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2016-01-04 03:00:00 UTC

So my wife and I bought the house we live in in 2010. It came with a cat. TFC.

We were not really looking to adopt any pets at that point. We had a Golden Retriever Mix, some say she was a Duck Toller Retriever but since we adopted her from the pound her background was never really clear to us. We also had a Sharpei-Collie mix we adopted after her 16 year old Black Lab passed and a Calico cat that I had adopted before marrying my wife (Yes, she reminded me of a childhood cat and I caved during an adopt-a-thon).



We lost Ducati, our Sharpei-Mix to cancer back in 2013, later the Calico due to old age and recently, our 14 year old Golden-Mix to a tumor.

This was Ducati's last day before the vet team came to our house to put him to sleep.

Like I said, we were not looking to adopt any more pets but my wife, having a soft heart for pets has been feeding the homeless cat since 2010. So the cat has adopted us. She is legally ours since we pay the county the pet tax and take her to the vet regularly.

When I leave the SD parked in the garage, I usually cover it with a bike cover. Soft on the inside, keeps the bike clean when I'm doing woodworking in the garage. A few months ago I noticed something odd. An indentation on the cover around the seat area. Now we have no kids. Also no kids come to the garage and sit on any of our vehicles. And then, I noticed some cat hair on top of the cover and another time, when I had left the bike uncovered I had hair on top of the seat. Not cool I thought.

Now this cat and I do not have a good relationship. The very few times when she has spent the night inside the house, she wakes us up around 5:00 am wanting a snack. Now this is one loud cat. Her meow can be heard over a lawnmower chopping small branches while carrying a loud stereo and wearing a silencing white noise headset. She is frigging loud.

A few times, I've -cough- encouraged her to go outside by utilizing my lower extremities and the footwear I might be wearing at the time. She has retaliated by urinating on said footwear. I mentioned to my wife and she claims I'm crazy and the cat would never do that. Did I mention I have a better sense of smell than my wife does?

Today, we returned from a weekend away and found this:


That is the space between the bike's tank and left handlebar.

TFC is getting on my last nerve. My sleep, my shoes, my money when it comes to vet bills, but I don't think I can allow her to Fook with my SuperDuke! That's it, I'm moving out.



2016-01-04 03:18:00 UTC

I gotta cat that comes over and hangs out in the garage. In the winter I leave the back door open and make her a bedding of rags and towels laying about the shop. I don't feed the cat but it has no peace at its regular home so the adopted space is more comfortable. I could count on one hand the times it took me to have her learn that the seat of any of my bikes is off limits. She was quite surprised to learn that there were rules in place. It was quite foreign to her the idea that not all places were not put there for cat naps. She'll come into the shop while I'm wrenching and look at seat and I see her brain kick in that the association with leaping unto said seat equates to past severe harsh treatment. I have little time and or patience for pets but we have about the same amount of needs and when we do connect it is pleasurable. She'll hang out at the barbecue pit while I'm reading and drinking and moving bits of meat around and some days she is sight unseen.
The pissing is territorial marking and showing you where your shit belongs, which is nowhere near where the cats feet are at the time. A kick it will fix it with even a stubborn feline. Kick



2016-01-04 07:21:00 UTC

Cats love sleeping where they feel safe and comfortable and usually up off of the floor or ground........and of course on something they own and let you use. You don't own them, they own you and will always let you know where you stand. We have two cats, one that showed up at the window very late the night before my wife and young son were headed to visit his grandparents. My wife was introduced to it the next morning and wanted no part of it as we had just within a few months lost our second Boxer Heidi and two cats that we had for 14 and 16 years. She didn't want to go through another period of the hell and sadness she and our son had just gone through. Our son was all for having another pet and told her (the cat) that he would see her when he got back as it kept following him everywhere he went that morning. He named her Shadow. My wife told me after our son got in the car "it better not be here when we get back". Okay I said and every phone call on every day my son would ask how Shadow was doing, great I said.........