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2012-01-19 03:04:00 UTC

I was painting a unit today and I was cutting in around a phone jack that was for an old wall mount phone. The jack was in the kitchen as is customary for the old wall mount locations. In most if not all the houses I lived in up to adulthood and a bit beyond, this is where my phone conversations took place. whether it was talking to my gramma on sundays or lining up fishing or hunting or sporting times with my comrads. I remember when the craze was an extended coiled cord that let you go just out of reach of something three rooms away. I had five sisters so you can imagine how many times that coil cord got wrapped around fingers.
Still the user was tethered and was left with a sense of connection. Your conpiring and coniving could not take on to private an ordeal. When we were kids I loved to play tether-ball. Once again you were limited in your travel and the game could not leave a person stranded.
In some ways technology has removed the tether and brought with it a freedom that leaves a disconnect to familiarity and safety that places the tether to only the persons conscience.
A Itallion ship captain is getting raked over the coals for not staying tethered to his sinking ship. A policia captain demended he get back to the ship, which in essence made the cop the tether and the world celebrates his nature.
The ties that bind are not a noose but may be nice to leave in place as to not hang yourself.
I"m going to mount an old wall phone in my kitchen and get a loonngg cord so as I can almost reach the toilet.



2012-01-19 09:10:00 UTC

I think cordless handsets changed my life in one of those subtle ways that you don't realise until much later. I was talking to a client yesterday and had to walk back to my computer to check on some information because I have a habit of walking and talking. We got talking about this and the fact that, like Dribble, telephones at home were wall mounted units - in my case we had a telephone 'room' that my father constructed. He later removed the door at my mother's insistence because she didn't like the conversations she suspected I was having with my girl friends!
These days I'm free to roam anywhere within about 50yds of my desk talking to friends, customers etc but still effectively tethered eh Dribble? Until, that is you start using your mobile phone.

On the subject of the ship's captain have you seen he is now UN - tethered? A judge has released him on bail.
BTW: does anyone else feel the whole thing is a bit, well, fishy?
Ship is miles of course.
Runs aground on a 'sand bank' that has rocks in it the size of a large truck so much so that one of which remains jammed in the rent torn in the hull.
Captain sails for nearest land
Does a runner (swimmer?) but is caught and sent back to the ship.
Detained on suspicion of manslaughter and then released while they are still discovering / recovering the dead.
Is this bizarre or is it just me?



2012-01-19 11:01:00 UTC

I hate phones, especially the modern non tethered type that never get put back on the dock after a call........... everytime you want to make a call you have to spend 5 minutes searching for the bloody thing



2012-01-19 12:43:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-01-19 15:22:00 UTC

Nah, better he thinks it will sink any minute and hacks off his hand with the blunt knife...... thats punishment



2012-01-19 21:18:00 UTC

i walk when i am on my mobile as well , i dont know why ?

sometimes i finish a call and find myself the other side of the site and not remembering how i got there.



2012-01-20 01:59:00 UTC

Part of my thinking on the tether scene is that I wonder if the times that have disconnected us from the cord have left society damaged.
We start our lives connected or tethered if you will with an umbillicle cord. we stay pretty connected to the apron strings and we were never far from reliable adult supervision. Now the times leave a child with overwelming freedom and I myself wonder if a reign in of the ropes that may be too loose.
Think now of what is available on a phone and where that phone can be accessed and used.
As far as walking and talking or pacing, there have been studies that show that busying the brain with mondane helps the brain work better Doodling also helps. This is assuming that you can walk and chew gum at the same time.



2012-01-20 04:09:00 UTC

Hate to say it folks. We're more tethered than ever with cell phones...deep