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she had to know...



2012-06-30 06:10:00 UTC

So I had to take the SD in to have the electrical checked out. OEM battery died, installed a shorai, noticed the headlight dimming when revving. Wanted to make sure the stator was good so asked them to give it the once over as I'm not as electrically inclined as I'd like to be but I'm learning. Had a talk with Shorai tech and he said it's probably rectifier/regulator. Shendeng in my future but............

I asked the Mrs to follow me over so she could give me a ride back to the house. Two and a half year old son in the back seat of the truck.
She HAD to know it was coming. Waited for her to get along side of me then narced up a wheelie and rode the gear out. Gave the boy a full view. He was excited when we met at the next light. The Mrs, not so much. Bitched about not making a good example for the boy, blah, blah, blah. Thought it was straight out of the manual if you ask me.



2012-06-30 06:20:00 UTC



2012-06-30 06:33:00 UTC would have been ....rude not too



2012-06-30 06:48:00 UTC


Good work.



2012-06-30 13:31:00 UTC

I'm sure your in for a long haul of bitchin from that one,,,,,mine would do the same fer sure,,,,



2012-06-30 15:02:00 UTC

A friend bought a 'Busa and rode it like a maniac. One day he got to work and got a call from the wife. The conversation went something like this:

W. How did you get to work today?

H. I rode the bike.

W. Yeah, I know, the neighbor told me he saw you on the freeway. He was doing 80 and you blasted by him like he was standing still.

H. Well, I wasn't going that fast.

W. We'll talk when you get home tonight.

H gets home and W is standing in the front yard with a "For Sale" sign. By, by Busa.



2012-06-30 15:12:00 UTC

great post
ya gotta give him memories



2012-06-30 15:20:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-06-30 15:56:00 UTC

She knew.
She knew and gave a shout out as a check to keep your hooligan behavior in balance.
She knew the day she met you and gave you a kid to make just like you.
This kid's in for a hell of a treat the next sixteen years. Ride on. I see dirt bikes and long trips to Carnagie in the future.



2012-06-30 17:04:00 UTC

Standard Operating Procedure in my book. Good work.



2012-06-30 17:20:00 UTC

I too divorced my first wife for that shite. Plus a million other things. I got custody of my son raised him to be a successful, contributing member of society.

If you're ok, your boy will turn out ok. If you wheelie in front of him or not. Personally... I think he'll turn out better having dad wheelie with him, ride with him, camp with him, shoot guns with him, hang out with him, teach him work and to be a man.

Only a man can teach a boy to be a man.

I am by no means a misogynist, but think men should have a strong roll in the family. Men do manly things... like wheelie a motorcycle... it's OK.

One observation... doing a wheelie in Concord is like yelling "I gotta bomb" in Bagdad. I grew up there, graduated CVHS. It was like a police state back then!



2012-06-30 18:35:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-06-30 18:56:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-06-30 19:44:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-06-30 20:10:00 UTC

Today, Tom and me were practicing wheelies and stoppies.
Father /son bonding doesn't get better than that.

On the wife subject: it took me a while to work it out but it goes like this.
When we were little we payed with toy cars, bikes, building stuff and riding our bikes.
When girls are little they play with dolls houses.
When they grow up they get a great big dolls house to play with and they put us in it.
My bikes are my toys. She gets the house. I don't give shit what goes in it so long as there's a great big fuck-off Laz - y - boy to watch the sport in. (and no one messes with my kitchen)



2012-07-01 02:55:00 UTC

Great responses!

She dropped me off to pick up the bike and took off while I was paying the bill...LOL
She I can't wait to do that again.

Concord is still a police state. Just gotta look around real well before you pull the trigger. I've always thought if I get caught, I get caught. Hope the cop has a son if I do.

I read to him daily, watch shows with him, chase him around the house, take him swimming, and ride him around the back yard almost daily when I'm not working. He climbs all over my SD and my 998. I let him turn on the motors, play with the blinkers, beep the horn and rev the engines. He'll get his first taste of Carnegie soon. (OHV park). I also have a copy of, The Dangerous Book for Boys ready. He's just two and a half but I have a plan for him.