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So what items/creatures have you been hit by while riding?



2011-10-18 09:53:00 UTC

Beautiful Spring evening, thought I would take the SD for a quick blast along a short twisty coastal road through Werribee South. When its a bit warmer I like to wear my motor cross helmet and goggles.
My nose it a little exposed to the elements but usually the sun visor or chin guard catches any projectiles. Not tonight. Quick blat up to around 140kmh down the straight approach road and BAM!!. I cop a moth about half the size of my hand right on the sniffer. Stinging pain and moth goo all over my nose and face. Really hurt but also made me laugh. Reminded me of riding down the freeway one day and the car in front of me flicked up a steel bar that had fallen on the road. Came wizzing straight at my head, lucky I ducked, was quite exciting.
Made me wonder what sort of interesting road hazards/projectiles my fellow super dukers have encountered. Don't really want to hear about cars doing dumb things that's kinda a given. I'm curious about the more weird/unusual events.

by the way, you guys seen this?

be careful out there folks and keep your knees in the breeze



2011-10-18 10:09:00 UTC

That vid is hilarious



2011-10-18 10:11:00 UTC

A dog,not on my SD but a dirtbike, nailed him doing about 80 kays and managed just stay on.
Almost headbutted a Butcher bird at 110 kays on Thursday while heading down to the Moto GP, had to duck down onto the tank, a mate following saw everything and thought it looked funny



2011-10-18 10:16:00 UTC

Huge moth at night under the half open visor exploded and blinded me, crap in my eyes, skidded to a stop. This could have been a lot worse if it was on a different part of road.

Hit a groundhog at about 90mph one night while on my GT750, pretty much divided it in two. Had to go back to see what it was.

Hit a bird on the left knee, good bruise.

Been stung a dozen times up the left arm after wasp flew up jean jacket sleeve, locked up and off the road to stop and kill the F'n thing.

Close call with a moose, just missed the rear end. Wild turkey had me guessing which way it was going to go.



2011-10-18 10:34:00 UTC

I got hit on the arm by a pigeon while banked over at about 130 km/h, gave me a serious wobble, that got me on the opposite lane, luckily there was no traffic. Only a big bruise on my right arm.



2011-10-18 10:50:00 UTC

Pheasant square in the chest at about 80 mph.

Hurt like fook!!! Bruised ribs ache for weeks afterwards!



2011-10-18 10:57:00 UTC

About 4 years ago I hit a Peacock square on at 70mph on the died, the bike brushed it off.



2011-10-18 11:12:00 UTC

took a duck to the hand, chest and shoulder earlier this year, it shat on the bike a tiny bit I think but that was about it, apart from some congealed blood on my jacket and a feather inside my visor



2011-10-18 11:16:00 UTC

The worst was a bee. Never again!!! rode with partly open jacket

Flies and mosquitos make a mess of the visor and jacket but not a worry lol



2011-10-18 11:57:00 UTC

A sparrow on my chest at about 90 = badly bruised chest for about 4 weeks.

One of those stupid flags people put out of their car windows, normally when the football (soccer to you non-eu) world cup is on, flew of a car and slapped my arm. I had a perfect line for about 2 weeks after.

Had a hare do a similar thing that the antelope in the vid did a couple of months back, only wasn't as hard and only hit my foot! It hurt and took me by surprise though.

I also had a very close encounter with a shit load of geese that had taken up the whole width of a country road and were about 10m deep. I can round a blindish corner saw the first couple as I was going round, as the bend straightened I saw the rest. Slammed on the brakes, locked up, started to wobble a fair bit, but the geese spread to form a path for me to get through, and it was the same way as my bike had decided to weave.



2011-10-18 12:05:00 UTC

not a animal but a ute travelling past me in an 80km zone hit a bump in the road and sent a wheelie bin over my head... nearly needed a change of pants.

as the wheelie bins (normal household bin that the truck picks up once a week) over here are made of heavy duty plastic and are around 600*600*1100mm and are not the lightest things around; i am very glad that it did not hit me as I know i was was definately not doing the 80kmh and hate to think of the outcome if i had



2011-10-18 12:08:00 UTC

Killed a couple of birds with the GSXR. Gore all over the front fender and wheel. I think I hit another with my helmet once. I never saw what it was, but it dented my helmet and damn near knocked me off the bike. I was dazed for a while.



2011-10-18 12:09:00 UTC

I've hit all sorts of things - cigarette packets in the face, birds, dogs, kangaroos ...

Perhaps my most memorable was around 1969 when I lived in Balmain (a suburb of Sydney). In those days I used to get up quite early to go to work and often Balmain seemed to have pea-soupers because it is on the harbour - the famous one. Anyway there I was at about 4:00am riding the trusty 250cc Yamaha stroker to work through the fog when suddenly a huge tom runs out and under the wheels! Shite, thump, thump, wobble, wobble, wobble and stop. Look back and there is said animal in middle of road with a clearly broken spine and in great pain. Park the bike and walk back thinking "Oh shite what do I do now?". Clearly nobody around and no convenient veterinary hospital.
In a moment of panic I decide that the best and most humane course of action is to put the animal out of its misery but how? The only device that becomes apparent is the brick that is keeping the lid on a nearby rubbish bin. Umm don't really want to do this but ... Whack!! The animal continues to twitch. Whack! Whack! Whack! And at that very moment I get silhouetted by car headlights as one comes around the corner. My living memory to this day is the look of horror on the two faces framed by the car windows as they cruised by in the early morning fog and saw a bikie doing what bikies presumably always do - killing cats with a brick just for fun.



2011-10-18 12:34:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-10-18 12:49:00 UTC

Two pedestrains (one hospitalised) one cylist (ran over and bent his rear wheel, and stayed upright) and a pigeon (low speed).



2011-10-18 13:02:00 UTC

Had a bird strike on the lid when out with TJ a coupla years ago, came out of a roadside hedge with no distance between us to react....the first hit TJ's bike (I think) the second hit me on the lid but bounced off. We were going fairly fast.

On a rideout last summer with some KTM SM guys, I remember one of them hitting a Rabbit or maybe a pheasant. It got lodged in the front of his Duke III and cooked on the engine. Smelled nice when they finally met up with us! Just needed a little gravy.



2011-10-18 15:21:00 UTC

We went to the Isle of Wight a couple of weeks ago on the supermotos for a weekend hoon.
A few of us got up early for a pre brekky blast, and coming round a corner in a quiet country lane, there was a pheasant smeared across the road....50 meteres further was a police bike on it's side in a sorry looking state and the copper lying on the road. He already had a number people helping him as a couple of cars had already stopped, so we continued on our merry way.



2011-10-18 16:37:00 UTC

Squirrels. Lots of 'em.
Also a couple of bunnies and a sparrow.............oh and a giraffe.

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2011-10-18 19:17:00 UTC

A pigeon disintegrated off the titanium plate of my Icon gloves. Didn't hurt at all and I was going about 70. Love those gloves!
Also did a rabbit in the Cotswolds in the summer. Was going more like 90 then and neither of us stood a chance of avoiding action. Super Duke didn't miss a beat as I rode straight over it. Rabbit didn't beat again. Oh well, there are fooking millions of them down there and I was in fact doing my bit for the local environment



2011-10-18 19:38:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-10-18 19:45:00 UTC

A Mate of mine hit a sparrow at about 80 slap bang in the middle of his visor, Bird exploded all over it. Luckily it didn't smash his visor, but he skidded to a halt very quickly as he was effectively blinded by bird... he was nearly rear ended by me and the rest of our ride out too.

Personally only ever the odd bumble bee really, they sting a bit mind. Needed to duck for a few pidgeons too.

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2011-10-18 19:47:00 UTC

First,,,a duck,,dead after hitting the top of me face shield,,,,should have gone back for the squab,,,,,,next was a pheasant,,same off the face shield,,not dead but nearly cleaned me off the bike,,,colorful bird close up,,,funniest encounter was my friend Tom,,who collected a bat pulled over quick and shook it off,,,,,,



2011-10-18 19:56:00 UTC

Gonna bend the rules a little here.

Back in 1988 mate and I used to jointly own a bike for work. We both workjed at Steinways and had to commute from Gravesend to WC1 every day. He didnt want to ruin his FZR100 or me mt brand new GSXR750 so we bought a commuter between us. The first was a 500 quid CX500 which we then traded for a CX500 eurosport. Then a cheap finance deal lured us to trade for a Suzuki DR750 BIG, stonking traily single widowmaker..

Everyweek we would take it in turns to ride up with the other on pillion and half asleep. This week was Dave's turn to ride. Up the A2 filter through Deptford as around by Goldsmith's college. Half of the road here had been made a buslane causing traffic to queue in the remaining half a road. Not us though, Dave would run straight across the bus lane and up on the left hand pavement to get to the front of the queue for the lights.

On this particular day there is a copper standing on the edge of said kerb looking for cars in the bus lane though



2011-10-18 21:55:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-10-18 22:50:00 UTC

I'm going to bend the rules even further. About 20 years ago I was in a car with Dan aka Motoronin. We were driving to Cheltenham in his mum's Golf GTI Cabriolet. I'm skinning up on my lap and we come to a small queue of traffic. There had been some heavy storms earlier and the road is flooded up ahead for about 150m. There are two coppers standing just under knee deep in the water at each end sending cars though two or three at a time in turn. We get to the front and wait for the cars coming from the other end to clear out of our way. Now rather than just driving sensibly through the water at two mph and avoiding the attentions of the two boys in blue, Dan floors it and ploughs through the water at more like 20mph. A tsunami like wall of water 8ft high hits the copper at our end square in the face. I will never forget the look on his face when he saw it coming. He was so in shock he didn't even properly turn away. After we passed he just stood there, his wellies were full to the brim and as it had stopped raining a good hour before, he had also removed his water proof jacket. The guy nearly drowned the wall was that big.
To be honest I was also in slight shock. Those of you that know Dan have probably witnessed a act of lunacy at some point and I can assure you he was 10x as bad back then. But to me, with a half rolled biffta in my lap, this seemed to be pushing our luck to the extreme! The copper at the far end frantically waves Dan down. He's also in a slight state of shock but also on the verge of losing it. He demands to know just what the hell did Dan think he was doing? Dan then and with a totally straight face, gives him some story of how the car is likely to stall if driven slowly through the water as the exhaust is underwater. The copper is in a dilemma now. He wants to tear Dan a new one, he knows that is a bullshit answer, he can see me trying not to look guilty in the passenger seat while bent forward trying to conceal the half made biffty in my lap. He looks at his buddy, the line of cars at each end and as it's a busy road decides the traffic situation has to take priority. He tells Dan to slow the fook down next time and sends us on our way. As we exit the water and pass the cars waiting the people in the front car are pissing themselves laughing at what had just happened. Still makes to laugh to this day eveytime I think about it. You fooking loon Dan



2011-10-18 23:27:00 UTC

I hit a full grown deer about 15 years ago on my XL250R on Easter Sunday. Spent about 6 hrs in the hosp. If I had not been wearing a helmet, I'd probably be dead. had a HUGE bruise on my left hip, which now gives me a bit of trouble here & there, and fractured my right wrist. NOT FUN!!!



2011-10-19 00:24:00 UTC

I've had a couple of bees up the sleeve and gotten stung on the upper arm, june bugs really hurt if you catch one, and make an amazing noise when they hit your helmet. Sparrow in the chest at about 70 mph. The worst was hitting a deer and getting launched. The ER folks were impressed that I was wearing full gear, and that I didn't let the EMT cut my jacket off. That one hurt for a couple weeks.
I've had some amazing close calls, surprised a Turkey Vulture having a roadside snack and if I hadn't ducked I would have gotten him in my face. I've had eagles launch in front of me twice, one was close enough it felt like I could have reached up and touched him.



2011-10-19 09:35:00 UTC

An R6

video to follow but it fooked my Oulton trackday yesterday !!



2011-10-19 09:57:00 UTC

Headin back after a few hours at the pub with a mate on the back of the Commando when skippy jumped out in front of us from the RH side, I saw him coming and lifted my foot off the peg, we didnt fall off but when i put the foot back down there was no footpeg and the gear lever was bent bak on itself. Went back to the scene in the morning to retreive the footpeg and find an expired kangaroo.



2011-10-19 11:40:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-10-19 11:59:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-10-19 21:08:00 UTC

hit a sheep and took it,s head off with the sd
stayed on
four hundred pounds worth of damage and a dead leg for 30 mims
did have photo,s both clink and sabre have seen the photo,s
not a nice sight the sheep didn,t look to good either



2011-10-20 04:49:00 UTC

I always knew that the Super Duke was a weapon!!



2011-10-20 12:46:00 UTC

I hit Pigion 125mph (on a private road) it flew out of the bushes straight into me. it hit me on the right shoulder, It felt like I had been hit with a baseball bat....I thought my arm was broken, I was scared to move it off the bars in case I could not get it back on the bars to brake

It was all in slow motion.... I swear that the pigion had a 'ohhhhhhhhhhh shit' look on its face.... the closing speed must have been 155mph+

..lucky I was wearing my track day leathers and it hit me right on the armour...I had a black bruise from my elbow to my neck...and I dont normally all

All that was left of the pigion was halo of feathers and a bit of blood and guts on my leathers



2011-10-20 13:41:00 UTC

Here's the vid for those that missed it

having looked at it very carefully, it appears that after the R6 dropped I tried to go round him, started tipping in again, and then he clipped me, standing me up and putting me on the grass.

trackday junkie

trackday junkie

2011-10-20 13:54:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-10-20 14:45:00 UTC

Was pillion on a mates bike and he ducked his head to avoid a pigeon and it hit me on the head, and have managed to kill 2 cats with my BMW car

Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2011-10-20 19:52:00 UTC

Fawn,turkey,woodchuck(3), rabbits, racoons, German Shepard,possum,no skunks(thank God), and a Crown Vic.



2011-10-23 00:25:00 UTC

Not me, but when I was in hospital with a fractured spine their was a guy in the opposite bed with both arms and shoulders broken........
Later when we got to chatting turns out he was a police motorcyclist...... he had T boned a cow on the A10



2011-10-23 00:46:00 UTC

I was hit by a very £££££ 1098R










2011-10-27 00:01:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-10-27 08:21:00 UTC

Yup that just about encapsulates it. I wonder who I've told that story to in the last 30+ years?
Somebody from one of the animation companies? Who were those people in the car?