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Technical proficiency test - superduke

Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2011-08-06 11:21:00 UTC

It has come to my attention that some forum members may not have a sufficient amount of mechanical or technical knowledge to attempt even the simplest tasks on their superdukes.

Now, I'm all for people having a go and learning by experience - and indeed that's how I got to my current limited standard. However, if you really are that poor you may put yourself, and your superduke at risk.

To help forum members decide if they should work on their own machine I have devised a simple test. The test is very cheap to perform and takes only a minute.

You will required 2 post it notes, a pen, and a dark room.

Take your post it notes. On the first write a big letter A, on the second write a big letter E. Take one note in each hand, remember which one is in which hand because not knowing this could confuse the test results.

Now, walk into the darkend room. Take the post it note marked A and stick it on your arse, now take the note marked E and stick it on your elbow - no the other one you can reach.

Now, either walk back into the light, or put the lights on.

Check that note A is on your arse and note E is on your elbow - if this is correct you are now tech proficient level 1 and safe to work on your superduke.

If any other result is noted please do not touch your bike, contact your nearest KTM dealer.



2011-08-06 12:01:00 UTC

Here we call this the " Shit from clay" test ! Cause they can't tell the difference.

The Same out come though! Some should not be trusted with a tool kit, sharp instruments, or inflated ego or sense of personal ability when it comes to things mechanical!



2011-08-06 12:23:00 UTC

Nope, been trying to lick my elbow for the past half hour trying to get the A to stick. Will keep trying.....



2011-08-06 12:58:00 UTC

FFS Pete, never advise some1 to contact a KTM dealer, thats just asking for trouble

Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2011-08-06 14:59:00 UTC

Good point Ash, that should be used with discretion in Europe, and ignored in the U.S.A

I have no idea if we shipped out any decent mechanics to Oz when we got rid of them TBH

No. 47

No. 47

2011-08-06 15:20:00 UTC

Should I use orange post-its or will yellow do? Which is faster and stickier? Any special tools required? Where do I put the one with C written on it?



2011-08-06 20:58:00 UTC

This is probably a good test for stealer mechanics, in my experience, most of them would not pass.
This (and a lack of cash to burn) is the reason I've learnt to do it all myself



2011-08-07 13:50:00 UTC

In the dark somehow they all ended up on me ass,,,,,,,,,

trackday junkie

trackday junkie

2011-08-07 17:41:00 UTC

Test is to hard!
if you can't figure out how to get to the tool kit: take it to the lawn mower repair shop around the corner. 12 year old owners son is 'prolly smarter than you or the certified KTM dirt bike guy.



2011-08-07 17:44:00 UTC

Just do what I do, take whatever it is apart, put it back to together, look at what parts you have left over then start to worry