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Unmarked Police Bikes......

The Gin Reaper

The Gin Reaper

2011-07-02 15:33:00 UTC

Just a precautionary word to my fellow brethren of the SD....... Mods feel free to move this if needs be to somewhere more appropriate.

This information came to me from a reliable source and whilst i don't want to start a thread bashing the various police forces of the UK I thought you gents really ought to know. (Superdan i would be interested in your input into this....)

We have all heard about the unmarked police bikes that are prowling about and i think it has been quite widely reported that they are tagging onto the back of groups of bikers and attempting to perhaps goad them into pushing on, resulting in lots of lovely paperwork, bollockings and points on licenses! However the latest tactic (which was coincidently being talked about by two of the Police bikers concerned and was overheard) Is to approach bikers at some of the weekly meets and ask if they can tag along on a groups ride out or home........ Once out on the road with their new friend in tow the group of bikers will be in for one hell of a shock. They will be in plain clothes/ bike gear on unmarked bikes with only a radio.......

You have been warned......

....... so much time and effort spent on such a minority of people, could their imaginative/ slightly underhand approaches not be used to catch some proper villains?



2011-07-02 15:46:00 UTC

fooking bastards. Utter fooking bastards. Go and catch real crims FFS!!



2011-07-02 16:06:00 UTC

That sounds more like an undercover operation to me



2011-07-02 16:49:00 UTC

That is a sneak attack......what a low life
Go get areal criminal



2011-07-02 17:11:00 UTC

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That really is taking the fooking piss. So basically anyone looking to ride out with some one they don't know will get told to do one.

I wonder if you asked them if they are police they would have to say yes?



2011-07-02 17:53:00 UTC

Post missing.

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2011-07-02 19:02:00 UTC

I have heard about this. Kent and Sussex are really at the forefront of stealth camera bikes and most of the youtube footage and headline grabbing prison sentences are all from around here.

When on a rideout we have had a unmarked bike try to entrap us along the Appledore straights. We were all parked up waiting for one guy to fill up at Breznet services when stealth filth came along, he had no reason to suspect we had been or were about to speed. So he turns left at the roundabout, but then tried to sneakily double back through the housing estate as we moved off. Luckily I was leading and half expected this so I pulled in again and he had to continue. Then we followed that despicable cunt all though Appledore before he pulled into a cul de sac where two fully marked police bikes just happened to be waiting. Who on this earth would go out riding his black fireblade reg GL06ALO, probably call himself a biker yet spend his entire working life trying to get other bikers huge fines and prison sentences? What a total cunt.

I stopped riding with the local IAM group which had several coppers in it. I have seen these guys totally disregard all traffic laws just as much as we do and they claim they dont operate the camera bikes. I am not so sure, the things dont ride themselves. I dont spend any money any more with Rapid Training either, I used to get out with them at least once per year. They are all firmly of the 'one rule for me and another for the rest of you' school of thought. I have no problem at all with Superdan, he is deffo one of us and therefore just as likely to get busted as we are.

I also ride loads less on the roads than I used to, approk 14k per annum down to about 3k per annum. For me it just isnt worth the risk. I also only ride with guys I know. In the current climate any new biker, on a sports bike with a tank bag, asking to tag along is likely to get told to fook off, not friendly but better than ending up like that frog with a chimp fooking it in prison.



2011-07-02 21:52:00 UTC

I think thats a welsh one .




2011-07-02 22:33:00 UTC

^^^ That's what you've got to watch out for. They will never be wearing multi-coloured riding gear. Pretty much always in black with a plain white helmet.



2011-07-02 22:36:00 UTC

Well answering Gin's Q that certainly is not in any practice direction I have ever read, and find the idea of it a bit agent provocateur, trust me there are traffic cops who would do their own granny ... ice-circus.


Police circus.

Thought I share with some of you a recent experience I had with the police, I'm not one for bitching about the police but this fat, self important w@nker just pissed me off.

I was merrily tearing up some of my local A & B roads around Hungerford and Marlborough when I met a traffic cop car coming in the other direction. I backed off to keep the noise down, sat up to look as calm and innocent as possible and glided past with my halo glowing and wings fluttering. I could see in my mirror PC F*cknuggett braking, pulling a U-turn obviously to give chase. Knowing I was approaching a village and awaiting my impending tug, I stuck to 30mph and sure as shit the blue flash and blip of the siren, I was pulled over.

PC F*cknuggett in his most arrogant, pompous, wankerish tone read me the usual riot about safety, speed, how many families he'd how to tell about their dead relative blah blah blah. Then tried his up-most to get me to admit my high speed and accept a fixed penalty notice. No thanks love.
This argument went on for about 20 long minutes but I knew he had no evidence and without an admission he couldn't do me for f*ck all other than being better looking than him. In a bid to find fault his mate decided to go over every detail of me and the bike. All legal, thank you very much (baffles still in from recent MOT)

So then they shuffled over to their police car, had a quick word in each others ears before before walking over to me, taking hold of my arms before declaring
"due to the nature of your riding and THE TYPE OF BIKE YOU ARE RIDING I am detaining you and your bike for a full search at the police station under section 4 of the terrorism act"

What. The. F*ck.

2 hours I was stuck in the police station, stripped searched, poked and prodded as well as the bike before being sent on my way. How the f*ck is this legal and why are some policemen such utter, power hungry pricks?

Moral of the story: Tuono = Terrorist.

P.S PC Dawes (PC F*cknuggett) you are a fat c**t.



2011-07-02 23:04:00 UTC

I have been stopped twice by unmarked cars . Once for a good long wheelie down the A40 on a 929 fireblade from the lights at park royal up the hill round the slight bend towards hanger lane .He asked me what exactly the fook I thought i was doing . I pleaded tempoary insanity due to saturday morning first sunny day fever .... He gave me a very long loud red faced vein bulging telling off then he threw my keys into the bushes at the side of the road ,then he drove off with his buddy and left me hunting through Mcds wrappers and coffee cups for my keys . No ticket )) .
Second time was on the M6 on my first ZX7R I had been sitting behind a Saab that was hogging the outside lane for aaages despite nothing on the other 2 lanes . So I moved right in to the inside lane dropped it 2 gears and went supersonic backed off once clear of saab . Then I see very fast appraoching blues from behind ... Turns out the black car that was waiting behind me behind the saab was a V6 turbo vectra unmarked cop car . He invited me in to the car for a veiwing of my riding skilz .. 137mph and a fine undertake manover .. He did not really seem to bothered and more wanted to know what rear shock I had and other mods as he reckoned mine was faster than his . I told him all he has to do is go to the isle of Man thrash the tits out it ,come home, notice a lack of power, take it to a dyno for remediation therapy , drop a valve at full revs on the dyno , spend a fooking fortune on full fancy engine rebuild ,more dyno time .. et voila . He laughed tells me to keep it around 90mph told me to enjoy the rest of my ride and away I went .



2011-07-03 06:11:00 UTC

There were loads of cases in the news of the met using anti terrorism legislation for stop and search where there was not even a hint of it being terrorist related. I think it was well into the thousands. I thought they had put a stop to that now



2011-07-03 06:55:00 UTC

Post missing.

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2011-07-03 09:42:00 UTC

The wank pit I saw on the fireblade in Kent had a silver shoei with red graphics on it. First time I have seem one without a plain white lid. He was in plain black leathers and no kneesiders on a plain black firebalde with a tank bag.

A guy on PB. forum got done by Kent Police on an unmarked blue /white GSXR1000K9. How many of those are there about? Some forces are getting S1000RR's. They also have most every unmarked car you can think of including a S max people carrier which come with blacked out rear windows.

I suspect that around here the police will stoop to any deceit to try to criminalise motorcyclists



2011-07-03 10:02:00 UTC

here in the midlands they havnt really caught on to the undercover bike bit yet, undercover cars however are everywhere!!!!

On the M6 stretch between Birmingham and Coventry alone you will see -

Blue 5 series BMW
Silver 5 Series BMW
Dark met green 5 series BMW (driven by a blonde female)
Several Ford Focus STs
Green Audi A6
Silver Saab saloon
Black Jaguar XF
Silver Ford people carrier thingy

And there just the ones i can think of off the top of my head

The Gin Reaper

The Gin Reaper

2011-07-03 10:35:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-07-03 11:40:00 UTC

M3 between London and Southampton has the usual unmarked skoda octavia and a volvo estate both dark blue . But the sneaky one is the bright chavtastic orange ford focus rs .



2011-07-03 13:41:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-07-03 15:00:00 UTC

No one's having a go at you or decent coppers Superdan. This kind of policy does nothing to aid public/police relations. They can afford to buy shiny new bikes and kit to catch bikers but funding for the last stolen bikes squad has been terminated. It makes me fooking sick.



2011-07-03 16:15:00 UTC

I think it depends where you live and where you ride and also how you ride,
10 years ago I used to live in Bedfordshire and when one good road became popular with bikes the traffic Nazi`s moved in with all the sneaky tactics, they even had a helicopter out on some Sundays!
The bikes kept coming and getting nicked, some of them real twats who deserved everything they got!
The only thing to do for those with common sense was to avoid the route, the police are only responding to the numbers of bikes, the noise, the accidents, complaints from the locals, know what the bikes keep coming...........
I have since moved to Norfolk, much quieter roads,very few cameras and almost no traffic police, the police you do meet are quite relaxed about bikes,
There are some great roads to and best of all I have not seen any of the twats around!
So if you know where the traffic Nazi`s are its easy, dont go there



2011-07-03 16:49:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-07-04 07:24:00 UTC

As Captain Mainwaring once observed, "That's just the sort shabby, underhand, nazi trick, you've got watch out for."....
From the point fo view of the forces concerned this kind of tactic is likely to loose them friends and alienate people.



2011-07-04 15:08:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-07-04 17:25:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-07-04 17:36:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-07-04 19:00:00 UTC

There's a black BMW K1200s or 1300s that goes up & down the A12, I've seen him at petrol stations near Colchester. White helmet, radio aerials on back of bike.
The time I got caught by an unmarked car I was told I should have spotted the extra lights in the rear window ... do they all still have those?



2011-07-04 19:06:00 UTC

Just a thought.....

Mate of mine has a mrs who works in the dept that processes fixed penalty speeding tickets. Round here apparently any fixed penalty notices returned as not at this address are just shredded as they don’t have the resources to follow them up. It just gets dropped.

Can’t guarantee it’s like that everywhere but it would have saved me a few quid and some hassle had I asked her before replying!!

Don’t blame me if it makes things worse!!



2011-07-04 19:37:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-07-04 19:51:00 UTC

Thanks for that Superdan ,.. a laugh and some advice



2011-07-04 20:22:00 UTC

When i did a lot of motorway miles back in the 90s I always used to look for the 2nd mirror on the windscreen for the passenger. Saved me a lot of points that little trick. Maybe they don't use them anymore?



2011-07-05 03:24:00 UTC

Do you guys not have entrapment laws? Seems to me if your baiting someone on an unmarked bike, or car for that matter, to commit a traffic violation that's F'ed up. And speed cameras? That's just plain bullshit too. I know Arizona has them, but are doing away with them.



2011-07-05 05:53:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-07-05 05:56:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-07-05 11:48:00 UTC

North Yorks police have just set up a new zero tolerance team comprising of...... 2x BMW 1000RR in race colours, Silver Hyabusa, Blue and white big bang R1, Fireblade in HRC colours..... all brand new bikes, nice to see where the North Yorks police budget is going!!!!!



2011-07-05 12:37:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-07-05 13:24:00 UTC

I have seen one of the North yorks RR's , it even has the motorsport paint , TC and QS the cheeky twats,

Incidentally I was on the cat and fiddle the other week when a gentleman asked me and my son if he could follow us to check out his go pro new equipment , he suggested he was an IAMS instructor, my son promptly told him to fook off!! , so nice post thanks for heads up