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2012-04-17 03:37:00 UTC

A carpenter friend of mine went for a staycation in Oklahoma to help his kinfolk build a lake shed.
He texted me a picture of a gas pump price of $3.49 a gallon. He said there was something good about Oklahoma. He said that Oklahoma does not need any carpenters because everyone in Oklahoma is a carpenter. It makes since to me because it is a place where people are taught to fend for themselves and there is much pride that around the house-farm your ability to perform maintainance tasks is not a luxury it is neccessity.
I get that feeling about other places, not so much from California. The more rural a place the less likely your tool box has a layer of dirt forming.
Oklahoma, where bubblegum and bailing wire are on the same shelf at the local farm supply.



2012-04-17 16:18:00 UTC

Hell's teeth, you're a dickhead..



2012-04-17 18:47:00 UTC

My god ,,,,Ronin came up for air



2012-04-17 18:52:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-04-17 19:43:00 UTC

It's a long running affair Strakat ol' chap, he's being a tad annoying. I've not been around due to reasons known to myself and my mates, Dribbler's a dickhead and I don't fooking like him, will that do?

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2012-04-17 19:48:00 UTC

They ought to do a bit less carpentry and a bit more harvesting. I hear the corn gets as high as an elephants eye.

Dribble, whilst you are in a contemplative frame of mind have you ever thought that maybe Jesus came from Oklahoma where he learnt his carpentry skills? Perhaps much of the bible took place in Oklahoma and this was common knowledge until early last century. There is even some theological speculation that Jesus, aside from being the messiah, was also the first grand wizzard of the KKK. Hence he is often pictured transporting crosses around.Obviously, this information was suppressed as it wasnt regarded that a religion started in the USA would ever gain a worldwide following, for example the Amish and those hillbilly's that dance around with rattlesnakes - never caught on anywhere else, did it?

So back in the day, Abraham Lincolnstein (what! dont tell me you never knew he was jewish) decided to create a myth that the Oklahoma religion actually started in the east. This was inspired of him as it enabled future presidents to go on a holy pilgrimage in search of enlightenment, oh and oil.

Anyway, back then the Italians were trying to muscle in on the ownership of Christianity which would have led to racketeering and extortion at the collection plate. As you are probably aware is one of the reasons the US entered WW2 in 1942. Cristianity was secretly given an new identity and relocated by the CIA to Jerusalem and a Jewish state of Israel was formed in case those wops try again.



2012-04-17 21:41:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-04-17 22:21:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-04-17 23:56:00 UTC

Told you my pig call works!
Look up Sooner, bone head
This was a post about a state where folks know how to take care of themselves
We have a few members, some in very good standing with my long histories on this site,
Some new found SD members. A shout out to Tornado alley, AKA the bible belt is all that was intended .

Post up who bugs you on a new thread, ignore mine.
Maybe list them in order of hatred, let me be first on your list.



2012-04-18 00:59:00 UTC

... cant we all... just get along, sigh... lol



2012-04-18 01:13:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-04-18 01:26:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-04-18 01:58:00 UTC

It's been a bit boring here for a while ...



2012-04-18 02:34:00 UTC

Lol. What started off as a thread that was totally pointless for here has become interesting quickly.

That being said, Its nice when you find people who can do all things maintenance/ construct... Someone useful is something of a dying art as everyone is so specialised these days.

And motoronin... You need to with get laid mote or just ride your bike (if I was a betting man I would think that you hadn't ridden for a while). I know I get grump when I haven't ridden in a while.



2012-04-18 02:44:00 UTC

Polymath ...

Note to self: Ride my bike more and get laid more



2012-04-18 03:52:00 UTC

Sometimes I dont mynd drbbles banter, just woul liek him two leaarn to spelll.
At least I have the excuce I'm not native english blabber, it's only my 3rd tonge.

Still bring on the biffo!



2012-04-18 04:30:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-04-18 23:35:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-04-19 00:28:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-04-19 01:44:00 UTC

To take this sideways or into another facet, It ends up that my timing on the state of Oklahoma coincidantly falls on an anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing. This was realised while I was listening to the radio today.

I passed through Oklahoma City in ott six and happened onto the memorial and the early hour of Six.
I parked my bike and walked over to a completely empty memorial. It was a Sunday morning, the sun was rising over the East wall of the memorial, which was a wall that was left from the original structure. I turned and entered through two big doors and there in front of me was a series of glass chairs, some chairs the size of a childs play chair. There were lights that shined through them and it was next to a shallow reflecting pool.
I have nevr visited any kind of memorial and was so taken aback that a sheer overwhelming feeling of sorrow for all of mankind and especially innocent children left me totally unable to do anything but sob and weep like a little girl. I have never experianced any such powerful emotion in my whole life. It is truely worth a visit.

Later that same day I happened upon a Harley rider and his pillion. They were from Oklahoma city and when I told them of my powerful experiance he indormed me that he is a Oklahoma City police officer and he lost seven very close friends on that day. He was very happy that my experiance of the memorial was so touching and we share the road and a few stops for sasperalla on that very hot September day.
I sure am glad noone was there to watch my blithering breakdown, and am glad noone was there so I could have one.
See it if you are any where within a days ride.

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2012-04-19 19:30:00 UTC

I think I see what is going on now. Dribble hijacks his own waffle and starts going on about pigs.

In his next post he "happened" upon a Harley - which even we brits know are called Hogs.

He then finds out that the Hog is ridden by a policeman - which we in the UK call pigs.

Furthermore, he then goes on to tell the pig of his powerful experience ( or nervous breakdown - you chose). Over here anyone that confesses anything to the pigs is called a squealer.

Does anyone see a theme developing? Charles Manson's family wrote something about pigs after the Tate murder I believe. Dribble is running around visiting the sites of mass murders and 'feeling sorry for mankind'

Furthermore, some tribes of cannibals refer to humans as Long Pigs.

I am afraid the evidence is irrefutable, Dribble is a potential serial killer, seeking the notoriety of Timothy McVay. He is fantasising about killing and eating a policeman or Motoronin (or both) if you see this man do not approach him he will drug your sasperalla and make you into hog roast.

Dribble, for the love of God, get some help before it is too late, go vegitarian as an extra precaution and get a check up from the neck up



2012-04-19 19:37:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-04-19 19:50:00 UTC

You mean like Lincolnstein.
They only ask you to squeel like a pig south of Texarkana.
Can someone be Jewish and not a Jew?
Is that what the ish is for?
Engl is not something in and of itself?



2012-04-19 22:39:00 UTC

Trippy man......trippy.



2012-04-19 23:00:00 UTC

Yeah...the whole killing thing was a bit much. I wholeheartedly apologise for that, bit extreme and I don't or didn't mean it. To be fair to you Dribbler, I'm not in a terribly happy position at the mo and you just happened to prod me at the wrong moment. That doesn't mean I don't find you bloody annoying but I certainly acted more rashly due to my current circumstances and that's not particularly fair on you...even if you are a knob.



2012-04-20 00:01:00 UTC

Post missing.