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One for the Physicist



2011-04-29 08:28:00 UTC

If I`m travelling at the speed of light on my SD (at night) and turn on my headlight what will happen



2011-04-29 08:49:00 UTC

you get a speeding ticket and one for not driving with headlights on..but the plus side you be famous for the land speed recored!



2011-04-29 09:43:00 UTC

As light travels in wave length form you would not be able to see ahead of you as you will reach the same point as the light wave at the same time... but... im a chef... me chef me cook good



2011-04-29 09:45:00 UTC

I've heard this question asked before, except it wasn't you on the SD.

It was somebody standing in a train travelling at the speed of light and shining a torch forward.

Unfortunately I've taken too many hits to the head over the years to remember what the answer was



2011-04-29 10:48:00 UTC

My SD is always travelling at the speed of light!!

I turn the light on, and the light never gets away



2011-04-29 13:15:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-04-29 17:29:00 UTC

Since it's a theoretical question I can only assume you're not in a vacuum (where S.O.L is a constant) otherwise both yourself and the SD would be on your backs gasping...Soooo the light would travel slightly ahead of the bike, because it's relative..Aaaand, of course a falling tree makes a noise if there is no one there to hear it; the sound of one hand clapping is a slap; the egg came before the chicken because of reptiles and the Pope definitely at one time shat in the woods 'cos he was Hitler bloody Youth. Oh yeah..and all bears are Catholic...



2011-04-30 02:45:00 UTC

You will immidiatly slow down Nd if you turn on your high beams that will further act as a brake.
As a wave of light from your headlamp is generated from heat and is in a wavelength much slower than ionic tranferrance you will be passing through a distubance in the environment that is equall to one half the total wattage output. High beams will slow your travel at the same rate as they are wattage differance. You may want to take in the color of the bike also, since orange is less resistant to plasma proliferation than anthrocite it will be the fastest in this circumstance also. Light has slowed down just a little since 05-06 so the early model bikes are still faster.
as you slow from the rsistance you will travel through a light show akin to the aurora or a old pink floyd concert.
Enjoy tge show.



2011-04-30 02:52:00 UTC

You'll never know as you will be travelling forward in time and we will all forgot you was here, or ever born....
Which might be a good thing....



2011-04-30 10:01:00 UTC

Are you planing on some up grades for the SD?

Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2011-04-30 12:05:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-04-30 12:20:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-04-30 14:01:00 UTC

It's a superduke, you'll be lucky to reach the speed of custard!



2011-04-30 23:20:00 UTC

Post missing.