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Obama to ban guns!!



2012-07-06 01:42:00 UTC

The SuperDuke is a really good motorcycle.
I like looking at the partially clad ladies pictures that are posted on this site.
I will not remove that second amendment.



2012-07-06 02:04:00 UTC

Pagans are tolerated by nature...



2012-07-06 02:25:00 UTC

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2012-07-06 02:31:00 UTC

It is not news unless you can insight the non-thinking masses into believing any bullshit. It is very easy to play to emotions than constuct a reasoned argument on global weapons proliferation. This is true of anyone playing the political game; left or right.



2012-07-06 03:05:00 UTC

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2012-07-06 06:27:00 UTC

Looks more like a tin foil hat site put together by an really angry teenager.

I like guns, but still can't understand why anyone would need an automatic weapon in a civilian setting.



2012-07-06 07:07:00 UTC

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2012-07-06 07:24:00 UTC

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2012-07-06 08:36:00 UTC

Semi auto is much more accurate anyway, but you do loose that "fook You" feeling you get with full auto,

Just about to give it AK47 "fook You" in full auto



2012-07-06 10:27:00 UTC



2012-07-06 20:07:00 UTC

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2012-07-06 20:15:00 UTC

My gun's have been hidden away for year's in a safe place,,,,,,,



2012-07-06 20:42:00 UTC

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2012-07-07 02:12:00 UTC

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2012-07-07 18:34:00 UTC

I'm a good gun toting social liberal/fiscal conservative. Grew up on a farm, learned to shoot as a child, have a lifetime concealed carry permit. Love my Beretta 92FS 9mm, the girlfriend favors the Bersa Thunder .380, and my little Ruger LCP .380 makes a perfect pocket gun.


I voted for our President and have no fear that he's going to outlaw guns, fooking ridiculous argument!



2012-07-07 18:46:00 UTC

Stated by Grendel, concieved to inspire a social riot.
You can shove just about anything into some peoples mouth's and they bite down and swallow whole.
This nation is not red or blue, it's purple and I hope it stays as close to matching the colour of the mountain's majesty than the colour of the shit the media tries to get you to swallow.
That black and orange combination was not by accident was it.
I like the way you talk boy.



2012-07-07 20:53:00 UTC

Hi Dribble, I´m already walking, not running yet, thanks for asking, SD is almost done too, just waiting a bit more till I ride it



2012-07-07 21:31:00 UTC

If Drivveler has guns, I would say it's a good time to ban them.. Seriously though, you guys can buy ANYTHING!!! Do you really need a 50 cal sniper rifle or an AK47? I would love to own them but if you asked me for what use apart from any form of impending Apocalypse, I think I'd be hard pressed to come up with a viable answer...



2012-07-07 22:47:00 UTC

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2012-07-08 00:45:00 UTC

I don't think too many of us here have 50 cal sniper rifles...
Not for sniping at least...
Even for the military...the 50cal round itself is outdated...
It isn't really the best choice for protecting oneself against the
Full auto ins't as accurate as semi auto...
Now if I needed to protect myself and family...a semi auto sawed off shotgun
goes far...against close range zombies...
A good many of us here enjoy our weapons for sport...
and pure taste in anything is an idividual thing...
Put up a real purpose to debate the purpose of weapons...
I don't care what country we're in...
None of us want to be overtaken by the "bad guy"...
Whomever that may be...
The "bad guy" is always going to have weapons to do his dirty work...
People that have never shot a weapon really don't understand and it scares them...
It's like outlawing motorcycles...How stupid an arguement is that...???
It's the people that never rode a motorcycle that talk the shit against it...
Weather it's" America the beautiful"..or the UK the beautiful...or Poland the beautiful...
I'd's about the beautiful people in the world..that make it a better place...
The bad guy..of topic..for me Obama...
No offence to anyone is it no one has taken him out yet...????
He is undermining the American way...and laughing all the while...
It's our governments that make this world a harder place for us ALL...
IF...they make it harder to understand and make it more and more less appealing...
Then they get what they want...less people voting or caring and making it easier
to post up phony votes and manipulate the counts...
I find it hard to believe he was voted into office by "the people"...
I don't really know anyone that voted for him personally...
That's my small world....

Taking weapons away from the good citizen isn't the answer...



2012-07-08 00:54:00 UTC

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2012-07-08 01:51:00 UTC

Hey omky756 I think this is all setting up to get us all under the thumb.
The Australian Government is a joke as well and I have no idea how we ended up with a female Prime Minister as everyone I know did not
vote this nut job in. They just brought in the Carbon tax over here and most Australians are not in favour of this scam job but get this last week
they decided to give themselves a wage rise I think it was 3% increase.
Now I think Obama gets $ 400,000 a year and our nut job is getting a bit over $500,000 a year what a Joke.
I wish I had a job that you got $500,000 a year by lying you rear end off and getting a way with it..
If we the working people want a pay rise the Government through their arms in the air like we are the biggest scrum on the planet.
Now who said that there is no use for a 50cal? I know of one!



2012-07-08 02:00:00 UTC

I like the little Ruger dude that would be one great gun.
I used to be into shooting years ago and my brother used to be in a pistol club he had a Colt 45 and smith and wesson 38 special.
I liked the 38 more as it was more accurate but not very powerful the bullets would bounce of a car door LOL!
But yes sent me that little Ruger ok? Its my Birthday today July 8 so I will be patently waiting.



2012-07-08 02:27:00 UTC

The SuperDuke is a really good motorcycle.
I love birthday cake and red and blue candles.
Happy B-Day Agro, go set the world on fire we'll blow it out tommorrow.
Women and Kenyans, go figure



2012-07-08 02:49:00 UTC

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2012-07-08 02:55:00 UTC

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2012-07-08 03:06:00 UTC

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2012-07-08 14:04:00 UTC

Happy Birthday Agro..

I grew up shooting, and I agree guns are fun to shoot, I'm just saying that the USA is right up there with Third World countries, rife with bandits, in gun crime statistics. That's a rough parallel with Guatemala, Paraguay and Zimbabwe. I'm not saying you shouldn't be able to protect yourself, or have fun. I'm just asking whether it's entirely necessary to have fully automatic machine guns and rifles that can shoot a target at a mile away. I'm aware that the majority of gun crime is hand gun and gang related and I would hate to see knee jerk reactions, like here in the UK after Hungerford and Dunblane, but you have to admit there's definitely room for improvement, however it should come about..

The Gin Reaper

The Gin Reaper

2012-07-08 14:37:00 UTC

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2012-07-08 17:33:00 UTC

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2012-07-09 02:58:00 UTC

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2012-07-16 15:18:00 UTC

Cold Dead Hands



2012-07-19 15:09:00 UTC

I do love a good gun control debate.

The simple facts of the matter are as follows:

1) Guns are cool.
2) The second amendment gives the right to bear arms, not guns. If the crims ante up and start using bazookas, the same logic used now to defend public access to guns could be used to demand bazookas. Where do you stop?
3) For a given population of people, a certain % will be messed up in the head to a sufficient degree that a mass killing scenario could develop. This % will never be zero.
4) Guns are very efficient killing tools. They make going on a rampage really easy, whether the rest of the citizenry are armed or not, your nutter will always be able to shoot at least a couple of people before somebody stops them.

You put (3) and (4) together and you get the current scenario playing out in the US - once or twice a year, a crazy person goes and shoots a whole bunch of people. This is the price of allowing a large citizenry free access to guns, to say nothing of the hundreds of blue on blue incidents per year.

The question is which is preferable to the US voting public? Lose the right to guns or continue to suffer death by gun in numbers that are statistically irrelevant but massively elevated over those in other nations?

Personally, I think the US will give up cheeseburgers before it gives up guns, and you'll have to pry the cheeseburgers from their cold, dead (of heart attack) hands so ain't nothing changing!



2012-07-20 01:45:00 UTC

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2012-07-20 02:25:00 UTC

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2012-07-20 11:04:00 UTC

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2012-07-20 17:21:00 UTC

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2012-07-20 18:39:00 UTC

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2012-07-20 18:52:00 UTC

Oz has banned guns and it has been very hard...
All the bad guys just keep shooting everyone and the entire country is terrified!
We need the war on terror to come here and stop all the bad guys!
We have bugger all deaths from gunshot and most of those (maybe 11 in total) are so called "bad guys" who are mainly idiotic thugs shooting each other.
If I wan to hunt, I can go and do so with a bolt action (no need for automatic assault or semi auto, or hand gun)
This gets me fed just fine and increases the hunt...
If its not a hunting rifle of Shotgun then it is designed to kill people and people WILL die.
I can Garruntee that there have been times when I'd like to do so gene pool cleaning, but the temptation is taken from me



2012-07-21 00:45:00 UTC

...and the Bush government planned 9/11 in order to legitimise a pre-emptive strike on Iraq? Be honest now, are you wearing a tinfoil hat as you type?

I'm not saying that 9/11 was a pre emptive strike on Iraq but you do have to wonder. Here is some real evidence of what the US government are capable of.



2012-07-21 01:07:00 UTC

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2012-07-21 05:22:00 UTC

Interesting how most people don't let facts get in the way of their pre-conceived notions



2012-07-21 05:41:00 UTC

Here's another fine example of bad guys... If everyone in the cinema had guns and been trained... This could have been avoided.
Hard to mass murder with a knife ... st=tabloid



2012-07-21 09:01:00 UTC

If you ban guns it just gives the bad guys more power!



2012-07-21 17:20:00 UTC

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2012-07-21 17:55:00 UTC

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2012-07-21 18:08:00 UTC

No man is an island.
If you had to sleep with one eye open and your finger on the trigger to protect yourself from "society", you surely removed yourself from inclusion from such society.
We hire through the society peoples that will do the protecting so we can sleep better and swing a hammer with more gusto the next day.
Idividualism is a strong ideall that requires you accept the self preservation needs and goals upon noone but yourself.
Society run ammuck is of no concern if you take no responsibility for nurturing a healthy one, you only protect yourself from you lack of commitment in the first through twentyeighth stages of the creation of that society.
When "we" look as a whole backward for answers and or reasons it is far easier to point down the sight of a barrel toward the solution than to point the sights back at the true culprit. A society that has turned its head waway from the pale and downtroddin.
Someone will say that this character showed all the signs of unstable behaviour and was not afforded the opportunity to be saved by his brethren and others will say Me and mine and fucck the rest, that's why the make guns.
Always the debate is looking down the wrong end of the barrell, after a trigger is pulled.



2012-07-22 02:08:00 UTC

That dude at the cinema was expecting the worst as he was wearing a bullet proof vest.
So before he went to do his dirty work was he thinking about the cops shooting him or maybe a civilian might be packing heat?
Maybe its best to ban bullet proof vests?
I often wonder what might have been the outcome if Civilians were packing heat when Martin Bryant kill 35 people down in Tasmania in 1996 and if he new that people did have guns would it have happened at all? Just Saying!! ... stralia%29



2012-07-22 03:30:00 UTC

Why not just ban bullets...?



2012-07-22 04:50:00 UTC

Just remember somewhere on the same "ban it" list as guns is the reason we are all here chatting.... Motorcycles

"Freedom means you are unobstructed in living your life as you choose. Anything less is a form of slavery"
Wayne Dyer.



2012-07-22 05:00:00 UTC

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2012-07-22 05:09:00 UTC

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2012-07-22 13:44:00 UTC

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2012-07-22 14:15:00 UTC

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2012-07-22 15:56:00 UTC

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2012-07-22 16:15:00 UTC

That would be Chinese americans then would it not if correctly written



2012-07-22 22:38:00 UTC

The Chinese are now a great example of how to treat citizens...
Anything to try and prove a point.
The crime you see is a direct result of socio-economic casting. This is a direct result of poor government and societal rules.
Change is needed on more than the gun issue.
Oz is a fair-weather country and does not have the problems of you guys due to population density, but we do have the beginnings, and we are trying the same tired things... Crime, Ghettos, Abuse, Drugs and violence are cycles that are a symptom of an ill society. Treating the symptoms will only result in delaying the inevitable.
More guns equals more gun deaths... Fact
The last actual facts that I can find available are in 2007, roughly 30000 dead from firearms,,, Stop and think. 30000.... That is 300,000 in a decade. These statistics do not include the injured and it is very hard to kill somebody with a Saturday night special at any distance.
Treat the problem at its source.
Humans, if given the chance will kill each other, especially in impoverished societies, and increasingly in a depersonalised world, where the disconnect from your fellow man is growing wider.
Our societal structure needs fixing, and it needs it soon.



2012-07-22 22:46:00 UTC

This is the only reason you should have guns:

Love that film



2012-07-22 23:05:00 UTC



2012-07-22 23:16:00 UTC

All that and no grenades.?????? geez...



2012-07-23 00:28:00 UTC

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2012-07-23 01:23:00 UTC

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2012-07-23 01:31:00 UTC

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2012-07-23 01:36:00 UTC

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2012-07-23 01:47:00 UTC

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2012-07-23 02:57:00 UTC

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2012-07-23 03:17:00 UTC

Now I'm on a roll...

Even British military leaders involved in the atrocities recognized their negative effects on the overall war effort. In 1778, Col. Charles Stuart wrote to his father, the Earl of Bute: "Wherever our armies have marched, wherever they have encamped, every species of barbarity has been executed. We planted an irrevocable hatred wherever we went, which neither time nor measure will be able to eradicate."



2012-07-23 05:57:00 UTC

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2012-07-23 07:40:00 UTC

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2012-07-23 08:25:00 UTC

Ironic thing is one of the victims was a sports reporter who survived a similar shooting spree in Toronto Canada (where guns are illegal). I don't think you'll ever see a shooting spree like this in inner city ghetto neighbor hoods for the simple reason that all the gangster kids are trained to shoot back. And if some crazy cracked out ghetto kid did get the idea to do something stupid like this, his neighbors would beat the crap out of him before he got out the door. On the other hand, you do have to worry about being mugged on a daily basis especially if your not from that hood. The gun laws don't matter. I love using the swiss as an example where it is illegal not to own an assault rifle if you are a citizen. Maybe the compulsory military service filters out the nut jobs quicker, but it's probably more simple in that the communities do a better job of keeping tabs on each other. I think Israel also has similar gun laws as the swiss, but that's kind of a bad example considering they are always at war. Americans are so worried about big brother watching. If we had stronger communities, we wouldn't even think about having a big brother to watch over us. I certainly wouldn't mind the personal security guard, but there is no way the gov't can keep tabs on everyone no matter how many laws or police exist. On the other hand, it's a bit of a pain in the ass to have to carry a gun and worry about wtf someone is doing all the time. The wars in europe helped forge stronger communities, maybe these incidents will help do the same in america. But, its unlikely for the next 100 years or so until some dipshit like Hitler comes along and we learn our lessons the hard way again...




2012-07-23 12:24:00 UTC

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2012-07-23 13:16:00 UTC

Yeah! What he said (hiding behind Dubsandbikes)

Your vid at the end is very cool.
I would neve suggest that professionals and competitors need give up their hobby...
But you wouldn't let any chump on a MotoGP bike in a race would you?



2012-07-23 14:39:00 UTC

Nothings broken or somethings broken.
I'm in the somethings broken camp.
As Linga put it, it has little to do with the gun itself.
Funny, Crotch has been stating the same thing, but stat's got in the way.
Guns are not a social disease , nefarious behaviour and its connection to guns is.
Perhaps mankind is incapable of collecting itself into a humane existance.
It which case, zombies is all we are and the the games begin.



2012-07-23 20:31:00 UTC

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2012-07-24 00:39:00 UTC

Strict Gun Control Laws didn't stop this... ... A3tqbR8C_M



2012-07-24 01:22:00 UTC

Are you a lawyer Crotch?

Ban Doctors... We can all agree, silly and irrelevant

China is a leader in juvenile crime... A 3rd world country coming to 1st see Singapore last 30 years.

Number of guns equals death... Vague and broad and easy to argue, might as well suggest that a man with a million spoons can eat faster.

Nice story on the Eagle and I wish I could have witnessed it. And beleive me, that if I ever go to an area I will put the call out to catch up with anyone on the forum. I caught up with Davo-Singapore and he was a right laugh! So if I'm your way I'd love to catch up and shoot the breeze and guns.

I have beeen around guns for most of my life quite appreciate and think they have a place in society. My granfather had a farm and shooting ducks, rabbits, and foxes was normal.
Hunting in the bush is a great pass time and also very cathartic and I think everyone should do it, if only to realise that we kill to feed.
I remember going pig hunting with some mate and I rocked up and asked them which gun I would be using, to which the reply was, "None mate. Use this" I was handed a 10' knife. Now going at a pig with dogs hanging off it is one of the more terrifying things I've done. (some of the QLD boys will think I'm soft)
I've been to gun ranges and shot clay targets, my cousin does fairly well at this.
I very nearly bought several, as I was living in the outback and a few mates used to shoot scrubber cows for meat.

I'm a novice with guns and don't have the passion to join a club or shoot all the time, it is too hard for me to get a gun/s just to sit in a safe.
Otherwise I WOULD have more than one sitting around.

This is one point I'm trying to get across.

Novices owning guns out of misguided reasons. Giving access to even less respectful people.

Let's clarify the debate (as best I can)

If morons and crazys have easy access to guns, people die.

I think we can agree that the common denominator with most criminals is the need for instant gratification. his leads to lower IQ, cause and effect rational and quite often esteem.
Very broad but it has to be. If these people have easier access to guns, then people die.
By regulating heavily the type of guns owned, the experience on hand, and the drive to compete, we will factor out most of these individuals.

No one (I at least) is arguing against guns, just ease of availability.

The worst part is, that IF America started repealing gun laws, it would take years, if not decades, to sift the guns from society.
But I believe it would be worthwhile, after seeing a similar thing (on an extremely smaller scale) in Australia.

@ Duke4Dirk He got a semi auto for hunting Deer... tighter restraints would have helped, but you are never going to stop all. Believe it or not, some of these people are not crazy. They believe they are right and true.
One of the Aussie boys might help but I think here you can only have a max 5 shot magazine...



2012-07-24 02:07:00 UTC

Can someone make this simple for my dumb little brain: why the fook does anybody need an assault rifle? Why the fook does anybody need semi automatic or any fooking handgun?

A hunting rifle if you life deep in the forest and depend on it for subsistence ok, but please someone amongst the pro-gun nobs, explain why in the US you can buy military grade weapons that are designed to do one thing: kill as many people in as short a time as possible?

Explain please, and don't give me any right to form a militia bullshit.



2012-07-24 02:24:00 UTC

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2012-07-24 03:10:00 UTC

I've mentioned...Sport...
I enjoy target shooting...
I enjoy it for the sport...
Not quite as much as I enjoy my Superduke...
But just the same...For the sport of it...
There is inteligence that goes with the sport..
Even paint balling..Stratigies and using your mind..
Shooting someone like the idiot in Colorado..A sick mind..
I've owned guns since I was 13 and I was required to take a class
to go hunting and learn gun safety...
For anyone I know...Gun safety is always #1 thing BEFORE you even
put a bullet in the chamber...I'd imagine even the outlaws and hoods
were taught that...
I haven't shot a weapon in 3 years...
It was for rodent extermination on a ranch with an X g/f...
That is another reason...
I have plenty of relatives that hunt for food..I'd call it a tool at that point...
They barter with the Ommish and other town folk for food products..
It is a way of life...
They also don't have safes...
They have gun displays and gun racks..
They carry holsters with loaded pistols...
They DON'T have 10,000 rounds of ammo either...
and being their way of life...They teach their kids at a
young age the respect it takes to shoot and go hunting...
The guy cooking up in his meth lab...a sick mind..
A hood looking to gain his colors...A sick mind...
There are LOTS of sick minds...
We ride Superdukes...
Many might think that's an outlaw mind..I get a rush out of
riding ummm...just over the speed limit...( for you officers in the crowd)
Many of us that ride Superdukes are Doctors, Lawyers,
engineers..ohhh did I say officers.???etc...
We all judge others...and stereotype...
I have tattoos...Does that make me an outlaw..???
I also have long hair...
Lets see what I just got myself into on that note...
I'm just a fleet technician(grease monkey)
I'd love to see you come to the U.S. Linga...
It would be a hoot..!!
Crotchy lives 2 miles from me...
and a great fellow..
very educated...all I'm gonna say
Cheers guys



2012-07-24 03:11:00 UTC

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2012-07-24 04:26:00 UTC

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2012-07-24 04:33:00 UTC



2012-07-24 04:42:00 UTC

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2012-07-24 04:50:00 UTC

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2012-07-24 12:40:00 UTC

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2012-07-24 14:39:00 UTC

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2012-07-24 16:10:00 UTC

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2012-07-24 18:11:00 UTC

trying to talk about gun control is like trying to talk about the abortion issue. there is a line drawn in the sand you are on either side. i am very pro gun. i have about 30 of them and ammo totaling around 40k between all of them. i am a recreation shooter, competition shooter, hunter, and a concealed carry license holder. even saving all that i even realise that there are some issues that need worked out to help make things safer. guns themselves are not what are killing people. its the nutty people behind the trigger that are the issue in most respects. everywhere that i go shooting, everyone is "normal" 100% safe and never any safety issues. everyone has there eye on everyone else too make sure everyone is safe. now that cant be said for the rest of the people in the world. i feel that people anymore should get psych evaluation before they can own a gun. i work with a few fellas that i would trust with a water gun let alone a real one but yet they have them. whatever happens one thing i see is that if guns become banned in the states, i can see another revolution on our hands because it would be a country divided.



2012-07-25 15:05:00 UTC

Just a thought,
When the dust settles on this tragedy in Colorado, it will be that Dr.X did not prescribe the proper med's for the crazed gunman. There will lawyers lining up to sue the doctor for malpractice and all the tragic deaths and injuries will be atributed to medical malpractice, not the use of guns.
A genuine example of a social disease.



2012-07-25 15:46:00 UTC

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2012-07-25 16:12:00 UTC

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2012-07-25 22:46:00 UTC

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2012-07-26 04:08:00 UTC

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2012-07-26 21:38:00 UTC

I wanted to take a minute to tell the main debaters in this thread how pleasurable it is to deal with mature people. The dialogue was presented well and with a maturity that is admirable.
This is especially sent out to Linga, Dubs and Crotch. at no time did the writings take on chest beating and name calling. There was admirable ideas and traits from all parties.
Thank You, the world is a better place, load up.



2012-07-26 21:57:00 UTC

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2012-07-26 23:04:00 UTC

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2012-07-26 23:44:00 UTC

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2012-07-26 23:45:00 UTC

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2012-07-27 01:13:00 UTC

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2012-07-27 06:39:00 UTC

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2012-07-27 09:28:00 UTC

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2012-07-30 02:07:00 UTC

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2012-07-30 02:17:00 UTC

What are the death statistics for other types of violent crimes in AUS now?
How about non fatal muggings, home invasions and such?

And let me know when you get these guys together Linga, because I don't want to miss it.



2012-07-30 02:36:00 UTC

This might be a good reason to own a gun... ... l-15108694



2012-07-30 02:53:00 UTC

Maybe another reason to own a heater... ... ter-attack



2012-08-02 13:24:00 UTC

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2012-08-02 13:47:00 UTC

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