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Orange tax disc!



2014-02-02 14:52:00 UTC

Just had to renew my tax disc for the SD. I thought that they were abolishing tax discs this year and going digital so I rang the DVLA and spoke to this charming young lady who said that as a commemorative deal they were offering a personalised colour choice for this last issue of the UK tax disc. As you all know, (probably), I'm a bit of an anal aesthetic junkie so I sent them a Pantone colour swatch of the KTM orange and yesterday I got my new tax disk.


(It's not quite the right colour but better than the pale blue/ pink shite I have had to put up with for years!)



2014-02-02 20:58:00 UTC

State gov ditched rego discs about 5 years ago here, great move, didnt realise what a PITA they were until they were gone.
Waste of a good CF tax disc holder.



2014-02-02 22:17:00 UTC

Post missing.



2014-04-01 21:06:00 UTC

Someone stole my orange tax disk this morning and now the DVLA say they won't issue me with another orange one. Got to have a normal colour one now



2014-04-01 21:58:00 UTC

What does the J666 number represent. Those discs are very pretty.
In California the license plate has wasted wording at the bottom saying some such nonsense like It is there to get people out of brick and mortar and into internet registration. It bugs me that they advertise on a plate when the people that are already keen and savvy dont need an address planted on the plate. The last go around with important plate information was teaching us lemmings what the word sesquicentennial meant.
It read Sesquicentennial One Hundred Fifty years. Every fuckingplate had that crap on it. Well, sept for us cool motorcyclists.
We have color coded yearly stickers we affix to the plate. If I recall correctly there are six colors that they cycle through. When I worked on welfare housing I would see many plates that had been peeled back to the same corresponding color of the present year. At glance a cop would see the correct color and maybe not notice the bold number was from six years back. It broke my heart to call in the tow truck and have the vehicle removed from the grounds due to noncompliant registration. Okay, it didnt bother me in the least. Scamming the hard working tax payers out of thier money to pay a deadbeats rent was far enough, scamming for free registration or at least erroneous was their ticket to walk or take the public transit. Something tells me your tax sticker situation is not finished.



2014-04-02 06:44:00 UTC

J666 is part of the vehicles registration KTM being the last digits. I'm guessing that's what we call a private number plate. No way you could be lucky enough to land that plate by chance.

I haven't put my tax disk on the bike for over 3 years now. It used to act as proof you were taxed but these days the cops know if you are insured, MOT'd and taxed before they have even spoken to you. Very often they are pulling you over because they know you aren't due to the ANPR Automatic Number Plate Recognition system ... _in_the_UK

No. 47

No. 47

2014-04-02 07:03:00 UTC

Well, I posted up these pics in Feb as a spoof but no one fell for it so I though that April 1 was a good chance for a second go

Reg. number is real, colour is not.



2014-04-25 09:50:00 UTC

Then you won't be interested in..........................
