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Steampunk superbike anyone?



2013-11-07 00:55:00 UTC



2013-11-07 05:59:00 UTC

I've seen those Beringer's before. On ebay of all places. ... 60&vxp=mtr

"Objectives of the 4D system

The power gain compared to a Ø320mm cast iron disc is 20%, which allows to the riders to shorten their braking distances significantly. Some comparative tests have shown the obviousness of this gain as well as a lower temperature of the discs.

Maneuverability improvement of the motorbike: the gyroscopic inertia of the quadruple disc is 3 times lower than the inertia of Ø320mm discs and 30% lower than the inertia of carbon discs, which is the main advantage of this system. For example, the transit time through a chicane or the time necesary to lean on angle is highly reduced.

Weight saving is significant compared to standard systems :
CAST IRON DISCS Ø320mm weight : 1950 g // QUADRUPLE DISC Ø230mm weight: 1460 g
The 980 grams saved in non suspended weight improve the grip of the front wheel and the acceleration of the bike.

Lifetime much higher
In fact, tests have shown a small wear of the system, which allows to consider a lifetime well above the average." ... tem-10.htm



2013-11-07 07:06:00 UTC

Post missing.



2013-11-07 08:03:00 UTC

It would be cool if it actually ran on steam.



2013-11-07 19:08:00 UTC

Meh, not in my price range but even if it were I don't think I'd part with the money for it. I'd be surprised if this brand is still afloat in six years.



2013-11-07 19:22:00 UTC

Post missing.



2013-11-08 04:22:00 UTC

As an aesthetic design, the radiator, exhausts and tail piece sort of kill it for me.
I always loved the tank design on the on Brough Superior though. It really does look like it was made by a boiler maker.
Brough Superiors and Egli-Vincents are the stuff vintage dreams are made of. And money. Lots of money.



2013-11-08 11:04:00 UTC

It looks "old" the tank is too much,,,,,,get with the time's if you want to sell em,,,,,,,,



2013-11-08 12:03:00 UTC

Looks a little bit better viewed in 360 degrees.



2013-11-08 15:41:00 UTC

I like it. It looks like it could whell down the road real well.
The trouble with motorcycles and clear judgement is that if it has two wheels, it's already nearly hitting out of the park for me. A ninety degree V-twin with liquid cooling and shiny bits that glimmer in the light, what's not to like besides a pricetag that leaves me on the eye side of this candy



2013-11-08 17:06:00 UTC

I'm a product designer by trade. I understand branding and the art of keeping alive the values and aesthetics of an old, respected marque of vehicle. I appreciate Brough Superior and everything that this famous bike manufacturer brought to the evolution and story of motorcycling.

I haven't got the time or the inclination to write a long, protracted assessment or criticism of this bike.

Except for saying that on first sight, (and bearing in mind the price), it's ludicrous. What were they thinking?

Absolute dross. Someone should be ashamed of themselves.

PS. It looks exactly like it should have been cast in that shit steam-punk inspired Wild West film starring Will Smith. I have a few friends who were quite involved in the inception of Steam-Punk and they are all moaning about how it's been hi-jacked by the mainstream and is being corrupted and diluted so much that they are disowning the genre. This is a perfect example of why they are disgusted.



2013-11-08 18:01:00 UTC

My mom use to tell me my taste was all in my mouth. I am now thinking that the only reason I bought a Superduke was cause it was orange . I saw the new Corvette just Yesterday on the road and I said to myself " that thing is freakin awesome looking". I then immediatly remembered that It was design lambasted on this very sight. I thought of my mom and her Taste is all in mouth saying. I use to say I wish I had this and I wish I had that, she would say wish in one hand and spit in the other and see which fills up first.
Well I wish I had a new Corvette and That there new motorcycle. I would ride around and drive around and let all the superior thinkers of design gag from up high on thier horses.



2013-11-08 18:11:00 UTC

I had to look up the word "dross" - I not only learned something today, but I like the word.



2013-11-08 19:31:00 UTC

Goes to show you what I know, Till Bic's comments I thought that The Nerd had coined a cool little catch-name.
I used to run home from school to catch Wild West. Those guys were so cool. I can see one of those Brough chasing down a train on a dirt service road. I think this bike would look real cool If the owner never washed it and the patina turned into an old train look.
I'll bet really cool people with only taste in thier mouths will buy one.
Oh wait you cant be cool if you dont have taste Bud