This is a static archive scraped from the now-closed forum. If this archive has helped you at all and you fancy buying me a pint to say thanks, you can do so at

The topic that must not be named..



2012-07-30 21:58:00 UTC

Late, last drunken night, I posted a topic that has been locked down for fairly clear and reasonable reasons. I meant no offence, though if you were offended, tough shit, so what, be offended. The topic had come up in previous posts and I merely wanted to know the opinions of the many people I like and respect on this forum. I know it's a bike forum and had thoughts not been clouded by a certain amount of the Russian stuff I probably wouldn't have posted it. However in my hazed reasoning, I considered that since the topic had come up it would be great to hear peoples views on the matter, some of you may note, I did not put my personal opinion forward but by merely beginning the subject, some clever soul instructed me to seek out Neo-Nazi forums instead and another suggested that 'General banter' should be discontinued, something I heartily hope, never happens. As far as I'm concerned, NO subject should be off limits as long as there is reasoned argument, in the 'Obama bans guns' thread there were some interesting arguments and I certainly gave them thought.
Whilst discussing paedophilia with an old mate he remarked how lucky we are that we're 'normal' and don't fancy children, how hard it must be to try and switch off that most primal urge. That moment has stayed with me, he changed how I viewed the subject and I still consider him my yardstick, in order to be a better person for it. The same, in some way goes for the people on this forum, we have common ground in the love of an amazing bike and massive differences too, in culture, geography, politics and character and that's the beauty of it, that's the power of the internet. The power to change someone's mind, the power to learn something new and embrace knowledge without prejudice. After all, how are we to learn and enlighten our minds for the better if we can't even discuss it, without assumptions. I understand that this may not be the place for it but it keeps cropping up, in my mind that makes it worthy of discussion. From such debate we might get thunderous cerebration but skies are always clearest after the storm's passed, however, to censor a deliberation, consigns it to the dark and it becomes the topic that must not be named and that my friends, leads to Orwellian nightmares of religious proportions..

Now this chap's a mind changer..



2012-07-31 00:47:00 UTC

At the risk of getting all chummy, well done mate.
Reasoned debate on any topic is a must to learn and grow.
Knee jerk reactions and the associated insults do no-one any justice.
On the subject of peadophilia...
Have you ever noticed that peadophiles often have beards and wear glasses?

What do you think it is about beards and glasses that kids find so attractive?



2012-07-31 03:14:00 UTC

I don't have a beard or glasses.

In before the lock.



2012-07-31 07:37:00 UTC

I'm sure the majority of users on here CAN be sensible about such a sensitive subject. But its so easy for things to turn nasty when discussing religion.

With such a multicultural love of our beloved Superduke spanning the world; this forum will no doubt attract people with very strong opinions from all different communities/countries on religion as well.

I have no strong opinions on any religion but I think that this forum is not the place to discuss it.

Dan for one thing I know that nobody would hold anything against you for trying to open up a healthy debate, just not on this..

This thread will no doubt get locked too, which I think is correct as well.



2012-07-31 08:02:00 UTC

So far the thread hasn't been flagged by anyone and nothing has been posted that leaves mods/forum in a difficult position regarding the law. Although have no doubt that anything posted on a public forum can have the long arm of the law breathing down your/our necks. Only this morning a 17 year old has been arrested for a post on the UK diver Tom Daley's Twitter. You may think your freedom of speech is worth arguing for but I can assure you we (mods) have no interest in having to answer police questions so you can defend your "rights". I know its a remote possibility but it just takes one person to take offence and inform the police and race/religion hate laws are being heavily enforced these days. As stated before if you want a debate about religion/race take it to a debating forum because it doesn't belong here. Its 100% guaranteed that if one starts here it will eventually descend into insults and arguments, people will be offended and potentially leave the forum for something that has fook all to do with bikes.

I'm guessing its only a matter of time before someone says something that gets the thread locked if it continues to attract posts. Don't be offended if it does, the mods duty is to protect the forum and the majority of its users, not the freedom of speech rights of one or two individuals. Rant over.



2012-07-31 10:19:00 UTC

I like the video Dan posted about being offended and also the Amsterdam part since we regularly hear about drunk, stoned or just dumb tourists falling in the canals

The problem with internet discussions is in a lot of cases you don't see the smile on someones face when he/she says it. A joke gets offensive or racist and unfortunately religion is a (too) sensitive subject for some.
As long as everybody agrees to disagree on certain points and respects that, there shouldn't be any problems I'd say.

I don't know about the laws in the UK/US when it comes to saying offensive things over the net but in the Netherlands this isn't a big deal so I can't say much about closing topics.



2012-07-31 10:23:00 UTC

Heard a very funny peado joke last month, better not post it though as I am now back in the land of fear and repression



2012-07-31 10:35:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-07-31 11:24:00 UTC

It seems odd that we can have a civillised disscusion on gun control from all over the world, with informed, intelligent views that we (I at least) learn from, and yet as soon as any type of religion is involved, the intelligence goes right out the window.

The main thing that really gets my goat is that a car company... MAZDA... has stolen the name of MY god and put it up for sale like some cheap harlot!
We Zoroastrians are quietly gathering in secret to strike bake at this great injustice! You crazy Japanese car makers have gotten too much mileage out of my god.
This is all fuel for my righteous fire!

You wouldnt see someone driving around in a Yaweh, buddha, Allah, Jehovah or Vishnu would you!!!



2012-07-31 13:05:00 UTC

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2012-07-31 14:13:00 UTC

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2012-07-31 15:08:00 UTC

I would think that if someone is likely to get sand in their mangina, they are better off not posting in a thread like this.



2012-07-31 19:13:00 UTC

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2012-07-31 20:32:00 UTC

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2012-07-31 21:06:00 UTC

I know I'm getting all mushy again, but I think its a mark of the overall intelligence and maturity of this forum that these topics can even be raised, let alone discussed.
Maybe because this is such a small forum that the idiot ratio is lower than normal.
Don't get me wrong, I like to stir, bait, and hang shit with the best of them, but discussion on any topic with people you respect is a good thing.
In saying that, it is easy to type and post something you later regret, I've had to edit my PVM post because of that, so I'm guilty of being a knee jerk



2012-07-31 21:32:00 UTC

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2012-07-31 21:48:00 UTC

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2012-07-31 21:53:00 UTC

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2012-08-01 00:15:00 UTC

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2012-08-01 00:59:00 UTC

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2012-08-01 01:13:00 UTC

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2012-08-01 01:18:00 UTC

I am not too knowledgeable about countries whose names end in stan.
I would have thought that one would be hard pressed to find one that is socialist let alone many.
I would also venture to guess that the countries that end in stan would have an abundance of rifles that have high capacity magazine clips. Stan may need to be replaced with and.
Hell, Uzbekistan even has Uzi in it.



2012-08-01 02:04:00 UTC

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2012-08-01 02:19:00 UTC

I don't even have a sticker



2012-08-01 08:08:00 UTC

Link removed so as not to report the truth.



2012-08-01 08:15:00 UTC

This is slowly straying exactly where predicted



2012-08-01 08:55:00 UTC



2012-08-01 09:32:00 UTC

Welcome to the new world order.



2012-08-01 09:51:00 UTC

Hillbilly, remove it mate, please? The idea of having two threads blocked fills me with dread...



2012-08-01 12:39:00 UTC

I heard a really funny joke about them M*****s last night, its a killer....... hmmm... shall I.....



2012-08-01 13:11:00 UTC




2012-08-01 13:15:00 UTC ... z22IgyJZu9
Jailed for hate crime-hoolianism
Many members of the church say forgive and forget. Trouble is now with the government and Putin.
Five months so far for a skit and a song.
My God Has feelings
They happen to be the exact same as mine.
You discuss me, I get Disgusted.

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2012-08-01 14:28:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-08-01 14:41:00 UTC

The link isn't a problem. I could find you several similar links every day from our own Daily Mail or the more correct title Daily Fail. Race, religion, immigration ect are incredibly emotive subjects. People tend to have strong opinions on one side or the other. This leads to misunderstandings, arguments and finally someone telling someone to "go f*ck themselves" and we potentially lose a member or members over a stupid discussion that its said never to bother discussing at a dinner party. The legal issue is when someone starts making hateful remarks about said subject, people/faith ect. Whether you like it or not that is the law here in the UK anyway.

Personally I can't really see the point of the thread continuing. Ronin made his apology but its kinda just discussing the subject without actually saying it. I'm not locking it but just don't really see the point of it.



2012-08-01 19:24:00 UTC

Where have lax immigration policies gotten your country or mine?

Better off in the last 50 years or worse?