a superbike with upright seating. No compromise...



2011-11-28 04:58:00 UTC

[quote="Reaper"]Speak to the dealers they will tell you the 1200 is coming out near the end of next year. And the fact the 1200 engine is lighter than the current 990.

'Dealer'? whats a dealer? havent seen one of them now for 2 years, they all closed thier doors around here!



2011-11-28 12:43:00 UTC

I dont think its so bad , besides the SDR seat is only famous for being shite isnt it? , or does it offer some other performance speed enhancing application that has been missed?
Sadly no new SD till 2013 is the biz news
Saw the new SDR at the bike show and thought it looked ok



2011-11-28 15:09:00 UTC

Okay firstly either way im still getting one of these...

But can anyone prove all these claims of how this is just a 'parts bin' bike?

After searching for specs and pics of the old and the new SDR the only differences i can see are the obv fact the new one has the dual seat and that it puts out 7bhp less than the old SDR.

Ive not seen a single picture of the old SDR with carbon fenders/huggers on as standard. And as for the headers ive not seen it say akrapovic headers on any of the specs ive found, just stainless steel headers.

So id be interested to see someone prove the 2 specs are as different as people are making out.



2011-11-28 15:17:00 UTC

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2011-11-28 18:46:00 UTC

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2011-11-28 22:34:00 UTC

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2011-11-29 16:48:00 UTC

she is up then down on power all depends what day you look at the ktm website, last week she had dropped to 120hp then a few days later it was at 123hp then now it seems she has set her heart on 125hp

still they have dropped the price as expected and i imagine the normal seat is a good idea although they could have had both optiones as std



2011-11-29 17:28:00 UTC

Since I am fairly certain that the R does not stand for Remove.
I would bet a dollar to a donut that the R motor is still in place.
Was still shit motor though. No one with too little money in thier wallets would even think of leaving that crap R motor well enough alone. You needed to throw wads of cash at it just to get it to behave in traffic, even more to get rid of tgat awful overev popping and gurgling, even more to untame the throttle you just tamed from that other hunk you removed from your wallet. Then the bling factor was a contributing factor to the R's greatness. Few from twenty paces, that knew lyk about KTM's would still recognize that this particaler byke was not for tge faint of heart, hell a passenger would not be able to even hole on with all that steep rake, nitrided orange springy things sticken out the back.
If you really want to tame the beast and make sure you get ever lastin bit of goness, Add the Nichols Tripples. When They crash with the Nichols Tripples You have reached modification completion, she'll never go back together and you can sell all tgat aftermarket steed improving R embelishing wallet emptying shit to the person stupid enough to buy the new "R" in the first place.
Dont forget the carbon fiber.



2011-12-01 03:18:00 UTC

There is a place that a peeson can get to that would let them state the possible occurance of unlivable throttle responce. I will be the first to admit that I have experianced such behaviour on two differant occasions. Once was when a friend-acquaintance let me ride his 2008 KTM Adventure S. It was the first tyme I became a believer in rhat shnitzyshit fuggingarbage throttle delivary system, The next was on a DL1000 I had purchased used tgat had a Power Commmander installed under the seat. I immiediatly disconnected it and took the bike for a ride and I immidiatly hooked it back up after that ride. The fueling was on or off like a toggle switch.
People are reporting great things out of FI systems these days, but mostly from the floatbowlless generation.
I would absolutly love to try a 950 SM. Hell it has the first two letters in SMooth, prowly has the rest.



2011-12-01 03:39:00 UTC

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2011-12-01 09:12:00 UTC

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2012-01-15 22:41:00 UTC

Its all about the solo seat on a SDR for me, wheres the upped power. Could do with 150 ish brake i personally think..