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2012-05-15 23:03:00 UTC

I thought I'd throw this one to the forum as I know a couple of you are in this type of field and more are fit guys who have troubles.

I stacked my bike 4.5 weeks ago and chipped the ball of my femur and got a small fracture of my tibia and collar bone.
I'm still sore and due to buying a house I went to work for the month taking it as easy as possible.
My shoulder is getting better and apart from tenting over the joint is healing as fast as these things should.
The swelling in my knee subsided but I compressed it once and knocked it a couple of times and there is still some swelling inside the joint. I've been icing and taking anti-inflammataries for my whole swing away.
I got back two days ago and have been preparing the SDR for a race this weekend and I decided to hop on... I can't bend my leg enough to be able to ride this thing like I need to. The swelling is causing my knee to separate (like having an arm behind the joint MMA style) and this is a little painful.
Is there a way to reduce the in knee swelling enough to ride
After the race I'll be able to rest it for a little but I'm keen for a solution before....



2012-05-15 23:20:00 UTC




2012-05-15 23:49:00 UTC

Try alternate hot/cold compresses. Helps to reduce swelling. Also, gentle massage will help to reduce scar tissue.



2012-05-15 23:54:00 UTC

Hot aswell?
10mins on alternating?



2012-05-15 23:59:00 UTC

Do use your knee/legs to stimulate blood flow through it and prevent it from getting stiff.
More blood means faster recovery, just like a massage.
Keep your leg high a lot when sitting or lying down + ice it, both will reduce swelling.

Don't forget to eat a bit more then you normally do, your body needs energy (and proteins!) to recover.

Good luck!



2012-05-16 01:04:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-05-16 04:07:00 UTC

Mate, here in the US physio's are essentially unable to give specific advice on how to treat an injured body part that we haven't directly, in person, evaluated.
So, generally speaking, swelling can indeed be reduced by the old R.I.C.E (rest, ice, compress, elevate above heart level). Some people recommend icing 10-15 min 2-3x/day. There's a little evidence that says alternating hot/cold works but I don't think it's much stronger than just icing alone...definitely less hassle. I wouldn't fiddle with massage unless you know what you're doing, you could easily flare it up and make it worse.

As for flexibility, swelling can be merely a component of what prevents you from bending the knee. You mentioned the "chip" was that in the knee itself? It's location and healing status may be limiting to your progress. If you had other tissue injuries (meniscus, ligaments, cartilage) those could be limitations or even contraindications to doing certain exercises.

That being said, I've seen people perform this for increasing knee flexion

Holding at a tolerable stretch for, say, 30 seconds. Repeating 3 times, starting with 2x/day and increasing as tolerated WITHOUT increased pain

I'm not recommending you do any of this, btw. In fact, you probably already knew this stuff, so I'm just reiterating it for you, right? that's the story and i'm sticking to it



2012-05-16 18:35:00 UTC

Pack it in ice,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,