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We're doomed



2012-06-22 23:36:00 UTC

I've seen a lot of shit in my 48 years on this planet, lots of stupidity, recklessness and death. I've scraped pieces of dead bodies off railroad tracks, almost ran over a corpse on the freeway because it was so disfigured I thought it was a bag of garbage, and saved a few lives as well, but what I saw today finally convinced me that the human race is doomed.

I saw a young girl, perhaps 12 years old, riding her bike, dangerously close to the double yellow and on the wrong side of the road, while, . . .
talking on the fooking cell phone.

Where would such a young mind get the idea that talking on a cell while riding a bicycle is OK? Probably from her stupid fooking mother that drives her gas guzzling SUV while talking on the phone.

Every day I see a new PSA about the danger of talking / texting while driving. The latest is a kid that got in an accident and is profoundly retarded because he was in an accident while texting. But, no matter how many PSAs are shown, no matter how many laws are passed, this little girl provided the quintessential proof that you cannot legislate stupidity away. They can pass all the no talking while operating a motor vehicle laws they want, but the stupid fooks will continue to be stupid fooks and they will raise stupid fooking children. So, we are doomed.




2012-06-22 23:56:00 UTC




2012-06-23 00:10:00 UTC

Tommorrow's another day. If you ride in the space between the double yellow it's cool cause it dont belong to either side.
You need a unicycle or else the bars are over the line.
I was fortyeight when I started using the word doomed too.
It gets worse, wait till you start thinking if you found the delete button you would push it. That's when you truely believe, if it aint over it should be



2012-06-23 07:51:00 UTC



2012-06-23 14:15:00 UTC

People here in Mass are in quite the same mindset,,,dumb as a bucket of horse shoe's,,rusty one's at that,,,around rush hour , women in their SUV's on the cell, on a mission, 10-15 over the limit,, they don't look,, they don't care,, just get out of my way



2012-06-23 18:42:00 UTC

hi all
emm seems to be the more money they have the more dangerous they get.
i used to spend ages with the kids making them look right left right before they ventured into the road when they were little .
little bit of knowledge goes a long way , i cringe seeing children walking along side mum or dad roadside .
only a week back going to work on the duke ,car in front wandering about 55 mph . when clear i decided to go past , stupid woman was eating a sarnie one hand , bag on lap,other hand holding wheel and texting same time .
rant over and i hope i never see the stupid ******** again.



2012-06-23 23:29:00 UTC

I was behind a guy at a stop sign here in Miami the other day who stalled his motorcycle, because he was texting when he pulled up to the stop and his phone was in his left hand.
He then laid the phone sorta in his lap, restarted he bike and idled across the intersection in first gear.

Because he had picked his phone back up and couldn't shift.

Across the intersection, just above walking speed, staring down at his phone.

See people do it on scooters here all the time, easier I guess with no clutch.



2012-06-24 01:33:00 UTC

Hey Maddog you better get used to it. I work at a school and see the youth of tomorrow and it scares me big time.
Don't get me wrong there are some great kids but its just like its them vs us.
The thing is because of all the do-gooders there are no consequences for your actions any more.
I have seen the cops at times on the street with younger people playing up and they just tell the cops to get F"d and even chuck stuff at them. The cops cant do anything so what hope have teachers got?
By the way I'm not a teacher thank God!



2012-06-24 01:56:00 UTC

I've seen a teacher correcting papers while driving and cell phoning.



2012-06-24 03:25:00 UTC

Natural Selection is at work everywhere, with the exception of us. Consider this... we are the result of thousands of years of NS. We are the end result of the weeding out of the weak, substandard, ill-equipped units of our species. What happened to the Neanderthal? He couldn't compete/adapt. He's gone. The strong/intelligent survive... it's the way of our planet. I see it daily in the forest in which I reside. Spend some time on a farm and watch NS at work.

In the last 100 years or so, humans have managed the cheat Mother Nature. NS is now almost a non-factor in our evolution. And as they say... You can't cheat Mother Nature.

We're gonna pay for our cheating... somewhere down the line!



2012-06-24 10:00:00 UTC

We have too many idiots roaming around on this planet but unfortunately with all this PC bullsh!t it is the good people that bite the dust.
Remind me of that movie where in the beginning all the idiots have like 20 kids and all the smart people only a few, all there will be left in a few decades is dummies.
If we still around in a few hundred years they will surely call this the age of idiots.



2012-06-24 17:03:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-07-17 03:59:00 UTC

'Cause fn going anywhere on this site..
I thought I'd play in a post here...some good replies..
And I gotta say..I thought id seen it all..thought I lived
The worse of what we were as children..and doing dumb
Ass shit..txting while riding a motorcycle is about as stupid a
thought as it gets..and seeing it on YouTube..



2012-07-17 04:13:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-07-17 04:18:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-07-17 04:59:00 UTC

damn...something to look forward to...IF
it happens while we're still alive...



2012-07-17 05:14:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-08-29 18:19:00 UTC

The world has gone mad.I have lost 3 friends in 2 months all young.None of them in bad shape mid forty's .One bro did not feel well went to the doc heart attack right there while waiting died on the spot. Did not smoke worked out . Another riding his bike and an old lady who was so old she should have been able to drive t-boned him he never had a chance.Minum insurance .Now 2 kids will never see there father again.
My one good friend strong as an ox never had any signs just was hard to take a dump.They opened him up stage 4 cancer He worked with me and was going to be hired full time another week he would have insurance. When the company found out the did not put him at full time so now he has nothing and all his co workers had to take a collection just so a pain doctor would see him . Money up front or no doctor. Now they say he is not worth spending the money on since he is gonna die.I can't imanagne the pain he has I had back surgery 3 discs replaced and I thought I was gonna die.

He is 42 and no one gives a crap because the state is broke giving all the money to people that came hear with nothing and are living off welfare
He was born here worked his whole life paid taxes and can't get help.
It's not right Ok I get it he is gonna die don't spend a million to try to save him becausw they can't. but can't they make his last days pain free as much as possible? And the company running away when they found out he was sick.
It all about the dollar one more week he would have full insurance and been well taken care of now he is at his home waiting to die. They told his girlfriend try to make him comfertable. WTF. She got hired full time and has insurance but if they get married and she ads him she will be stuck with all the bills they say 250grand . She will lose the house they have kids.
This make me so sick I just want to puke. Bottom line we are on our own. If don't have health insurance and are not a bum or know how to work the system your fooked.
You can work for a company for 20 years and as soon as they think they might have to pay out because your old your gone.
This is the real world now the new normal It's called extra board work for years below 30 hours a week and they don't have to pay you the benifits.
Saves them money so the big wigs get their bonus.
It's wrong No American should have to die this way.While others that have never given the system a dollor get a free ride.
Rant over



2012-08-29 18:57:00 UTC

Post missing.