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Wales Tour 21st - 25th April



2011-03-10 10:37:00 UTC

I posted this in the ride out section but I'm posting it here as well as more people will see it, spread the joy and all that......

Some of the best roads in the UK are in Wales and I'm planning to go ride them on the SD between April 21st and 25th. Will probably start in the south and head north taking in several good roads I already know and hopefully finding lots of new ones along the way. I may book the Anglesey track day on the 25th to finish the trip off although I haven’t decided on this yet.

Looks like a couple of my mates are coming along. One rides a Boonville and will be bringing his woman, others if they come will be on various sportsbikes. If anybody fancies joining us for some or all of the trip they would be welcome. The general itinerary will be a bit of cruising, some scratching (not the Bonny obviously!) some lounging about and in the evenings lots of scoff and beer.

Should be a fun few days and will be my first run out this year. If you have any recomendations for good roads to run or if the idea is making you smile post here or PM me and we can arrange meeting points etc.



2011-03-17 14:00:00 UTC

Quick update.

21st ends in Cardigan, 22nd Harlec and then we will be based in Betwys for a couple of nights.

Any one who fancies a bit of two wheeled adventure or some beer drinking in the evenings sould feel free to join the fun.

I don't think I will do the track day as I don't want to wear the leather romper suit for four days and it would take up all the luggage space in the single small bag I'm taking. I' sure a few wheelies and some riding off the edge of the tyres will take place anyway Lets fope for fair weather.