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RC8R vs X-Bow RR



2012-11-01 20:03:00 UTC

Friend of mine told me about this a day or 2 ago, that was some save from Bauer!

Cheers for the link



2012-11-02 02:00:00 UTC

Watching the car and bike race side by side was exciting but I think the best way to test them would be to let them each turn a lap alone. I think the X-Bow driver had to hold back in a few corners for fear of turning Bauer into roadkill.



2012-11-02 05:25:00 UTC

Amusing, but All show. Including Bauer's step outs (there was more than one if you were paying attention). Nothing that doesn't happen regularly when a bike is in good hands on track.

100% faked drama for visual quality only: Bauer could have trivially left him for dead by the first corner, and finished well ahead of what was exhibited. That would have been pretty boring. Regardless, there would have been no need for that car having to slow for the bike in any corner.



2012-11-02 08:18:00 UTC

Nerd your a dick.

I have some questions for you.

When you was the last time you had sexual relations . (with a human female)?
Have you ever seen a grown man naked?
Spit or swallow?

Those ones were just for my own personal pleasure.

On behalf of the forum........

Post some on track pics.
Post some onboard video.
If you have none of the above, post some times from your local track so we can compare them to the local club racers.

If you talk the talk you better be able to walk the walk. And by fook do you do some talking. Step up or step down.

Note. If you post up some long winded shit full of condescending Internet waffle saying you have nothing to prove that's bollocks and you know it. If you can precisely explain how to bake a cake you better be able to bake a fookin kick ass cake.

I've just read you post again. Having raced cars successfully, won races, set pole positions, and still currently a lap record holder. And now moved to bikes and having stood on the podium 3 times in 3 race weekends. I can categorically say that you are talking out a hole in your arse. I bet in real life you couldn't drive a greasy stick up a dogs arse.

Maaaan your a dick. I don't even think I've been on any other Internet forum where I've see such utter shite. Please put blankey down and release your puckered little sucky mouth from mummy's tit before you reply.

Love and kisses.

The Viking (also note..... man's forum name. Sdnerd *snigger)



2012-11-02 09:55:00 UTC

Everything Viking just said ^^^ You are a classic Killjoy

If only we all had your level of skill Nerd, you truly do talk total rubbish. Sorry my inferior observation skills meant I missed Bauer's second "save", do you not think it was more about him racing a bike around a track on a machine that was worth approx 10% of his race bike on road tyres with no setup? And do you really think that he would risk the rental bike on purpose?

I may be no racer but I have a fair bit of track experience and nowhere in approximately 175 hrs on track have I seen anybody "trying" to highside.

Also I have ridden the nurburgring on a Sunday filled with every Porsche and every other exotic supercar only to be left for dead by each and every one. It is incredibly dangerous for a bike on track against a whole load of cars.

I'm pretty sure that both driver and rider were both trying, its a car show after all. Wouldn't they be happier if the car won?

Anyway I found it entertaining, not sure where your moral high standpoint of being better than everyone and having more skill than everyone else comes from but as Viking says "Put up or Shut up" Show us why you're fit to run everyone else down...



2012-11-02 12:30:00 UTC

[Folds out camping chair, brushes off, sits down. Picks up popcorn. Waits...]



2012-11-02 13:27:00 UTC

[Gets up and moves to the left with a slightly irritated air... Some bastard just sat in front of me...]



2012-11-02 14:12:00 UTC

[jumps up and down, ducks and dives, weaves, shadow boxes, mops brow]

Just don't understand why the bloke has to be so negative and superior?....



2012-11-02 14:27:00 UTC

Post missing.

Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2012-11-02 14:28:00 UTC

Have to agree with Nerd on this one....Bauer was on the brakes into turn 1 waaayyyy before he needed to be. This made for interesting viewing (would have been boring - for the car folks - otherwise).

Not taking anything away from Tiff, he is a brilliant driver but the bike should have smoked him (especially with Bauer on board).

Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2012-11-02 15:25:00 UTC

[Waits 5 minutes, picks up chair, moves to the left, sits in front of Linga again, this time wearing giant hat...]



2012-11-02 15:46:00 UTC

Didn't think this would become a "bitch fight"



2012-11-02 15:52:00 UTC





2012-11-02 15:53:00 UTC




2012-11-03 00:47:00 UTC

I bet we don't see a Viking tee shirt in the San Diego region of Ca. too soon.
It appears that cars and bikes can have very similar times on track.
I looked up Laguna seca lap records and see an F1 car posting a 1:06 and a moto GP at 1:21.
They had cars from Porche to Lotus and Corvette all hanging out in the 1:40s. I did not bother to delve deep into this pissing contest. Suffice it to say, I could have fun in-on either of those KTM's.
I am guessing it is winter already in the UK?
It's gonna be a lonngg winter if you boyz are at it already.
FuckinMaddog, always stirring up shit.



2012-11-05 19:56:00 UTC



2012-11-05 21:10:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-11-06 08:36:00 UTC




2012-11-06 08:59:00 UTC

SD nerd comes in for some light sparring in round 1, Viking comes back with a low blow marked down by the judges.....SD nerd counters with a melee of counter strikes. A good first round I think the judges have it SD nerd 10 Viking 9 after a good start fizzled out by the initial aggressor.

Ding ding, round 2.



2012-11-06 10:24:00 UTC

That footage also means that the SD is better than a ferrari as I've done 10.75 down the 1/4 mile... I love cars



2012-11-06 11:36:00 UTC

These things nearly always are made to look neck and neck-ish until the final couple of corners and then one leaves the other to win. Its called good television. Although these type of vids do fook all for me. Completely different beasts.



2012-11-06 17:46:00 UTC

Yeah he is a twat, dont you notice on all the races on Top Gear just always manage to be "really close", I lost interest in Top Gear ages ago when it became a lot more scripted. I thought the above race was clearly bollocks and edited over several laps no doubt.