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One Less Sled...



2011-03-11 01:42:00 UTC

It started out as a great day. Lightly snowing, with the promise of a blue skyed afternoon. Things were fookin' perfect, I was loving it and my sledneck pals were groovin' right along! We were about 30 miles into a 60+ mile day when "it" happened. Crazy Pauley's throttle somehow got stuck it the open position and the riderless sled shot across the meadow at 90 miles per hour hitting a grove of trees and bursting into flames. The sled burned to the ground and the grove of trees burned down with it! A very spectacular sight. The only bummer was my camera battery was dead and I only got one shot of the carnage!

Oh yeah, the name of the area we were at is called Devils Armpit! Go figure.



2011-03-11 14:08:00 UTC

Good no one got burned,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,to bad about the tree,,,,,,and the sled, well,,how ya gonna get whats left out of there,,,



2011-03-11 17:12:00 UTC

Damn! Impressive! After the shock did you laugh your asses off?



2011-03-11 22:04:00 UTC

After a few shots of Jager the whole thing was very laughable. The sled is burned to the ground in a very remote area, prolly gonna need a helicopter to get it out. Maybe just leave it there and let mama-nature take care of it.



2011-03-12 00:53:00 UTC

Glad y'all slednex is fine and dandy but for Lordy's sake why don't you heathens buy yournself a Gopro so us bellieveeerrrrs cin fiiind oooouuur waaayyy throoough sledneck supiiiiriooore visionaaiiirrry saaaalvaaatiiioooooonzzzz... Aaammeeenn! Yeeeeehaaah Looorrdd Beeee praaaaaissssed.!!!



2011-03-12 04:42:00 UTC

Post missing.